
Konoha’s New Third Hokage

This is the eighth year of Konoha, Uchiha Madara will leave, Hashirama Senju will die in a few years, and also the First Shinobi War is coming… As a shinobi of Konoha , after knowing the problems that Konoha will encounter in the future, Kazemori Masaki feels that he should do something. The first thing he should do is to become the disciple of the Second Hokage, and then make himself the heir of the Second Hokage. From now on, what direction Konoha Ninja Village should go is up to him to decide! [Note: The Novel direction has the realistic world view of Naruto based on comics] Chinese Author : Everyone’s Fat Blue Raw : https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=124869 Cover art are not mine, i found it on net-kun if you are the artist and want me to change the cover please DM me.

Kang_Sazi · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 17

In the practice ground of the Senju clan the disciples of the clan met for the first time after that incident. From now on they are in the same relationship and naturally they are closer than when they were in Konoha Academy. Upon seeing the arrival of Kagami and Masaki. Hiruzen first greeted Kagami who was the successor of the patriarch and then approached Masaki and asked softly——

"Masuki-kun how are you getting along with your newlyweds? you finally got married. you must have had a good time." Hiruzen laughed in a low voice. He also knew that Masaki had postponed his marriage. Of course he had to make fun of it.

"Hiruzen-kun are you so curious about other people's clan affairs?" Masaki shook his head with a smile. He was busy studying when he was at Konoha Academy and he did not have any in-depth exchanges with Sarutobi Hiruzen. Now it seems The character of Hiruzen is a bit unreliable. No wonder the disciple who later taught Tsunade addicted to gambling.

"Haha I know." When Hiruzen heard it, he knew that the other party was not interested in talking about marriage. He didn't entangle him and then changed the subject and said "Masaki-kun since we are all are from the same class, so don't we just call each other by their names."

  Masaki has no opinion. Anyway he has directly called Kagami by name and everyone else is doing the same so he nodded and said "Then I will call you Hiruzen."

   "Well Masaki." Hiruzen also changed the way he was called and smiled and touched Masaki's shoulder.

   At this time the seven disciples who are direct disciples have all arrived and they are getting closer while discussing what skills will be taught to them. Although Tobirama is also a teacher at Konoha Academy. Tobirama teaches the problems that everyone will encounter in common and there is no personal technics that belongs to him. Only his disciples can learn Tobirama's personal skills.

   While everyone was discussing they heard a voice in the room: "It looks like you are getting along well."

   Turning around everyone saw that Tobirama was approaching and came in front of everyone. Everyone hurriedly saluted to Tobirama to show respect to the teacher. Tobirama looked at the seven people in front of him and nodded slightly. He and his brother were full of expectations for these people. Next he will teach the seven with the harshest attitude.

   "Although you are all my direct disciples my elder brother is also your teacher and he will come to guide you when he has time" said Tobirama.

When Tobirama announced the list, the Shinobi clan was surprised why Hashirama himself did not have a personal disciple. Hashirama immediately said that he would not really accept someone as his personal disciple but the disciple of Tobirama was also his disciple so The Hokages will also teach them.

   Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the words. They also looked forward to the guidance of the Hokage. If the Hokage would not teach them, they would definitely be a little disappointed.

  Compared to other people, Masaki has been instructed by the Hokage many times and his mastery of the Sage mode depends entirely on the personal experience of the Hokage.

   he didn't talk much in the interim and he was straightforward to prepare for today's practice. When Hiruzen asked which person to guide first, he said "No I will guide each of you at the same time."

   Everyone can't help but stunned one person's energy is limited it is impossible to guide seven people at the same time, after all there is only one person at the time. Masaki thought of this and couldn't help but think of the Ninjutsu created by Tobirama could it be...

There was a bang on both hands in Tobirama and six other "Tobirama" appeared beside Tobirama. At first the rest of the people thought this was a clone technique but then they remembered some news from the Konoha. Hiruzen was surprised: "Teacher is this the shadow clone technique you created?"

"Exactly." Tobirama nodded "Every one is a real entity equivalent to another me. Each of you will get one-to-one guidance from me so there is no need to distinguish between first-come and first-served people that's it. "

   "It's amazing..." Although Hiruzen knew the rumors that Tobirama created this Ninjutsu it was the first time he saw it officially and he looked at the six "Tobirama" in amazement.

   "If there is anything to envy you can all learn this Ninjutsu." He said indifferently in his heart he still wanted to pass this Ninjutsu to others so how could he be stingy with his own disciples.

   There are seven "Tobiramas" here and everyone can get individual guidance so everyone follows a "Tobirama" to a place in the practice field ready to practice. Masaki also followed "Tobirama" to a place and looked up at Tobirama's back. Even if he already knew the shadow clone, he was surprised when he saw it. This Ninjutsu can be said to have far-reaching influence. Later the protagonist Naruto will relying on this trick alot.

"Kazemori." Tobirama turned around staring at Masaki and said: "You have the aptitude for the Sage mode. I don't know how to use the Sage mode. it can only teach by my elder brother, so I will specialize in training your other abilities the Ninjutsu and swordsmanship of your Kazemori clan."

What the Kazemori clan inherited is the swordsmanship matched with Tobirama Ninjutsu and the idea is obvious to let Masaki specialize in this way. Clan inheritance should be the priority. Masaki I also understood this truth and nodded to Tobirama and said: "Understood, please advise me."

"Very good. I will first teach you all my own swordsmanship experience. During this time you can consider other chakra attributes that you want to practice. When you are at Konoha Academy you put your energy, It is undoubtedly correct in terms of wind attributes but it is somewhat limited to have only one type of chakra attribute, you also need at least two types of chakra attributes so that you can interact with the wind and the choices in the war will increase." Tobirama said.

Masaki lowered his head and pondered. Is there a second Chakra attribute he can develope? Kakashi said that generally Shinobi will master the transformation of two attributes which is still unimaginable common during the Warring States Period. But in Konoha sixty years later perhaps this is the best way.

   Seeing this in the past let Masaki not worry. He can go back and think slowly today's swordsmanship practice is about to begin. Tobirama gave the special sword to Masaki. Tobirama himself is a master of swordsmanship and he can even compete with samurai. Kazemori's clan also uses swords but the style is different.

  The sword handed down from the Kazemori clan is a short-edged sword. It is more suitable for a one-shot assassination than a frontal duel. This is also a Shinobi fighting style. Knowing this point Tobirama did not ask Masaki to change his weapon but instructed him how to use this weapon to face a head-on confrontation. Of course the one-shot assassination is the key to training.

   At the beginning of the practice Masaki felt that when he was in Konoha Academy everyone was treated equally and the practice at that time was already harsh. However after becoming a direct disciple the practice of Tobirama, the training is became more rigorous. Masaki felt that it was also a normal thing to call it hell.

However Masaki was not dissatisfied. Although the practice of Tobirama was very bitter and tiring the effect was obvious. Masaki could clearly feel the growth of his own swordsmanship strength after taught by Tobirama. Tobirama's teaching gradually integrated into the Kazemori clan's swordsmanship. Although Tobirama himself is not very good at Fūton but compared with the Kazemori scroll handed down from the Kazemori clan there are some unique features of his own. The insights also make Masaki sometimes have a flash of inspiration. Combined with the knowledge of another world he has a higher control of Fūton.

   Masaki relied on the energy brought by the Sage mode, even if his talent was not as good as other people but he paid more blood and sweat than others and he did not lose the slightest amount of strength. However Masaki could feel that although his mastery of the Sage mode was higher, it seemed to have fallen into a certain bottleneck and the progress was not so obvious.

Hashirama often came to point out Masaki's mastery of the Sage mode. After hearing Masaki's statement he thought for a while and said: "Your Sage mode should be able to improve even higher although it's just my guess. But it should be related to the degree of coverage of the Sage pattern. In the past your Sage pattern can cover until the cheek but after you gradually learn to control the natural forces the Sage pattern only appears on the left half of the body, because this is your limit, If you continue to cover it you will not be able to control the natural force and be swallowed by the natural force."

   "Hokage-sama do you think that I should be able to control more natural forces?"

   "If you want to talk about the method you can only make the the source bigger." The Hokage smiled slightly "No matter how good your control of natural forces if the source is little it's not going far."