
Kitsune Hero to Villain

I'm a kitsune, I was part of the hero's party to stop the end of the world. I fought with them until then, but I got scared of dying this day. Because I sensed my death was coming with my power that makes me see into the future. Because of me the Demon King won, he ascended to a stronger version of himself when the world got destroyed. I betrayed my friends to not let my life get taken and in doing so, we couldn't stop it. Then, after that, the Demon King took me under his wings as his right arm in his reign of terror. I felt happy and at the same time desperate, even after what I did I could still smile. This story is about my life as the demon's king lackey and how far will I go with my new and intimidating leader during this adventure. Tags : #Demon #Witches #WeakToStrong #Gods #Kitsune #Werewolf #Magic #Corruption #Power #Villain

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 27 : Many Questions

I can't breathe, it hurts, my body is on top of that despisable demon and I'm standing still in that position, I'm completely naked and this man doesn't even seem to remember who I am.

As that monster shoot a load of his white liquid in my mouth, I can't do anything but wait for him to stop, I'm shredding in tears of despair as he keeps going and removes his carrot from my mouth.

"Drink all of it or I will kill you."

I can't refuse his order and at the same time it goes against my rule of never letting that man sway me, I wish to live and get brave enough to face him, I still fear death but for Olivia I was able to face it... yet this one and his white hat still scares me, he is the one who killed everyone I loved, he is the one I wish to get my revenge on, but my body is way more sensitive than I had expected it to be.

"Drugs sure are effective on young girls. How many babies will I make this year, I wonder."

What... he is planning to... I have to get out from here, I use my teeth and try to use magic but I can't, it's completely blocked by something.

"You trying to get away from me ? I drugged you beforehand so enjoy being impregnated, I did the same to that half panda. She has been displeased, but deep down she is gonna fall for a strong man like me."

"Y...y-you monster."

"Ah... those eyes remind me of the first one I used to make sure demons keep living on. Since I'm strong, you have no right to complain."

"F-fuck y-you !"

"I don't need your consent, I just will impregnate you so you give birth to my kids. And if they are not demons, I'll kill them and use you until you are no longer able to give birth ! Isn't my plan awesome ? Well yes it is, I am the true Demon Lord !"

As he is about to f*ck me, he is interrupted by dark flames burning his carrot and hands and stares at the one doing that to him, it's my master, the True Demon Lord.

"Long time no see brother !" smiles the one who was about to make me into his plaything.

"Don't touch my property."

"You're property ? If she was yours, she would not let me do her in such a slutty pose."

"She didn't consent, never approach my pet."

"Your pet huh, it's funny. She totally reminded me of that one bitch you love so much, you are blinded by love my brother."

"Remove what you just said now ! I was cursed and do not remember her name, but deep down she loved me and so do I !"

"Are you being serious ? Why are protecting a teenager from being my toy ? Didn't we agree that you would give me the heroes once you captured them ?"

My master coughs.

"I did. And as promised I would give the one I captured. Here they are."

I am watching them, next to him appears the blonde wolfgirl that is like a big sister to me completely defenseless and my other friend, Karen being also defenseless and asleep.

I can't tell in this room if it's day or night, but I have to do something right now ! Even if it's meaningless I have to try !

"I beg of you master ! Take them as your pet !"

"Which one will stay with us, now I order you to choose Ellen." the demon lord stares deep into my eyes.

"They are both important to me !"

The demon with white hat is leaving me and looking at my sleeping friends being really curious and without letting me a choice take Naomi and hold her like a baby, his irritating face shows up how happy he is that my master gave him away my precious friend...

"Not the youngest but I'll turn her into a fine bride. You can count on me my dear brother !"

My master seems to hate doing it but he doesn't want to have a fight with his brother, the fact that his brother didn't recognize proves that he isn't smart enough to do things by himself.

He left while using Naomi like a puppet and make her hand say goodbye to the three of us, disappearing in a portal that disappears after him as he also laughs.

"No... give her back ! Give Naomi back ! You stupid demon lord, why did you give her to that monster !?"

"A promise is a promise. And I never break one. Even if it's morally incorrect. Your friend will either lose all hope and become a demon or win with sheer will."

"Why did you make me choose !?"

"Because I'm not greedy unlike what that witch you worked for told us. Now was an opportunity to prove it."

"Did he really do anything dirty to the maid ?"

"He didn't do her anything, lucky her for being half panda."

"What will you do of Karen ?"

"I will make her obedient like you. I'll sway her with what she likes most, jewelry."

"Last time I saw Naomi she was on a dream dimension of Plutaria."

"And she somehow got out of that place."

"You forced Plutaria, I hate you !"

"Hate me all you want, you are still my pet."

"What his Shadow to you ?"

"Him ? He is quite interesting to talk with, he is both my bodyguard and he likes the game Hypno Faeria way too much."

"Who invented that stupid game anyway ?"

"Do not talk so lightly of my girlfriend's game. The concept is simple and yet stimulating, It's a bonding game to know how much you know about your relatives. The only way to know if someone is possessed or not."

"And you said you wanted to kill God."

"I'm sorry for your friend but you deserve it, for killing all demonkind, it's your punishment."

He turns around and share a a glass of water with me, that I take for granted and that I drink without hesitation.

"Where did he found drugs ?"

"He found it. I managed to get here fast since I always stayed close to you."

"Do I ask too much questions ? Aren't they boring for you ?" I hope not.

"They sure are boring but I would be bored without them." what he says is very stupid and at the same time it makes sense.

"What happens if your powers fuse with mine ?"

"Nothing special."

"Is Shadow really a guy ?"

"I saw his true form and yes he is a guy. Try to ask something more interesting like he would."

"Didn't I ruin your plan by destroying the world ? So why do you keep me ?"

"You are worthy of being my pet, you have dreams of reaching the stars and beyond. Also, you are of the same kind as of my future wife."

"I didn't capture the Messenger yet... give me more time."

"Well Gravity girl is one, but you could also capture their other Messenger that announces death, it's a horde of crows."

"I think I need Karen, she is good at tricking people since she is a professional robber. And capturing gravity girl should be easy with a suprise attack. So why don't you help me master ?"

"If I help, it would be pointless. Wait for tonight and do it..."

I do as he says, a full menu appears in the bed and I cover myself with the blanket, we eat after that while Karen is still asleep on the demon's lord shoulder.

"I hope you like my own cooked food."

"It's disgusting ! Did you poop on it !?"

"I order you to say it's good !"

"It's... it's good, I was just toying with you a little..." I'm being honest here and embarrassed too.

He then leave the bed and fake his sleep, watching over me while I do.

The day after, I wake up and dress myself with the clothes he gave me while I was enjoying a good night sleep. They are just the same as yesterday and also clean, it makes me wonder if he knows about how many tails I do have.


"You finally woke up. What do you wish to know so early ?"

"How many tails do I have ?"

He goes behind me and look at my tail.

"You only have one. You are fifteen after all." he confirms my doubts.

Then whoever said I have three is either lying to me or telling the truth, whatever the case may be, I'm confused since the Demon King itself concludes that I have only one and he isn't a liar, the complete opposite of his brother, my worst enemy. Just thinking about it makes me feel the hatred, I'm like melting with this feeling and giving a cold look to my master, I'm in rage.

"You knew who he would choose because you want me to kill my own friend ! There is no point killing my friends for power !"

Yet, my master remains calms at my remark, standing still next to Karen who is drinking tea and she doesn't even say anything to me.

"It seems I can't hide anything from you. Indeed, I planned that he would choose the one with light magic. I do not care what happens to her, every beast must be tamed."

"Capture The Messenger, if you fail me. I will make you bold."

"You monster !"

I leave that place and search everywhere in the city to find that girl who has green hair, it isn't common and she should be arrested since her hair are against the rules of this land.

So all I have to do is find a scene where trouble is happening, I ask many citizens about that catgirl and finally after hearing screams, a bottle of milk falls into my arm and the catgirl is stealing it from me, making me fly at the same time and even remotely mocking me with her military goodbye. I try anything to follow her so I walk slowly to find where she goes, the gravity makes me fall into the ground, it hurts just a little bit and I run after her again while she is hiding somewhere, I look everywhere but she disappeared from my sight.

I look at my feet and find a cat then catch it with my own two hands and elevate him as close as possible to my face.

"Got you, damn cat ! You thought I would keep searching for the human you huh !? Too bad, I'm smarter than average !" I'm having fun mocking her.

"How !? Normally everyone falls for the trick !"

"You can talk in that form... and how I knew it was you is simple, you have the same scent. Dear Messenger, you will obey to my master after that."

I keep her by force and run towards that Teleport Girl shop where my master is standing in front of, he takes the cat that I give him and headpats me whispering nice words to my ears.

"Good work, I'm proud of you my pet."

"It was a bit too easy to capture her."

"She wasted her magic for gambling at the building right next to the one we are. The Messenger is straight up stupid."

"How dare you Demon Lord of shit ! You just ruin people's lives just because no one likes you !" says the angry cat with desolation in her voice.

"Tell me who sent you or my pet here will put you through harsh pain. She will not stop until you spit it out."

"I'll never obey to a demon or his slave, you're just lucky I had business to take care of and that my magic doesn't work."

"You have your limits little creature, in comparison to my slave you aren't even worth mentioning."

"I'd rather die."

The demon lord laughs as he slowly but surely uses a curse on her, he will go crazy if he completes his process so I do my best and push him with all my might to get the cat back.

"Stop this unecessary curse master ! I don't want you to become like your asshole brother. You have to stay a man of your words ! Even if I know what it leads me to."

"Indeed, the ultimate step to know if you are worthy of being my pet is to kill the one who manipulates the light element."

"I will win I promise." I don't really know if I'll be able to once the day actually comes.

"And since you are my pet Ellen, do tell me the day you were born."

I whisper it into his ears and he is surprised, I pet Qylphis, since I'm no longer a hero, I want to do something any villain can without having to choose, to have a harem for myself.

Well, only because I want to be loved for who I am.

And now that I'm done thinking, I'm fine with you telling me what I should do...




I am once again here my dear reader ! Yes, yes, yes, It's me, the best part of that wimpy kitsune who has trash taste in all forms.

It's not true.

No one asked about your opinion fake personnality, I am the original Sanaë and you are Ellen the dog, pig, slave of a demon.

Waouh, it feels good to be alive in your, I mean my thoughts, if I really want to become a godess, getting a harem is the easiest way to ascend from weak little teenager to sexy strong godess and that way I can even have experiences with adults.

"Master, let me have a harem !"

"Anything is fine if you want to get stronger, just don't take drugs it's never fine for anyone's body. We're going back to the ship."

"I want The Messenger Qylphis in my harem, I already have Olivia and I need a lot more members !" I'm so excited like a child.

The four of us including Karen are transported into a portal and being teleported to the ship where the little witch is stuck in prison without any use of magic, that's where Qylphis is thrown too and even tied up by myself because I'm forced to.

"My sisters will stop you, evil demon lord and evil kitsune and that stranger !"

"I think all witches should go to jail, they have too much freedom and I'm sure the kitty will agree."

"I can't disagree with that statement." replies the kitty.

"I don't need my sisters to get out, I just don't want to be in trouble so I stay here in a safe place." adds the little witch bluntly.

"I know quite well the witches process of thoughts. First, observe. Secondly, experiment. Third, manipulates others. If my army wasn't gone it wouldn't be too hard to smash them, there is no good witches in this world."

I mean, I... I know good witches by experience.

Well, I have to disagree with me since the oldest is Camilla and the youngest is Carmilla, they didn't put any effort finding their names.

"We will hunt down every witch, capture them and experiment on them." I bluntly say.

My master doesn't seem to disagree with me and unlike what I expected, he kisses me on the forehead, here for a second I thought he would go for my tasty and delicious lips.

Karen, is holding her gun that is already loaded with bullets and stares directly at the witch without saying anything, witnessing this makes me wonder why she disappeared from Plutaria's place and if she is safe and then a voice talks in my mind.

"Can you hear me Ellen ? It's me Saphilys, someone has contracted a magic disease and everyone around the Kingdom of Lust is sick too. Help us now find a cure since healing magic is not doing anything."

"And how can I do that exactly ?"

"Hurry at the Special Garden. The oni went berserk and god knows how weak I am against them. I'll tell you everything there."

She ends the mind conversation before I can even reply and so, I leave the ship taking Karen with me because she is my friend and we go to that Sacred Special Garden together.