
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

36 Years in the History of Konoha

Join my Patreon to be 25 chapters ahead of the webnovel along with weekly chapters mass release:


Announcement: I will mass release 15 chap of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January


In late May of Konoha Year 36, in a classroom of the Konohagakure Ninja Academy, the teacher was giving a passionate lecture on the history of the ninja world while Suzuki took notes and listened attentively.

"The First Shinobi World War began in Konohagakure Year 14, shortly after the passing of our First Hokage..."

The teacher continued to recount the past wars.

Suzuki knew that not only had the First Shinobi World War ended long ago, but the ongoing Second Shinobi World War was also nearing its conclusion.

More than four years had passed since the war broke out, and over the years, more and more ninjas from the major ninja villages had died on the battlefield. Some smaller ninja villages, like Kusagakure, had even been annihilated, and some ninja clans had their bloodlines completely severed.

Even Konohagakure, the strongest among the Five Great Ninja Villages, had paid a heavy price in this war! Their closest ally, the Uzumaki clan, was wiped out by a joint attack from Kumogakure, Kirigakure, and Iwagakure shortly before the war broke out, and the Senju clan suffered countless casualties in their efforts to aid the Uzumaki.

Fortunately, Konohagakure had an abundance of talent! Despite the loss of many of the older generation of powerful ninjas who had co-founded Konohagakure during the First Shinobi World War, a new generation of strong ninjas had emerged on the battlefield, including the Sannin and Konohagakure's White Fang.

Furthermore, Konohagakure still had the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage's aide Shimura Danzo, and even the first Nine-Tails jinchuriki, Uzumaki Mito, was still alive.

Therefore, the Konohagakure of this time was not the one that would be crippled in the future Third Shinobi World War, where even children had to be sent to the battlefield. The current Konohagakure was still terrifyingly powerful!


Suzuki was 10 years old this year, having just completed 10 years since his arrival in the Naruto world.

He was a visitor from another world, a reader who loved to read novels in his previous life. His favorites were Naruto and One Piece.

In the comments section of a certain book review, he responded to the comment "500 daily quota for time-traveling spots,"

The next day, he woke up and found himself in the Naruto world as an infant.

At the age of five, Suzuki's family met with an accident while traveling for business, leaving him an orphan.

With the help of his family's inheritance and the surrounding neighbors, he grew up to the age of six and successfully passed the entrance exam for the Ninja Academy!

At this moment, the teacher on the podium had started talking about the history of Konohagakure Ninja Academy:

"Konohagakure Ninja Academy was established by our Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama..."

Yes, Konohagakure Ninja Academy had a six-year program. Students usually entered around the age of six and graduated around the age of twelve.

There were over 1,100 students in the Ninja Academy, with five classes in each grade and approximately 30 students in each class.

After one year of enrollment, students were divided into three classes based on their talent and family background: the talented commoners and ninja clans were placed in Class 1 and Class 2, also known as the elite classes, while the rest were randomly assigned to the remaining three classes, also known as the regular classes.

Suzuki was currently a student in Class 3 of Year 4 at Konohagakure Ninja Academy.

After a while, the bell rang, signaling the end of the afternoon classes. The students packed up their textbooks and prepared to take them home to continue studying.

At this moment, Suzuki's deskmate, Hanako, took off her glasses, her face flushed with frustration:

"Ah~ I was so close to passing today's practical exam. Hanako still needs to work harder. Double, double, I'll double my efforts tonight!"

Hanako was a girl with short, neat hair, glasses, a figure like a daisy, and a strong and hardworking personality.

Her talent was far inferior to Suzuki's. She had barely passed the entrance exam, so she worked very hard.

Hanako's dream was to become a medical ninja and work in Konohagakure Hospital.

However, with Hanako's performance in the practical exams, it would be difficult for her to even graduate.

"Hanako, you'll pass next time. You can practice the method I taught you when you have time."

Suzuki smiled gently and comforted Hanako.

The method Suzuki mentioned was, of course, tree-walking and water-walking.

Suzuki's chakra volume was small, but he had some talent in chakra control.

"Okay~ Hehe, thank you, Suzuki-san. The method you taught Hanako is really useful. Hanako has improved a lot."

Hanako looked at Suzuki with gratitude in her eyes.

Suzuki nodded with a slight smile and then said:

"Hanako, do you want to go home together?"

Hanako put on her glasses, tilted her head, and looked at Suzuki, puzzled:

"Go home? Isn't it too early? We usually leave at eight o'clock."

"Most of the students have already left. Today is the end of the month, and the school closes early. You didn't forget the time again, did you?"

Suzuki covered his forehead and expressed helplessness.

Hanako's petite body, which was only about 1.3 meters tall, suddenly stood up, although she might not be as tall as Suzuki even when he was sitting down.

Her face was filled with shock:

"Is it the end of the month today? Isn't it tomorrow? I've only eaten twenty-four dango, and after deducting the four days of vacation, there should be two more?"


Suzuki was speechless: "Didn't you take a day off this month because you were feeling unwell?"

"Oh, I remember now. I think I did. Ah... Hahahaha..."

Hanako giggled sheepishly.

"So, don't push yourself too hard, Hanako!" Suzuki said helplessly.

Hanako shook her head vigorously and clenched her fists:

"Suzuki, you're more talented than me. I'm probably the worst in the class. So, I have to work very, very hard to have a chance to graduate successfully and become a medical ninja in Konohagakure Hospital~"

Suzuki looked at Hanako's determined expression, his face serious, and replied earnestly:

"Hanako, you will achieve your dream!"

Suzuki sincerely hoped that Hanako's efforts would be rewarded.

However, many students in Konohagakure Ninja Academy, especially those in regular classes, only dreamed of graduating successfully and becoming official ninjas.

That was the level of a genin. Chunin was a big deal, and Jonin was something they didn't even dare to think about!

But what was a genin? The vast majority of genin were just cannon fodder. Not everyone was a protagonist, and not everyone was demoted from Jonin or had the Eight Gates.

The promotion of ninjas was far more difficult than one might imagine!

Konohagakure had a permanent population of over 100,000 people, out of which more than 2,000 participated in the Ninja Academy entrance exam each year.

The number of students admitted was usually no more than 300, with an average of about 200 students each year. The admission rate was as low as one in ten.

Only one-third of the students in Konohagakure Ninja Academy were able to graduate directly each year, another third had to repeat a year, and the remaining third were not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

After all, those who couldn't even learn the simplest Three Body Techniques after six years of study were really not suitable to be ninjas.

In recent decades, Konohagakure Ninja Academy had produced about a hundred genin each year. Adding those cultivated by other major organizations and ninja clans, there were about four to five hundred.

Out of these five hundred genin, only about less than a hundred could become chunin.

As for Jonin, there were less than ten.

Moreover, most of the Jonin came from within the ninja clans. Konohagakure Ninja Academy only accounted for about thirty percent of the Jonin.

Among them, the vast majority came from Class 1 and Class 2, the so-called elite classes.

However, among the true regular classes, in the decades since the establishment of the Ninja Academy, only five Jonin had emerged from the regular classes, and all of them died very quickly. They were probably just temporary tools catalyzed by some big shots.

Yes, it was that difficult to become a Jonin. For commoners with average or even slightly better talent, the upper limit was Chunin.

Their potential could be seen at a glance...

In this ninja world, Jonin represented the gap between ordinary people and geniuses, while Kage and those who surpassed Kage were the dividing line between humans and monsters!

If one's talent was not good enough, even if the village gave you A-rank and B-rank ninjutsu for free, you wouldn't be able to learn them.

Therefore, only those with exceptionally good talent, so good that they were dazzling, could be cultivated and invested in by Konohagakure, such as Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Minato Namikaze, and so on.

Suzuki's talent was not considered very good, after all, he was in the regular class.

For example, Minato Namikaze, a senior two years older than Suzuki was already a well-known commoner genius in Konohagakure.

Not long after he enrolled, he was noticed by Jiraiya and entrusted to the Third Hokage. Minato Namikaze was even more proficient in various ninjutsu that were impossible to teach in the Ninja Academy than his teachers.

Minato Namikaze would graduate in about a month, but he already had the strength of at least a special Jonin.

There were also those from the ninja clans who had almost finished learning everything a genin could learn under the cultivation of their families. Coming to the Ninja Academy was just a formality. They focused more on their family's internal education.

In the two elite classes, there were also some characters who didn't even appear in the original work. Until now, Suzuki still had some gaps with some of them.

Even though he was aware of these and understood the visible gap, Suzuki's heart was still very calm.

The gap between geniuses and ordinary people was meant to be surpassed, and the boundary between humans and monsters was meant to be broken!