

A girl with an abusive past and a caliginous origin stumbles upon a gateway of another world. She is then challenged emotionally as she's forced to face and carry a responsibility only she can carry, the destruction of this world in the hands of the Demon Queen slowly arise, and of sweat and blood she must reclaim the world before it succumbs to it's rule. Kurisutarumajishan shares similar elements and insignias of other medias. I do not own these elements and terms as it is a merely a representation of them in my written world.

Veda_Nadleeh · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Kurisutarumajishan Chapter XII: Butchers and Cleavers

Tatsuriko Anahana. She's an exemplary student despite her rugged appearance, and despite her academics, she decided to become an adventurer. I can't blame her, the exploration of the unknown is something that we Humans, Elves and Demons do wonder about. It was unfortunate, that the profession she wanted had a different meaning in the present.

Anahana's studies were halted abruptly, this was due to another breakout of war within our territories. It's been quite a while since the initial fight against the Demon Army, about ten years since then actually. The children then took two more years of education before everything fell apart, Anahana was 17 then when she held a sword and had killed her first Demon.

At that time, we were really low on men, the front lines were dwindling in numbers the more they tried to push forward. It was thanks to the Demon General Taurturia that we had a hard time sending troops into the front lines too, and even if they'd make it pass through the defensive, there's still Hanagura's FOB and General Zakurello's past that. Those were the only Generals we've identified in their ranks, and we're pretty sure there's more within their motherland.

There was a program that was passed by the King. It was to recruit those who were already within their mid-course towards being an adventurer, the kids were 18 of age then. Anahana was one of them.

It was sad to see these children fight for us, but we really had no choice. There were about 200 that were recruited from the schools within the inner rings, and 350 within the second ring. Anahana was part of the latter, she chose to use a zweihander then because it was a weapon that she was familiar with, and quite proficient with that in my opinion.

She lived within the second ring's subdivisions that were close to the final inner wall. Her initial squadron worked with the Staglia IVB to the east side of the kingdom, the same one that needed heavy artillery against the Golems. Anahana was quite the fighter for someone that young, not to mention, quite the leader, she's led her group better than the veteran we assigned them…

It was during that time that she rose to where she was now, and has kept rising since. The healer, Minase Haruko, was stationed with Anahana's group during a retreat, their manpower had lessened then, and the golems had started to appear beside the demons, so the call for high powered artillery slowly became prominent within this sector.

The wave managed to defeat most of Anahana's force, but she herself wasn't backing down. There were about 20 of those Onis, and about 10 of the foot soldiers left when Anahana stood last. I'm still quite surprised and to be honest, terrified when I heard that they were alive, no one wasn't capable of such feat, especially for someone who's still so young.

Galahad, the kingdom's strongest knight was sent to the area to see what's left of the sector, this was way before he was sent to the frontlines with the other kingdoms. He never told us what he saw but, he did tell us that both Anahana and Haruko were recovered from the frontlines without any form of injury or exhaustion. I suspected that they had help from someone else, but there wasn't really anyone else there, nor was there a presence other than Haruko and Anahana.

We've examined her after that encounter, to make sure they were both okay. The records showed nominal results without any changes within their bodily systems, they were also energetic and well stable enough to confront another attack from the enemy. The kingdom's Magi Council, however were curious, and sought to send an Appraiser to inspect their Auras and their Flares, and from this we learned that Anahana was endowed with the Aura "Blood Lust".

From the words of the Appraiser, it was an Aura that allowed the host to become next to invulnerable whenever blood is spilt on the weapon the host uses, their endurance, speed and strength can grow to inhuman heights the more the sword has, "eaten through" it's target. This was done by making the sword the medium that the Aura uses as a mouth, what's frightening about this is that there's no limit where it stops eating blood.

We asked Anahana about this, and it was concerning that she didn't know that she has that Aura. We searched around the documentations of their family to see if there was any sort of hint as to how such a powerful Aura came to her, and to our dismay, we couldn't find a trace. None of her family members, nor relatives were even close to the Aura she had, there were fire users, water benders and all the sorts, one even had the Aura to control metal. We took the approach of them being a low lying cult, but there's no evidence for that.

We had stopped prying from her personal affairs, considering that she had already lost her parents, we didn't want to bother about her past as much. We retracted the investigation, and allowed her to continue her journey to become an Adventurer. She was sent to be taught within Talius' batch of students, the next thing we knew she already has an unnamed Adventurer Cell, she was gone from the military just like that. Though, she occasionally does come along for some skirmishes… Though, had mostly gone off with her cell.


I write this in hopes that after this war ends, it would be the last I draw my breath. My name is Tatsuriko Anahana, and I'm the leader of a small Adventurer Cell.

This notebook will serve as my records that I have existed, that someone like has existed at some point. This will also serve as my cell's record book.

Entry 10:

Haruko's injuries were superficial. We've managed to survive another wave out here in the outpost. I don't think there's enough food around here, I might start eating some demon meat. That is, if Haruko lets me.

Entry 18:

That's another horde of golems gone, the Demon army seems to never run out of these. These golems are quite high quality with the stone they used, I mean, they do live near a volcano. Maybe they have a literal mines of just this, that's quite terrifying to think about. Haruko is doing well, she's gotten used to things around here.

Entry 29:

We just met up with Tanjirou, things have been hectic around the kingdom, the frontline returned with the injured, and they're in deep shit. A lot of guys are getting their stuff repaired, good thing I managed to repair mine. I also had a staff made for Haruko, she seems to like it.

Entry 32:

Apparently those twins are back in town again. We warned by those gate knights about them, they apparently love explosions. They might be a perfect addition to my cell, Haruko seems content with just us, but we won't be moving forward with just two members.

Entry 35: (The page and some others are burnt at the edges, otherwise, it looked okay)

We've fought them, they were quite the pain in the ass. Haruko managed to stay safe, which is good enough for me. I had to deal with third degree burns, but Haruko took care of them for me. The brigade took those two away for questioning, apparently they aren't happy with how they fight demons with explosive potions.

I can see why they're mad.

Entry 40:

The twins were given a pass, they gave them to us because the other Knight squads were scared shitless. To think I'd have two of the kingdom's best arsons on my cell, it must be heaven. It's good for the team too I guess, Haruko won't be stuck with just me anymore.

Entry 45:

It was arduous, but I talked some sense to them. They seem to grow closer to us now, which is good. I can see why everyone's scared of them, and why they want to be with someone to protect themselves from them.

They're good people, twisted, but good, to say the least.

Entry 50

The cell has gained a reputation of being violent and aggressive. That's good, in my eyes anyways. The twins and the lot of us have bonded well now, those two are quite enjoyable to be around with, putting their violent tendencies beside. They've also soften towards us, which is good, I don't want them to be that stiff and scary all the time. Haruko's healing has grown since I've met her, if we need to move far forward into the frontline she'd be of great help. \

Entry 62

There have been rumors up top, they seem to have found something but I'm not sure what. We've finally gotten our own Assassin, though we just snagged him from his burning home he was apparently gifted with Illusionary Auras. He's a bit shy, and a bit unskilled as of now. I'll have to wait for him to grow his skills before I let him run through the walls to hear the rumors. That, or I just wait until something comes up.

Entry 72 (The writing seems to be scuffed, drawn and written with a shaking hand. The page is also damaged from small burns.)

We ot ambushed p etty well, I don't think the deons managed an ary this big. We borely got out of that situatoon, it's a good thing that Fretzer managed to kill the leadr befor it escaoped.

Eveyon is fien, we're going to taej a brrk for now.

Entry 74

I had just been briefed of a new mission, it's seems important enough that my cell has been assigned to go recover it. The gist is that it's some sort of weapon or thing that can help finish this war, I hope it's a brand new set of swords, I don't think my Monoliths can handle more battle.

I just had it repaired though, so it's probably fine for a few more engagements. We're getting ready now, and with this, I hope the war is over.

Entry 78

We're nearing the area where they wanted us to go to. I can't stop thinking about our mission here… Would we really have the capability of doing this once we have this package? Just this trip to the ruins would help us plow through their horde just like that I… I can't- I don't think this is just it… I feel like there should be more to this…

Whatever it should be, or might be… It's worth a shot I suppose…

Entry 84

We've met our "package".. and to say the least, it wasn't an object… But a person.

I'm unsure how to take care of this, I'm not really sure of it all. Things would be shaky from here on out, I'm sure it'll be difficult, but let's try this one time.

Entry 89 (The page has quite the burn damage, unlike others that had little damage. Most of the pages onward are quite burnt in differing levels of damage and small text where fitted to them.)

For her first battle, Natsuki who had just woken a few hours, a few days, had managed to injure a Demon General… It's satisfying to see progress… But what is this weight on my chest..

Entry 94

My cell… Has survived a haphazard onslaught towards the Demon General…

I'm exhausted from the pain and the fighting, I think from that whole battle.. Natsuki took more hits than I did… I'm supposed to protect her but.. it's hard to be in that mindset when Natsuki can summon beams of light from her arm like that.

I'm finding it hard to believe my situation right about now.. I really don't know what I should do or rather, what I can do…

I feel outdated.


The following pages, is written without an entry number. It seems that it's a section that is not included within the logs for the cell, rather it was a personal account from the captain herself.

"For quite a while, I've stood as one of the pillars that held the resistance homewards, we're losing men by the bulk and I'm not sure whether my cell can handle the onslaught at the front lines.

I found it… Hard. To comprehend the power Natsuki holds. Truth be told I'm used to people talking about our cell, and how it's currently the most powerful they have on hand.. we are, but after seeing what she's capable of I'm… Quite lost."

A quite detailed sketch, of Natsuki was drawn bellow the paragraph, it depicted her with her crystallized right arm, as well as her shield. A small note at the bottom of the picture said "Natsuki, with her bodily augmented weapon".

"Natsuki's form of offense and Defense.. it comes from her body, I don't think it's an augmentation, but it seems like it… I really don't know how she can generate that much energy with her body alone I- I want to understand but I feel scared… For the first time, I fear something that may take my life in an instant and it's not my enemy, the Demon Queen but one of our own…"

A sketch of Natsuki was drawn, Anahana's depiction was soft and warm, she captured Natsuki's sober demeanor when she feels light. Looking at her sketch, Anahana can feel her heart slowly beat faster, slowly beating deeper.

"I don't know what I should feel… A soft and sweet girl like her carrying that burden, that power.. I can feel her suffering inside and I want to help her but what if I get in between the crossfire? What if I won't be able to control her? What should I do?

This pounding in my heart, I don't know if this is fear of failure or my emotions towards Natsuki.. impossible… I couldn't feel that… Not anymore…"

Another sketch of Natsuki was drawn after this, it was with a shield this time, her shield that had shown polish despite her limited experience in combat.

"I need to get myself together, there's no way I'll be able to lead them in this sorry state. I need to clear my mind, the shit's getting into me I need to get that out.

Haruko is mad at me right now, I said something I shouldn't… That's completely my bad.. I have to show I care…"

"How do you do that again…"

Anahana closed the notebook before she looked up, finding that her cell has started to arrange their carriages in preparation for their journey. She regrouped with her cell and talked to Haruko before going out to find Natsuki.

"You should apologize to Natsuki" Haruko said as they walked towards Natsuki's area.

"I.. I should…"Anahana responded, she looked down, regret filling her heart as she clasped her pocket with her notebook. "I shouldn't have said it…"

"Do it quickly, it might affect her in the future" Haruko said, looking at Natsuki and glances at Anahana. "She's really fragile, she's soft, then she's sober, then she's going wild in the battlefield. You know it more than her, teach her alright?"

She nodded, before walking out first out of the treeline. Natsuki showed her her new armour to everyone, and Haruko presented her plan with the crew, and to everyone's surprise she wanted to attempt to negotiate.

As Natsuki and Haruko took the lead, Anahana trotted her stead just up front of the convoy, she took her notebook and started writing.

"I… Have not apologized to Natsuki… I need to, I need to do it.

We'll be moving towards the next FOB, for an attempt on a negotiation. I know as much that some of these demons don't want this war, I don't want it either but I'm still banking on the idea that this will work.

I have to guide Natsuki, this will be our final push towards the end."

She closed the notebook and kept it on her coat. She held the reigns and signaled for the others to catch up with Natsuki and Haruko.

"Let's make this work shall we?" Anahana, raising her fist.

Tanjirou, Fitz, Reagan and Junko did the same, they raised their fist and nodded their eyes shining and spirits burning. They were ready, and so was Anahana who's soul burns for the Demon Queen's death.