
Konoha’s New Third Hokage

This is the eighth year of Konoha, Uchiha Madara will leave, Hashirama Senju will die in a few years, and also the First Shinobi War is coming… As a shinobi of Konoha , after knowing the problems that Konoha will encounter in the future, Kazemori Masaki feels that he should do something. The first thing he should do is to become the disciple of the Second Hokage, and then make himself the heir of the Second Hokage. From now on, what direction Konoha Ninja Village should go is up to him to decide! [Note: The Novel direction has the realistic world view of Naruto based on comics] Chinese Author : Everyone’s Fat Blue Raw : https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=124869 Cover art are not mine, i found it on net-kun if you are the artist and want me to change the cover please DM me.

Kang_Sazi · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 16

After announcing that Kagami became his disciple he announced the list of other disciples one after another. Needless to say Hiruzen had already spread his fame throughout the village. Danzo, Hiruzen's competitor since childhood is also in the crowd as expected.

Although Torifu Akimichi is not from the top Shinobi clan, but his calm character and outstanding strength have also been recognized by everyone but the other three are somewhat unexpected.

Although Masaki was born in a small clan his reputation gradually gained in Konoha Academy. During the meeting the Hokage personally decided that he and Kagami would have their wedding on the same day so that he had some in Konoha. Considering the performance in Konoha Academy everyone can accept it but the other two are completely different.

Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane didn't even have a clear Shinobi clan. In the in Warring States period both clans perished in disputes. Like Masaki they ware Orphans who happened to be rescued.

  Although the two have never been educated as Shinobis, after seeing the heroic figure of Hashirama they are longing to become Shinobis. After the introductory education the talents of the two of them gradually showed up and they were recognized in the interim. They were allowed to enter the Konoha Academy as a member of the Shinobi clan. Of course their Shinobi clan inheritance is not as good as the Kazemori clan. Almost no different from civilians.

Although there is no clan heritage Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane are extremely talented as Shinobis and they are smart. Although their achievements are not among the best, people can see their potential and representative significance. Therefore they were chosen as the disciples.

   After learning that Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane were both disciples some heirs of the Shinobi clan who claimed to be better than them were very upset but there was nothing they can do.

   For the dissatisfaction and jealousy of other people Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane are very excited. They can accept the teachings of the Academy and it is already a gift from the clan. They have never expected to become a direct disciple of the Senju Brothers. Now Tobirama has brought them to become the disciple making them grateful and secretly swears in his heart that they must not disappoint Hashirama-sama and Tobirama-sama.

  The candidates for the disciples have all been decided but there is no rush to let them come to practice. Tobirama and his brother Hashirama are preparing to welcome the marriage of Kagami and Masaki. This is the top priority of the village.

   After getting the guarantee of the Hokage the Kagami faction within the Uchiha clan successfully overwhelmed the rest of the opposition. Kagami's successor position was not rejected. A few days later he officially inherited the position of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. As the patriarch of the top clan in Konoha his wedding will naturally not be shabby and Hashirama will also take this opportunity to show the close relationship between the two so the impact of this wedding is not small.

   And Masaki was about to hold the wedding ceremony with Kagami at the same time. Although there is suspicion of being exposed, his wedding also attracted the attention of the whole village. Regarding this Masaki didn't know what to say.

After Kagami put forward this plan Hashirama almost wanted Masaki and Kagami to hold a wedding together in the same place but the current atmosphere is not so open and the Uchiha clan is very likely to refuse. This idea just turned around in the head Hokage and then he gave up.

However Hashirama did not neglect Kazemori's marriage. Rimi and his blood relationship are also very close. He thinks he should take the responsibility of Rimi's guardian so he prepared very seriously but it is a pity that he is the Hokage. He must go to the Uchiha clan in person and the marriage here can only be presided over by Tobirama.

During this period of time Masaki basically worked with Rimi for the wedding. Perhaps it was because the wedding was about to come. Even the calmer Masaki couldn't help feeling a little bit Nervous, soon he will shoulder the responsibilities of a clan.

   He didn't know if he could protect the clan well. The haze of the First Shinobi War hovered in his heart all the time especially now that he was about to get married the haze was even bigger than before.

But Masaki couldn't express this emotion. Seeing Rimi's ecstatic and looking forward to life in the future, he couldn't face her with a pessimistic expression so he buried this emotion deeply in his heart and let himself Forget it for a while and devote himself to the wedding.

   Soon the wedding officially arrived. Uchiha's wedding was on a very large scale. Shinobi clans of all sizes attended his wedding like a grand banquet.

In comparison Masaki here is a bit shabby. Fortunately considering the face of Kagami and Yuma other Shinobis also sent some people over. Of course they did not go to the Uchiha clan in terms of status. In this regard Masaki was very satisfied. Originally with the status of the Kazemori clan even these people would not come. I really want to thank Kagami.

In addition to presiding over the wedding room of the Senju clan, another person came to attend the wedding. It was Senju Momoka the Genjutsu master of the Senju clan. Rimi learned the techniques of Shinobi from her. In Senju Momoka's eyes It seems that Rimi is like her own daughter, so she naturally wants to take care of her.

"Masaki you have to take good care of Rimi. If I know that you are not good to her you must be careful when I come to your door." Before the wedding began Senju Momoka said to Masaki she knew Masaki's former temperament were impulsive and irritable although he looks calm now she still wants to ask.

   "Of course Momoka -sama." Masaki replied respectfully.

   "Very good." Senju Momoka was satisfied with Kazemori's attitude and hoped that this kid could really bring Rimi happiness.

  After all the attendees arrived the wedding officially began. Following the ancient etiquette Masaki and Rimi completed all the procedures meticulously. The atmosphere was solemn. Under the witness of the gods the two swore an agreement that they would spend their lives in the future.

   After the wedding was officially over Masaki took Rimi's hand and looked at her shy face. Rimi was naturally beautiful but at this time she had a beauty that was far more beautiful than ever which made his mood stir. From today Rimi will no longer have the surname of Senju she will be Kazemori Rimi who belongs to him.

   "Rimi..." Masaki gently called.

   "Huh?" Rimi raised her head to look at Masaki only feeling that his eyes were full of some power she couldn't help lowering her head and said "What's the matter?"

   "I will make you happy definitely." Kazemori said solemnly. After this wedding he was determined to survive the First Shinobi War and not to let the clan fall apart.

   "you have said it several times, don't to mention it so much." Although Rimi said that but her expression was obviously very happy.

  Masaki smiled softly and returned home with Rimi. In the following wedding days Masaki had a very happy life. If it weren't for the future he really wanted to live like this forever.

A few days later Kagami came to visit with his newlywed wife. Kagami's wife is also a member of the Uchiha clan. She is a gentle woman with beautiful black hair. She looks very gentle with Kagami they match each other. Rimi and Uchiha Kira knew that their husband was planning to become in law and after talking they had a good impression of each other and they would have to meet each other more after they got together.

   No matter how happy the wedding day is Masaki and Kagami who are Shinobis cannot live like this. After the wedding day has passed they are about to begin their spiritual journey under Tobirama.