
Kurama in DC universe

What if a Naruto fan died and got some wishes. Note:The first three chapters where written without any proof reading so expect to see grammer errors and spelling mistakes.

DarthSA · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

{Amazon island battle arena}

In a roman style battle arena filled with amazons Kurama stands there waiting for his first opponent.

'Looks like Hippolyta is using this greeting tournament as a way to see my strength but I don't mind it's a good way to show how strong I am and it will be helpful for me since I will be fighting seasoned warriors'-Kurama thinks to himself with a slight smirk on his face.

"My fellow amazons we have a visitor who has come to learn from us but before he can learn from us he must show us his worth through combat,so any amazon who is willing to test this newcomer step into the arena"-announces Hippolyta towards the spectating amazons.

(A/N:I'm not confident I can write fight scenes properly so any feed back will be appreciated)

And so after a few minutes a amazon warrior wearing amazon armor steps into the arena wielding a sword and shield.And as soon as she steps foot into the with her on the left and Kurama on the right he charges at him with he sword in front of her.

Kurama brings up his hands into a boxer's fighting stance and waits until the charging amazons sword is close to his hands,just when the sword is reaching his chest Kurama dodge's towards the right side of her sword and grabs her wrist then turns towards where she came from and at the same time his right leg strikes her in her stomach and launches her back to her starting point.

'That was easy but considering I'm faster and strong then everyone her it couldn't be called a fair fight'-Kurama

"Is that it?"-asks a smiling Kurama

"Okay then why don't you come at me as a team that should be fair"-Kurama

And for filling his request a team of 4 amazons steps into the arena,one of them holding a spear,another two holding a sword and shield and the last one wielding a bow and arrow.The amazon team stand in a arrow head formation with the spearwomen infront flanked by the two swordwomen and the archer at the back.

Kurama seeing their formation takes up his boxing stance and waits.The amazon team seeing their opponent won't move charge at him in their formation.

When the amazon team is a few meters away from Kurama the archer fires three arrows aiming for his face,Kurama simply lowers his head dodging the incoming arrows but then he is met with the spearwomen's spear going for his head and the two swordwomen flanking him on his right and his left.

'Well would you look at that I'm trapped now I can't go forward because a spear is waiting for me and I can't go left of right since I'm being flaked and I can't go backwards because those arrows I dodged earlier will hit me,what to do what to do'-Kurama

'Its to bad though this attack could have worked on someone who has the body of a human and it's limitations but I'm no human I'm a kitsune'-Kurama thinks to himself while making his move.

Kurama drops his body on all fours while also dodging the incoming spear and charges at the spearwomen on all fours striking her in the stomach knocking her towards the archer who is to shocked to reaction and gets knocked out,with two down Kurama charges at the distracted sword women and giving her a spear.

As Kurama is about to turn around to face his final opponent he senses that she has regained her focus and is charging at him with the sword pointed at his back, Kurama sensing this does a backflip over her head and just his feet are about to touch the flow he delivers a chop at the back of he head knocking her out.

And the the crowd goes wild at such an impressive show of skill from all the combatants.

With such a show of power Hippolyta can see that this man is strong but he rely on on his abilities to compensate for his lack of hand to hand combat.So she calls him for a meeting after the tournament is done.

{Royal palace,meeting room}

"So what do you think I would make a great ally right"-says Kurama who is sitting at the meeting rooms table.

"You have show me that you have great power but I recall you calling yourself a God-King and the divinity I'm sensing from you confirms that you are a god but with the later part I assume you must have a kingdom and a army?"-Hippolyta

"Indeed one can not have a kingdom without an army"-Kurama

"Well I would have to ask you to clearly tell us what your willing to give and we will respond in kind"-Hippolyta

And after 2 hours of negotiations a alliance was written between the amazons and the kitsune kingdom that has the following written on it.

(1)Should either party be attacked the other party is obligated to send as much help they can.

(2)In return for training Kurama the amazon queen is allowed to sign a summoning contract with him and can summon him to help her in combat.

(3)A sharing agreement is allowed where Kurama will give the amazons hot springs, upgrading their long range weapons and supplying them with potions and the amazons will send their rarest metals to the kitsune kingdom.

'It may look like I lost out on the deal but that was not the point of me coming here,I wanted to get good training and sign the summoning contract with Hippolyta because I want to be there when the amazons get attacked in the future so I will enter the picture in a cool way imagine the amazons are getting beaten by Hades and Hippolyta does the summoning jutsu and out comes the demon fox'-Kurama thinks to himself with a smile.

'Well I have some time before the interesting characters are born so I just have to wait since the year is 1110AD'-Kurama

This will be my final upload because I'm busy with my second last year of high school so I have to focus,but I will post more chapters when school closes.And I got two ideas for two novels,one is about a of reincarnated as DBS Cumber in the DC universe and the Mc will be a mercenary and the second novel is a what if story that will take place in Afghanistan.

My inspiration for the Afghanistan novel is that while I was watching the news of the Taliban retaking Afghanistan I remembered a video I watched that was about afghanistan urban legends and myths and one legend that stuck with me was that some afghans believe a dragon helped them defeat the Soviets,so I thought what if that was true and that same dragon came again but this time it won't leave.

DarthSAcreators' thoughts