
Knight Warpath: Conquer The Infinite Darkness

The ancient power was about to end its slumber and the silent specters were spreading under the ground. With the expansion of the dead, dangers lurked in the night. The transmigrator recovered his memory and fused with a revenant. “I am the Exclusive Knight and the Watcher of the Night. “In the world of monster hunting and the spread of demons, I’m the lonely Demon Hunter. “As evil descends and specters cause disasters, I’m the Savior of All. “With the wrath of ancient gods that desolates the mortal world, I’ll become the glorious God Slayer.” In the infinite world, an endless conquest had begun.

Jie Nan The Salted Fish · Fantasy
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292 Chs

Chapter 115: Slaying

Translator: 549690339

In the small town, Adam told everyone the situation he had observed.

Seth was surprised and couldn't help but reveal an astonished expression: "You mean... we all have the potential to become professionals?"

"If nothing goes wrong, yes."

Adam nodded, confirming once again.

Whether one can become a professional or not is actually easy to discern for Adam.

Those who can become professionals usually have special traces on their bodies and possess the special constitution that can condense Magic Power.

Coincidentally, most of the people present have those constitutions.

Adam was unwilling to believe this was a coincidence and chose to believe it was a gift from the world.

Perhaps this was their world's last gift, allowing them to recover while their constitutions underwent transformation.

It might not be very conspicuous, but their potential had increased significantly.

Unfortunately, no matter how much potential grows, it still couldn't contribute much on the surface.