
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

The Cheat Has Arrived

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Announcement: I will mass release 15 chap of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January


Just as Suzuki was pondering, Hanako's voice rang out:

"Suzuki-kun? Let's go home. Hanako has already packed up, don't be in a daze."

Hanako said as she shook her hands in front of him.

"Huh? ...Okay."

Suzuki came back to his senses, took out a bag from under the table, and packed some items he needed to take home.

Hanako's house was not far from his, and they took the same path, so not only were they deskmates, but they could also be considered half-neighbors.

On that street, Suzuki only got along well with Hanako, so they often went to and from school together.

The two of them packed up their things, walked out of the classroom, and slowly walked towards the school gate...

At this moment, on the playground not far from the school gate, a red-haired girl was fighting six senior students, but those six students seemed to be no match for her at all. They were suppressed by her and even had their noses bloodied. Yes, this was the violent girl who scared many students of Konoha Ninja School—the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero, Uzumaki Kushina!

She was probably being made fun of again.

Many students were watching the excitement from the side, and some even applauded and cheered.

So, Suzuki and Hanako also stopped at the door and watched the excitement together for a while.

Before long, Kushina beat up the six students and ran away, and she raised her head high, with a proud look on her face, her eyes proudly looking to the right.

Seeing this, Suzuki looked over and sure enough, he saw the golden-haired Namikaze Minato not far away!

He was sitting on a big tree, watching Kushina fight against all odds.

It was not until after the battle ended that he jumped down from the tree, walked towards Kushina with a gentle gaze, and then the two of them said something. Kushina punched Namikaze Minato, and the two of them walked towards the school gate.

In fact, before that, Suzuki had seen Uzumaki Kushina fighting, and Namikaze Minato stepped forward to stop her, but the result was that he was beaten up along with the others...

The different plot this time, the rapid progress in the relationship between the two, also made Suzuki realize that Kushina's kidnapping had probably already happened, and it should have happened not long ago.

"It's really fast. In that case, the Second Shinobi World War is about to end, right?"

"After all, they have used such underhanded tactics, and the four major ninja villages have no more strength."

"The original work did not specify which month or day it was, only that the Second Shinobi World War ended in Konoha's 37th year."

"In this case, it will probably be early in the 37th year. Will the war end in about half a year? Is it already the end?"

Suzuki thought to himself after seeing Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina together.

Looking at the two of them walking over while fighting and playing, Hanako was a little excited and looked at them with admiration:

"Suzuki, did you see that? That's Kushina-senpai, she's so amazing! She beat up six senior boys! Red Hot-Blooded Habanero! So cool!"

In fact, the excitement did not only happen to Hanako.

Almost all the girls around either admired the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero or had a crush on Namikaze Minato. It was even more incredible that these two suddenly got together now.

Suzuki seemed to hear the sound of many girls' hearts breaking, and many envious eyes were looking at Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

"Okay, Hanako, we should go."

Suzuki said calmly.

"Ah? Okay, okay, um, hehe, Kushina-senpai is so cool."

Hanako seemed to still be immersed in the scene just now.

On the other side, Namikaze Minato and Kushina had already walked to the school gate. Many students who were crowded at the school gate to watch the excitement made way for them.

Seeing this, Hanako couldn't care less about her excitement and admiration, and she was also ready to pull Suzuki to make way.

However, Namikaze Minato suddenly looked over at this moment, as if he had remembered something:

"You are? Suzu... Suzuki... Suzuki-kun?"

"Ah, yes, hello, Minato-senpai!"

Suzuki did not expect that Namikaze Minato would still remember him.

You know, although they had met many times in Ninja School, the last time they greeted each other was three years ago.

There were so many students in the school, and they had only greeted each other once. Could he still remember that?

Sure enough, he was worthy of being the Fourth Hokage in the future.

Namikaze Minato smiled gently:

"Are you going home?"

"Yes, Minato-senpai and Kushina-senpai are about to graduate, right? Good luck!"

Suzuki replied seriously.

"Haha, okay, thank you!"

Looking at Kushina, who bumped into him from time to time, Namikaze Minato knew that she was probably in a hurry to go back, so he said apologetically:

"Kushina and I are going back too. You guys have to study hard too, come on!"

"Come on!"

Kushina, who was holding Namikaze Minato's hand and walking towards the school gate, also suddenly turned around and said something, and then walked away.

Suzuki waved goodbye politely.

Until Hanako exclaimed:

"Eh? Eh??? Suzuki-kun! Did you know Minato-senpai?"

Suzuki turned around, his face very calm:

"No, I just greeted him once. I didn't expect Minato-senpai to still remember me."

"Well, they're all going to graduate, right? We'll graduate in two years too. Hehe, I hope we can graduate as easily as them by then!"

Hanako smiled and talked about the future.

Then she suddenly opened her bag and found a few coins.

"Ah, I still have more than three hundred taels left from this month's pocket money. Let's go, Suzuki, I'll treat you. Let's go eat dango!"

Hanako looked at Suzuki with anticipation.

"You're treating me? That's really nice, but this little dango is not enough to eat. I still have a few hundred ryo here. Let's order more dango, and then we can also buy some drinks. What do you want to drink, Hanako?"

Suzuki asked.

Hanako suddenly seemed to be particularly happy. Her petite figure even skipped as she walked:

"Taro ball milk tea with a fragrant and delicious flavor. I want to order this!"

"Okay, but can you remember such a long name so clearly? You're really something, Hanako!"

Suzuki smiled helplessly at Hanako in front of him.


Because he went home early this time, and he ate dango on the way, Hanako, who was originally going to have dinner at home, only ate half of it and couldn't eat anymore. For this, Hanako was also lectured by her parents.

Of course, Suzuki didn't know about this. He was cleaning up the room at this time.

This room was not very big, only a little bigger than the one Naruto lived in in the original work.

However, it was just right for three people to live, and if there was only one person, it would not be too tiring to clean up.

The family's inheritance was not much, most of it was shops, and there was some money left, about 300,000 ryo.

Suzuki, who was only five years old, couldn't manage the shop, and he had no intention of doing business, so he rented it out. The rent was 50,000 ryo a year.

After successfully entering Konoha Ninja School, he also thought about whether to buy some things that ninjas needed.

However, it was a pity that basically everything that could be bought on the market would be taught in Ninja School. If there was something really "rare", he could ask the teacher. As for ninjutsu, it didn't exist.

Therefore, after learning chakra extraction, in order to increase the amount of chakra,

He could only use money to buy some supplements that might be useful, and then practice the three-body technique taught by Ninja School day after day, practicing the subtle control of chakra.

Until today, the balance in his wallet was still more than 200,000 ryo.

After completing today's chakra training, it was almost midnight. After taking a shower,

Suzuki lay in bed thinking about the future:

"Who will I be teammates with after I graduate? Hanako? And one more person I don't know."

"I wonder which Jonin will lead the class, or maybe just a Chunin to be the captain?"

"Maybe... huh???"

For some reason, his perception became extremely strange.

Suzuki could inexplicably feel that reality suddenly felt fake, and the world became extremely small. At the edge, there seemed to be a layer of membrane covering it, and his vision rose to an infinitely high place,

At this moment, he was, in a sense, much larger than the world.

The sudden change did not make him panic. Perhaps years of perseverance had trained his temperament, or perhaps the cruel reality of the ninja world had changed his character.

Suzuki just watched all this calmly, until he seemed to get higher and higher, bigger and bigger...

At a certain moment, he noticed that he had even touched the barrier that seemed to isolate the world.

This was non-physical, non-material, and even non-spiritual. If it could be said that the Naruto world had so-called high dimensions, such as time and so on,

Then he had nothing to do with that at all, because he was much higher than that!

This was a three-dimensional object squeezed into a two-dimensional feeling.

However, he did not directly become a god, including omniscience and omnipotence, which he could not do.

He just understood that the dimension of this world was very low for him, but he could not do anything to this low dimension.

He gently touched the barrier of the world with his finger, and so, the barrier cracked open.

There seemed to be nothing outside the crack, and there seemed to be many things, sometimes there and sometimes not.

"This is? The late golden finger? The special ability of the transmigrator?"

"What is this situation, quantum state? Schrödinger? Because of insufficient perception and cognition?"

"What's outside? Chaos? Nothingness? The multiverse?"

"Will I die if I go out directly? Will I return to the original world? Or will I continue to travel to a certain unknown world? It's too unknown!" Suzuki frowned and guessed.

However, this strange state did not seem to be able to last long. At the moment when he was about to return to the Naruto world, Suzuki made a choice——

He stretched out an arm towards the outside world!