

A girl with an abusive past and a caliginous origin stumbles upon a gateway of another world. She is then challenged emotionally as she's forced to face and carry a responsibility only she can carry, the destruction of this world in the hands of the Demon Queen slowly arise, and of sweat and blood she must reclaim the world before it succumbs to it's rule. Kurisutarumajishan shares similar elements and insignias of other medias. I do not own these elements and terms as it is a merely a representation of them in my written world.

Veda_Nadleeh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

 Kurisutarumajishan Chapter X: Neo Zeon

"That's too much…" Anahana muttered as she listened. "And you haven't even reached the front lines…"

"We are not even sure there's still a front line deep in their territory" Gladius added, coughing and heaving.

Anahana took no notice, she was in deep thought, her hands shaking. She straightened herself slowly, before looking at the board.

"You've found the one right?" Gladius asked dryly "You found our trump card in this war?"

From outside of the tent, Haruko bit her lip.

"Yeah… I did…" Anahana replied "She's unstable at the moment, I'm trying to think of a way to get her under control…"

"I see.." Gladius nodded "I'm sure you can control her, I have trust in your skill in leadership"

Haruko was getting impatient, she was about to burst through the tent to argue with Anahana, but before she was able to do anything she stood still in utter shock.

"I'll make sure our weapon of mass destruction will learn how to control herself, at this rate we won't be going anywhere with how she fights" Anahana added, she held a confused canvas, her face was torn between regret, confusion, and blind resentment. It was out of character, and it as out of place. Haruko held herself, listening in to the conversation.

"I see, if that's the case then you should train her" Gladius replied, nodding. "For now… We have to take into consideration our situation"

He further continued on his seat, heaving before coughing dryly again.

"As you can see, Anahana, our forces have dwindled from its original stature.. this is not enough to fight the Demon Army, let alone support the men in the front lines…" He said gravely, motioning to the men in the grass, with bandages wrapped around them. "I don't want to put the burden on you dear… But you must… you MUST… defeat the Demon Queen and her Army"

Anahana recoiled slightly.

"The other Kingdoms won't be able to hold their ground any longer, at some point, our defenses would dwindle until none is left" He heaved, slamming his chestplate as he does. The knights fetched him a glass to which he drank it like a dehydrated man left in the desert for a year. "With your power.. and your accomplice… we'd be able to finish this bloody war once and for all"

Anahana looked down, she was not given any solidified assurance of winning, but instead, it fueled the stress that slowly started to build up in her mind. Knowing that she is in charge of a woman who has never mastered her powers before, and a power that she herself never knew existed, weighed on to her greatly. Adding to this, a power that seemingly emulate and amplify the desired output, or more in that regard, could lead to a disastrous end if Natsuki falls in the wrong hands, and could spell the end of Humanity and those who coexist with them into extinction.

"With all due respect…" Anahana said, her voice shaky as she trembled. "Me and my men have encountered dangerous obstacles in our path before… We were able to slaughter platoons of Demons on our own… But this… with a woman who I barely know how she works… Her powers seemingly beyond what we can do…"

The knights were quite in shock, seeing that the fearless, stoic and at times, brutal commander of a small cell of adventurers, tremble in front of them, in fear not of the enemy, but to their ally.

"I am however aware that I must do this mission…" She added before Gladius could utter a word. She looked at the men strewn about with their injuries, and back to the haphazardly built table and picked the piece that symbolizes the King. "Despite the odds… My ally.. I'll get her to master her powers before then, and finish this war once and for all…"

'What am I saying?'

'What are you thinking?'

'Natsuki is a human too, a human with a fragile spirit'

'Why would you do this to her? Does this mean I'm only using her for what she can do?'

Anahana gulped, before excusing herself out of the tent. She bumped into Haruko on the way out, who gave her a cold glare before returning to Natsuki to nurse her. Anahana noticed the glare, but proceeded to walk through the woods to get catch some air.

As Anahana strode through the tree line, she collapsed herself to one of the trees near her, before slumping down and taking deep breathes. Haruko entered the carriage, to which she took over Natsuki's healing. The Demolishers took to guard the carriage itself.

"Poor girl…" She muttered, tending to the exhausted Natsuki, wiping her forehead. She smiled softly at her, before giving her a peck on the forehead, Natsuki's breathing slowed, signaling Haruko she's relaxed. "Heh~ How cute~ I guess Natsu-chan wants to be pampered~"

She stayed with her, making sure she's well rested and healed. Haruko took care of her like she's her own kin, a sister.

Makeshift Fuhrenheim Camp

"Mmm… Mmmm" Natsuki moaned softly, slowly waking up from Haruko's lap.

"Hey~ You woke up~" Haruko greeted, caressing her cheeks softly.

"Haruko-san…" Natsuki muttered, drowsily holding Haruko's hand, before snuggling it to her cheek.

Haruko giggled, her heart warming up as she stroked Natsuki's hair. Natsuki slowly sat up, she stretched and shivered, before looking at Haruko.

"Were you taking care of me this whole time..?" She asked to Haruko softly, blushing as she shyly looked at her. Haruko was taken aback by the softness of Natsuki and blushed, she nodded at her.

Natsuki looked down and held the cheek Haruko caressed, before taking her hand again and placing it softly on her cheek.

"Natsuki…" Haruko muttered, watching Natsuki snuggle her hand to cheek again. Natsuki looked at her straight in the eye, and was slowly approaching her. "Eh- Eh~? Natsuki-san-"

Natsuki kept a piercing gaze at Haruko, despite the animalistic aura her eyes gave, they were soft, they were needing, wanting something. Haruko was blushing wildly as Natsuki kept her distance, before slowly approaching closer.

"W-Wa-Wait~ Ahnn~!" Haruko moaned sexily as Natsuki, laid on her shoulder. Haruko was melting, profusely. "HHHHHHHH~!!"

"You feel warm…" Natsuki muttered, seemingly content as she start wrapping herself around Haruko.

"E-EHHH~" Haruko panted, slowly bringing her hands to Natsuki's waist. As she was about to wrap herself around Natsuki the carriage opened and Haruko pulled Natsuki to her in reflex of trying to hide something.

Anahana was surprised, seeing that Haruko was snuggling Natsuki. She felt left out, rejected. She felt cold.

"Haruko.." She muttered before playing it off as a surprise. She threw a smile, and waved her hand signaling her 'Sorry'. But before she could go, Natsuki turned and called her cheerfully.

"Ah! Anahana-san!" She called, crawling a bit towards her.

"Are you doing well Natsuki?" She asked, keeping herself straight.

"Mhm~!" She replied softly, making Anahana blush. "Oh, Haruko-san! Anahana! I need to show you guys something~!"

Haruko and Anahana looked at each other, before agreeing to Natsuki.

"Sure~ Onee-san wants to see Natsuki's surprise~" Haruko replied sweetly, Natsuki looked at her with her eyes shining.

"Okay hold on! Let me get myself ready!" She said, before rushing out the carriage off to somewhere. Anahana and Haruko followed before giving her disdained glances.

"Over here~!" Natsuki called excitedly, motioning towards Anahana and Haruko who walked side by side.

"Did you hear what I said?" Anahana asked coldly.

There was no response from Haruko. Anahana looked at her, seemingly worried now.

"I didn't mean what I said-" She reasoned, before getting cut off.

"Then what did it mean?" Haruko demanded, stopping as she gave her a disdained glare.

"I…" Anahana muttered.

"I thought so" Haruko said "You may be smart, but you never give a thought about what you say. I hate that about you"

Haruko proceeded to follow Natsuki, Anahana shortly came soon after. As they took a stroll they found a small patch of grass, Natsuki stood in the middle.

"Let me concentrate…" She said as she closed her eyes. Her demeanor suddenly changed, reverting back to normal.

She breathed slowly, gently as she concentrated her will into her thoughts.

"Hey.. Haruko… I'm sorry" Anahana whispered, patting her shoulder before she got shoved.

"Shut up! I'm watching Natsuki do her thing" She replied in a whisper too.

Natsuki kept her focus, deafening everything around her. As she did, she turned to them before performing a motion, spreading her arms to her sides and raising her head higher. There was a small flash after her motion and as it faded, Natsuki's body was decorated with a specifically designed armour.

"Natsuki…" Anahana muttered.

"UWAAAA~!!" Haruko clapped, rushing to Natsuki and inspecting her armour.

"Haha! I did it!" She cheered. "I did it! I really could do it!"

"Natsuki! How did you do that?!" Haruko asked, excited to see the purple coloured armour that designed Natsuki's body.

"I just needed to imagine the object I want my crystals to take shape and just focus on it hard" She replied. "It's still not perfect yet.. but it's working!"

"Good job Natsuki! AAAAAA~" Haruko hugged Natsuki jumping around like a proud sister, Natsuki happily reciprocated.

"Did I do well?" Natsuki asked Anahana, still hugging Haruko as she glanced at Anahana.

"Y-yeah… I was surprised you can do that!" She replied "I'm proud that you're growing"

Natsuki chuckled as she kept hugging Haruko.

"When were you able to do that? You were asleep the whole time?" Haruko asked, cupping her cheeks as she cuddles the tall girl.

"I'm not really sure… Someone spoke to me in my dream, but.. I can't remember most of what she said" She replied "I mostly remember things about my power.. but even that's hazy"

"Oooh~" Haruko was now interested, now wanting to help Natsuki with her growing powers. "Nee-san can help you with those~!"

"Really?" Natsuki gleamed at her "Can you help me?"

"I'd love to! Now come on, let's get to the carriage, you still need to recover your energy" Haruko took Natsuki's hand and started to lead her back.

As they neared Anahana, one of the knights called out to her, getting all three's attention as they watch him fight small tree branches, trying to get over to their location.

"Commander Anahana!" He called hastily as he fought the wildlife.

"What is it?" She replied, motioning for the girls to stop for a bit.

"General Gladius wants to the information of your trip before you set off! AGHHHH!" He shouted back.

"I'll be there, go ahead" She replied, sighing as she put her hands in her pockets before following the knight. "You girls stay in the carriage, prep for our departure so we can leave as fast as we can"

"Will do Anahana-san­" Natsuki replied as Haruko lead her.

Anahana sighed again, before walking back to the tent. Haruko lead Natsuki back, both of them were giddy at Natsuki's new ability. Anahana had returned to the tents, she entered the General's tent, seeing him and a few of the people around discussing retreat.

"What's happening?" Anahana asked, looking around the knights that bustled in and out of the tent, and the squires and messengers surrounding Gladius.

"Some messengers from Kurstenheim , Glandestein and Shurer had come to the Fuhrenheim Castle, we are told that are supposed to receive a bulk of the remaining defense forces to our kingdom soon" Gladius replied before coughing, he stood up to give the letter to the messenger, before slowly walking towards Anahana in a disgraced tone.

"I'm sorry Anahana… We're sending you off with the other kingdoms' Adventurers, you're not alone in this fight.." He said, hanging his head down. "I'm sorry that this has happened, but we must protect the last kingdom standing in our region.. the Orcs and the Golems are on their way to the castle… I hope you find a way to control that weapon. Here, have this"

He gave Anahana a map with writings, the writings were describing a plan to burst through the main defenses of the Demon Army. The parchment had blood splattered on the surface, drenching some of the ink that was written on it.

He left and proceeded to the outside, Anahana was left speechless. The group was preparing to leave, they were repairing the cart to bring the wounded with them. The medics were tending to the wounded, preparing them for transport.

"Anahana, what's happening?" Haruko asked as she approached her, watching the men leave the area slowly.

"Kurstenheim, Glandestein and Shurer's defenses fell… They're rolling to Furhenheim to defend there, and they're sending some adventurers to do the same thing as us" She replied, visibly stressed from the situation.

"They're leaving us? Just us?" Haruko said, motioning to the carts that were being hauled back towards the general direction of the kingdom.

"Yeah, just like that" Anahana retorted, quite annoyed and stressed at the situation. "We have to pack up soon, so go help the others"

"You won't check up on Natsuki?" Haruko asked concerned. "You were concerned when she fought the Demon General, now you aren't? What's happening to you?"

She was silent for a bit, standing there for a second before looking at her without an answer.

"I… Things are scrambled for me at the moment… It's happening too fast" She replied, quite disturbed at the circumstances she's in.

"I know it's hard on all of us, even the Tanjirou and the others. You're not the only one who's weirded by this, we are too" Haruko said in reply. "You have to apologize to Natsuki, just go there and tell her that you're sorry that you're like that at the moment"

"Why do you care so much about her?" Anahana asked, sighing in annoyance.

Haruko was taken aback, she recoiled from her response.

"Why are you like this now? I don't understand what's happening with you right now" Haruko said in annoyance, slowly walking away from her. "Can't you see the situation we're in right now? There's no time for this!"

"SHE'S A DEITY FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Anahana shouted out of stress. "She's something in the level of A DIETY! HAVE YOU SEEN HER FIGHT?!"

Haruko partially agreed in her thoughts, but she was more in line of seeing Natsuki as an equal, rather than something higher than anyone. As she was about to reply, she noticed a shocked Natsuki behind Anahana.

"Natsuki..?" Haruko called, looking behind Anahana. Anahana also spun to look at her, she pursed her lips, seemingly regretting what she had said.

"It's… Fine… Haruko-san.." She weakly replied, her body being weighed by her soul trapped in gravity.

"No Natsuki wait.." Haruko went close, holding her hands. "She didn't mean that-"

Natsuki nodded, she held a saddened look, as if she was betrayed but that she was fine with it.

"It's okay… I understand…" She replied softly. "I don't belong here anyway…"

Natsuki retreated back into the cart slowly, passing by the twins who she gave a smile, though her eyes were too solemn to be a cheerful one.

"What happened to Natsuki?" Asked Reagan, looking back at Natsuki.

"Nothing… Just some misunderstandings" Haruko threw a glare at Anahana, before directing the rest of the crew. "Everyone, let's prepare to leave, we'll have to pick up the pace, we're down an army in the frontlines and we need to get there quickly"

Tanjirou nodded and went ahead to grab left over supplies, the twins were finishing with their explosives and Anahana was sharpening her swords, sitting on a stump.

"Haruko-nee" Called Reagan as they finished with their batch of explosives. "Did you see where Natsuki went? I haven't seen her since earlier"

"Natsuki!" Haruko called in response. "Where are you!?"

"What happened?" Junko asked "Well.. Is she going to be alright? We heard what Anahana-san said and.."

"It's just a misunderstanding, Anahana is just not used to seeing… World ending powers" Haruko replied, shooting another glare at Anahana.

"That would make things easier when we find the Demon Queen's castle" Reagan remarked, carrying the crate into their carriage.

Haruko sighed, acknowledging her. "Yeah, you're right. For now let's just keep everyone sane, I'll go find Natsuki"

"Be careful Haruko-nee" Junko said worryingly. "I hope Natsuki is okay.."

She nodded before going back to where Natsuki lead her into the forest. Haruko called for her as she quickly ran through the trees, looking around for her guildmate.

"Natsuki! We're about to go come on!" She called for her, stumbling down into the area she was taken earlier. "Natsuki! There you are!"

Natsuki looked back at her, her expression down but she wore a soft smile.

"Natsuki.." Haruko called softly as she ran to her, holding Natsuki in her arms. "It's okay, don't mind what Anahana said okay? Don't worry about that"

"Thank you Haruko-san.." She replied as she hugged Haruko back.

"I'm sorry that you have to hear that" Haruko comforted her, patting her back. "Just don't mind it okay? She's just stressed, she didn't mean it.."

"Mhm.." Natsuki replied. She slowly backed up, holding her left arm as she looked down. "Sorry.. I'm just not used to having someone comfort me.."

She smiled hopefully, and hugged her tightly before letting go.

"It's alright Natsuki, I'm always here okay?" Haruko comforted as she embraced Natsuki, kissing her cheek softly as she let go. "Come on, we're leaving in bit"

"Mhm.." Natsuki nodded, following Haruko as she held her hand.

Natsuki tailed Haruko who held her hand, she ducked and weaved as she was hurriedly towed back to camp.

"Natsuki! Haruko-san!" Reagan called, waving towards them as they appear by the clearing. "We're ready to go now!"

"Good job! Let's get going now!" Haruko replied.

Anahana pulled up to the front with her horse, she glanced at Haruko and Natsuki who recoiled in surprise. Natsuki avoided her gaze, and Haruko took a step to cover her, giving off motherly vibes as if she was protecting her child. She turned to Natsuki and nodded, leading her to her horse before they both mounted on it.

"Eh? You're not joining the rear team Haru-chan?" Reagan asked, scratching her head.

"Not this time, we're heading towards one of the Demon Queen's bases head on" She replied as she held Natsuki's waist, making her blush a bit.

'Ah.. it's… I'm ticklish there Haruko-san-' She thought as she reared her horse.

"What's you're plan?" Anahana asked, avoiding their sight.

"We negotiate with them" She replied sternly, her voice confident about the manner.

"WHAT?!" They all exclaimed.

"But Haruko-san, you've seen what they can do" Natsuki reasoned. "What makes you think we can calmly negotiate with them?"

"They just took a devastating loss against us, and us to them" Haruko replied. "Both you and Anahana can't risk another fight like that, you've wasted too much energy battling one general, and both of you got injured badly"

"But..." Reagan muttered as she was about to speak.

"Right now, what's on their mind is dealing with us, the ones who killed the General" She took a deep breath, before nodding. "It's an inevitable fact that we'll go to the next frontline base, they know that too, if we use that to our advantage, maybe we can get an ally from the enemy's side"

"But what if we don't?" Anahana asked, glancing at Haruko from the corner of her eye. "Getting an ally from the enemy hasn't been done before, we've done some pretty shite things before but this one, it's absolutely absurd"

"Absurd as it may be do you intend to bash their door open injured and still recovering?" Haruko replied. "Do you have any other plans?

There was silence, the Demolitioners were visibly trying to find an idea, but came up with cobwebs and flies instead.

"Nothing here" Reagan and Junko said simultaneously.

Anahana sighed, before nodding to Haruko. "I'm not a good negotiator, so I won't be much help there"

"I know, that's why I'm doing it alone" Haruko replied.

"I'll join you Haruko-san, I don't want to leave you in the enemy's fortress alone" Volunteered Natsuki, giving her a stoic look. "Please.."

Haruko took some time to think, it wasn't long before she nodded and agreed to her request.

"Okay then, since you can heal faster than Anahana, I'll have you guard me inside" She looked

"Haruko-san! I can't let you do that!" Natsuki exclaimed.

"We won't be able to recover as fast as we can without you, are you crazy?!" Anahana exclaimed.

"I don't need to hear your reasoning behind that, I'm not letting just letting you die while we escape!" Natsuki exclaimed, holding Haruko's hand that locked around her waist. Anahana looked down, trying to hide her jealousy, and her guilt.

Haruko blushed a bit, the Demolitioners nodded towards Natsuki, as well as Tanjirou.

"I haven't been much in your adventures Haruko, but seeing that Anahana and you come back in decent shape, I agree with the kid" Tanjirou agreed, nodding at them.

"You don't have to do that, it'll work" Natsuki promised, albeit, reluctant to.

"A-alright then…" Haruko said. "Let's go"

"I'll give you another round to prepare everything, we're walking right into the Fortress, so expect the worst" Anahana ordered "Tanjirou, if you can, prepare an enchanted shield for Haruko if things go wild"

"Will do my best" Tanjirou replied, immediately scuttling to her smithing carriage.

"The rest of you, keep preparing your last equipment, and get ready to leave as soon as we're ready" Anahana reminded, before nodding to Natsuki softly an upset, a guilty expression was plastered along her face as she strode her horse to the rear carriage.

"I'll be up front, I just need some time to myself for a moment.." Natsuki strode off, giving Haruko a sweet, loving look. Haruko nodded, before taking a big breath.

"Sure thing.." Haruko replied, holding her shoulder softly, before stepping down from the horse, and converging with the twins to help them.

Natsuki broke out of the tree line, the sky has entered nightfall, and the stars loomed over them as the moon casted a hopeful glare on the green grass. Memories, flashed before her, the death of her mother and her limp body sitting on the couch, her father trying to catch her, the world crumbling around her.

"Now I'm being treated as a weapon…" She muttered, but there was nothing, her heart was still and empty. "It's fine.. all of it.. it's all fine.."

[~1, 2, 3 We made it through 4 & 5 You got it too? Light up the transient night sky handle it with the light

Bidding farewell to the tremendous dusk. Listen to the voice of certainty~]*

A wave of emotion, very familiar to her washed over her body, she clutched her chest as she tried to repress the growing emotion. She started to chuckle softly, but she shook her head to her own disbelief

[~Stand up and get a start at your will it's depending on your heart. Can take shivers of your scar, I'll draw upon an expanding world. But will my longing vanish someday?~]

"Could it be that this world hates me too?" She muttered, smiling as she raised her neck to face the full moon that shone on her. "That can't be… I'm the only one capable of saving this place…"

[~Raise your hands up to the sky. That closed off vision, now connecting to the future. Listen up, Troublemaker, how'd you know 'bout my fever? No matter how deeply you read, there's no answer there~]

She raised her hand spreading it infront of her, blocking the moon. She started to chuckle, with tears falling down on her cheek as her lips turned into a sweet grin. She closed her hand into a fist, before forming the crystals into a mechanical armour she recognized, but shifted it and changed its appearance.

"You really should say sorry to Natsuki" Haruko muttered to Anahana as she walked beside her horse.

"I.. I should…" Anahana admitted, looking away. "I shouldn't have said it…"

"Do it quick then, it might bother her as we move forward" Haruko added.

They broke through the treeline, and found Natsuki with her arm outstretched, the crystal hide forming an ornate armour. They paused for a moment and watched her form the rest of her armour, before approaching her.

"Natsuki, we're ready" Haruko alerted her.

She turned around, and nodded, she held out her hand and helped her on the saddle.

"Natsuki, that armour.. That's quite ornate" Anahana remarked, throwing her a warm smile. "From where did you see that?"

"I.. Mmm.." Natsuki stuttered as she flushed bright red, the rest were sniggering at them, and as she thought, she heard a word whisper into her ear. She looked at Haruko, confused for a moment.

"Mm?" She said softly, tilting her head to Natsuki.

"It's.. The Quebley" She replied to Anahana.

"The Quebley?" Anahana repeated, a bit confused. "Tanjirou-san do you know what a Quebley is?"

"No, but from Natsuki's design, it seems pretty flashy~" She replied, her eyes visibly shining stars as she stared at Natsuki's armour.

"Th-Thank you.." Natsuki said, smiling softly at her before looking at Anahana.

"Lead away" She said, moving away slightly as to give way to Natsuki and Haruko.

The rest followed, tailing the dame in her crystalline hide coloured by the shimmering night sky.

As the cell traveled through the debris of the first fortress, they gently plowed their way through the clumps of broken rock and bent rebar. The fortress, and the building that stood housing the throne of the General, was demolished, and what remained of Natsuki's beam attack remained as a giant scorching hole that smoked and sizzled as it cooled down.

"Wow…" Tanjirou uttered.

"The contact point is still hot" Anahana remarked, feeling around a stray debris that had a burn mark from Natuski's cannon. "I still can't believe you managed to create this much damage in one shot.."

"You can still see some embers over there" Pointed Reagan, Junko scuttled over her sister's shoulder too look.

"Woah.." She muttered. "That's more powerful than any explosive we've made"

"Really?" Natsuki asked, quite shocked.

"Yup!" Junko replied happily. "Reagan and I have done a lot of explosives, there's one time we made napalm so hot it melted stone!"

"But that concoction only lasted half an hour before the solution hardened up, but it did eat a lot of the stone away" Reagan added, looking at a vial that contained the explosive.

"I never asked properly, what were our roles here..?" Natsuki asked shyly.

"Oh yeah, I don't remember telling you either" Anahana said, before continuing. "Well, I'm their berserker, Haruko is our healer, and Reagan and Junko are our demolitions expert"

"And of course! I'm your trusty blacksmith!" Tanjirou boasted with pride, posing on her driver's seat.

"I see.. but what does that make me then?" Natsuki asked, looking at her armour.

"You" Anahana paused. "Are our Queen"

Natsuki slowly boiled into a tomato red, Haruko chuckled as she then patted her back.

"That means you're our special card, you're the most important unit in our team you know?" Haruko said, still chuckling.

"A-Ah.. yeah… You're right" She nodded, still a bit flustered.

"Don't worry, even after the war ends, you'll still be important- No, priceless to us" Haruko said, tightening her hold on Natsuki's waist.

"It's not every day you can be with a gift from a Deity" Reagan said in quite a delightful tone.

"I'm a gift from a Deity?" Natsuki murmured to herself, looking at her right arm.

"Mhm~" Whispered Haruko as she snuggled on her back.

A smile formed on Anahana's cheeks, and a warming gaze befell Natsuki and Haruko. She looked down for a second, feeling the guilt of her words.

"Sorry… That you had to hear what I said…" She apologized, seemingly disappointed at herself. "I didn't get a chance earlier to say it.. but… I'm really sorry…"

"It's fine, I don't mind it" Natsuki replied, unfazed it seems from the impact of her words. "Back in my world… A lot of people say a lot of mean things about me, I got used to them, so… It's fine"

There was silence between them, before Anahana spoke up again.

"But this isn't like back there anymore" She said in a warming manner. "This is Veindeljara, this is your new home"

Natsuki looked at Anahana, who gave her a warm smile. Her eyes started to tear up as she smiled back, the widest smile she had ever done.

"Thank you.." She softly replied to Anahana's warm welcome. "Please take care of me"

A wave of emotion washed over her, her heartbeat echoed in her ears as she found the thing that was most precious to her, the person that will become her most priceless treasure.

"A- MM-" Anahana panicked, covering her face as she turned red.

"Mm? You okay?" Natsuki asked, wiping her eyes a bit. She strode her horse close to Anahana, tapping on her shoulder.

"I- I'm okay! I'm okay!" She said, still flustered.

As the two bickered in front, the rear guards were enjoying the show. Mostly due to how cute it was, but also, how adorable their commander is.


"Mm?" The two twins looked over at Tanjirou.

"Wanna bet?" Tanjirou snickered.

A nasty mischievous smirk formed on the twins, reaching from ear to ear.

"What's the bet~"? They asked simultaneously.

"Which one do you think will be our commander's lover~" Tanjirou snickered once more.

"Oooooooh~" The three of them were now interested, sniggering at each other. Fretzer, appeared from the canvas on the twin's carriage.

"Fretzer-kun? You interested?" Reagan asked.

"S-sure.. why not" Fretzer replied, showing them some gold coins.

"Let's begin then! I bet on Haruko-chan~" Tanjirou said, showing ten gold coins.

The twins conversed between themselves, before showing 20 gold.

"Heh~ We bet on Natsuki-kun~!" They said gleefully, giving her the coins.

"Who do you bet Fretzer?" Asked Tanjirou curiously. He took some time to think, scratching his head before giving another ten gold.

"I bet on both of them" He replied nonchalantly.

"Eh" The other two parties reacted, confused and a bit in disbelief.

"Huh, that's a big bet, but let's see then!" Tanjirou said, putting the pool inside a separate bag.

"Now we just wait until our adventure is over~!" The twins cackled.

Fretzer, simply slid back inside the carriage, quite confident about his bet.

"It's already there though.." He muttered to himself, looking at Natsuki and Anahana, who were now flustered now, overhearing the conversation.

They traveled a few more hours, the clock striking it's midnight ring as the world turns to its ignorant delight. The travelers of a falling world had come upon the second fortress, a structure that was more refined and developed, seemingly able to hold more than foot soldiers, nay, much more than just Brutes and winged archers.

The cell halted its stead to observe the formation in front of them. At the parapets, the Demons were seemingly shaking on their boots, and the gate guards were rushing in. The cell advanced once more, creeping up unto its front lawn and stopped at a respectable distance.

"We'll take the lead" Natsuki said, now cloaked in a hooded cape, and so does Haruko, who had their hoods up. Anahana stepped aside, and stood to lead the second half of the team.

The large gates opened inwards, and two fellows of seemingly high ranking rushed out, and bowed to the visitors.

"I am Commander Carter! The assassination and reconnaissance officer of the Roungkagare Tanaki Demon Base!"

"I am Commander Kiersten! The Commanding officer for the ground troops of Roungkagare Tanaki Demon Base!"

The Demons, who introduced themselves as Carter and Kiersten bowed, their armour hinting them to be of a high ranking positions.

"We implore you inside our fortress! We wish to negotiate our freedom!" The Demon who introduced himself as Carter, implored their visitors.

"In exchange for our life, we will aid you in the destruction of the Demon Queen! We have our own town to protect, it is a must that we keep that promise!" The Demon who introduced himself as Kiersten, added to their agenda, now catching the attention of the adventurers.

Natsuki, had unfolded her pauldrons, the coat giving way to the beautifully ornate armour in the fashion of the Quebley.

"Raise your heads" She said, as she motioned for Anahana, who in alert drew her swords, to sheath them.

"We accept your proposition, we will spare you in exchange for the information we needed" She nodded to Natsuki, as she slowly sheathed her weapons as instructed. "If our negotiations come to fruition, then we will invite you into our ranks, and liberate your town from the Demon Queen"

The Demons of rank rose quickly, they looked at the adventurers with hopeful eyes and a smile that welcomed relief.

"We are relieved to hear your response! We shall prepare our briefing room for your arrival" Carter said, nodding to Kiersten who ran back into the fortress. "Do tell me, to whom do we owe the honour of negotiations?"

Anahana was about to speak, but discontinued her approach, as she noticed Natsuki in thought. In Natsuki's mind, there was one name that stuck out to her, and it was a name that felt familiar, and odd. The name was being echoed by two voices inside her mind, she knew not of the identity that held the man's voice, but she recognized hers in the duet of echoes within her heart.

"Neo Zeon"