
Kitsune Awakening: The Harbinger

In the magical kingdom of Zorene, Princess Xenia is betrayed and imprisoned by those she trusted most. Framed for treason and tortured, her world shatters. A daring rescue by a mysterious woman sets her on a path of self-discovery, revealing her lineage as a descendant of the first kitsune, with untapped, formidable power. However, something unexpected happens, she’s assassinated. The pendant that had been given to her held an unexpected secret. Resurrected, Xenia flees the grave created for her and encounters Alistair Nightshade, a brooding noble with secrets of his own—a descendant of the first vampire. Sparks fly between them, their chemistry undeniable yet fraught with tension and forbidden allure. Together, they must navigate political intrigue, ancient rivalries, and dark magic, their growing bond both a strength and a complication. “The Harbinger” is a spellbinding tale of resilience, hidden heritage, and a love that defies all odds. Xenia’s journey from tortured princess to powerful warrior will captivate readers, drawing them into a world where magic and passion intertwine. Prepare to be swept away by an epic romance that promises adventure, danger, and heart-stopping moments. *** Cupid’s Quill Entry. This book will also have very detailed “steamy” scenes with a little fantasy elements to them. Lol so please don’t come for me at how unrealistic something may be!!! I’ll upload a chap every two days of at least 1500 words. There will most likely to be more tho.

RealDarkSeraph · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Escape and Unexpected Relative

Before I could respond, she reached into her cloak and pulled out a small vial, its contents glowing with an ethereal light. "Drink this," she instructed. "It will help you regain some strength."

I hesitated for a moment, but something in her eyes reassured me. I took the vial and drank its contents. Warmth spread through my body, dulling the pain and clearing my vision.

"Can you stand?" the woman asked, her voice urgent yet kind.

I nodded, feeling a surge of strength. With her help, I stood up, albeit shakily.

"Good," she said, her tone more determined. "We need to move quickly."

She led me out of the cell, moving with a grace and speed that belied her age. We hadn't gone far when we encountered the first set of guards. The lady moved like a shadow, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air.

The guards froze, their eyes widening in shock as they were lifted off the ground and slammed into the walls with a force that left them unconscious.

"Stay close," she whispered, not even breaking stride.

We continued through the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon, encountering more guards along the way. Each time, the woman dispatched them with a combination of magic and martial skill that left me in awe.

She wielded her power with precision, her movements fluid and deadly. Bolts of purple energy shot from her hands, immobilizing and incapacitating our foes.

We reached the main exit, only to find it heavily guarded. She then turned to me, her eyes blazing with intensity. "Get behind me."

She stepped forward, her hands raised. The air around her crackled with energy, and I could feel the sheer force of her magic.

With a fierce cry, she unleashed a wave of purple light that surged forward like a tidal wave, sweeping the guards off their feet and sending them crashing into the walls.

"Go!" she commanded, and we sprinted through the doorway, leaving the chaos behind.

Outside, the night air was cool and fresh, a stark contrast to the suffocating darkness of the dungeon.

This mysterious woman, who is my only escape out of this prison I called a home, led me through the palace grounds, moving swiftly and silently. We reached a hidden passage that led us away from the palace and into the safety of the forest beyond.

"Keep moving," she urged, her voice steady. "We're not safe yet."

We ran through the dense underbrush, the sounds of pursuit growing fainter with each step. My body ached, but the determination to survive kept me going. I do not know how much time had passed but we finally emerged into a clearing where a small, nondescript cottage stood.

"Inside," the woman said, guiding me through the door.

The interior was simple but cozy, a stark contrast to the opulence of the palace. The lady led me to a small bed in a room at the back, her expression softening as she looked at me.

"Rest now," she said. "You're safe here."

Once I laid down, the exhaustion built up over the past month overcame me. I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, my last thought a fleeting one of gratitude for this woman who had saved me.


When I woke, it felt like days had passed. I was lying in a warm, comfortable bed, the room around me simple yet inviting. I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace that had been absent for so long.

Slowly, I sat up, gathering my thoughts, but they were a jumbled mess. The last clear memory I had was of the dungeon, the cold stone walls, and the constant pain. How did I get here?

Panic surged through me. I looked around the room, scanning for any threats. My mind was on high alert. I couldn't remember how I had escaped, or who had helped me. I held out my hands, summoning my magic.

Pink-purple energy crackled around me, lighting up the room with an otherworldly glow. It felt like a part of me, a core of strength that I hadn't known I possessed.

I hurriedly moved through the cottage, the soft wooden floors creaking under my bare feet. As I reached the window, I saw a woman outside, moving about in a garden.

Her movements were calm and deliberate, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside me. My heart pounded, remembering the horrible incident I had gone through. I would be damned if I got taken again.

I sneakily went out the back door and walked around the corner. With stealth matching that of the kingdom's assassins, I approached the woman. My magic, began to condense into a small ball for some seconds where I was then ready to unleash a torrent of energy befitting an Elementalist-staged mage.

The pink-amethyst aura around me intensified, humming with power. I took a deep breath, preparing to defend myself, to fight if necessary.

The woman in the garden turned around, her face coming into view. All the energy I had mustered dissipated as I took a step back, visibly shaken. I stared at her, my mind struggling to make sense of what I was seeing.

And with a trembling voice, I say aloud…


The woman's expression remained calm but her eyes reveal a depth of sorrow and recognition. As I looked closer, I realized this woman isn't my mother, but there was something hauntingly familiar about her.

"No, Xenia," she said softly. "I am Morrigan, your mother's sister."

My mind struggled to process her words. I had never known my mother had a sister. "Aunt? Why didn't she ever tell us about you?" I asked, my voice filled with confusion and a hint of accusation.

Something as big as this should've definitely come up. Either she and my mother weren't on good terms or mother simply did not want us to know.

"It was for you and your kingdom's safety," Morrigan replied. "Our family has secrets, ones that were better left hidden until the time was right."

She gestured for me to sit on a nearby bench in the garden. The plants around us seemed to glow faintly, their colors more vibrant than anything I had seen in the dark confines of the dungeon. I sank onto the bench, still reeling from the revelation.

As I sat there, I couldn't help but notice how closely Morrigan resembled my mother. The same high cheekbones, the same intense gaze, the same raven-black hair cascading down her back. It was uncanny. "Were you and my mother… You know… twins?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Morrigan laughed softly, a laugh that was so much like my mothers. I began to tear up. It brought me back to the last time mother laughed the night before her passing.

Thinking of that made my mood plummet. However, Morrigan's words brought me back to reality.

"No, we were not twins, but the bond between us was strong. Stronger than any other sibling bond our clan has ever seen."

My mind began racing with questions. "How did you know where to find me?" I asked, trying to piece together the fragments of my shattered memories as I sniffled.

"Because of our bloodline," Morrigan replied, her voice tinged with a hint of pride. "We are kitsune. And our lineage in particular, traces directly back to the Progenitor. Our Kitsura clan is the only direct clan still in existence, albeit barely. This purity in bloodline enables our connection to each other to go deeper than mere familial ties. When your bloodline began to unlock, I felt it, almost as if Elysande herself were alive, and I knew you were in danger."

"Kitsune?" I echoed, my heart pounding. I had heard the legends, but never in my wildest dreams had I thought they applied to me. "But how? Why?"

Morrigan took a deep breath, her eyes distant as if recalling an ancient story. "The legend of the Kitsune Progenitor is one of the oldest and most revered tales among magical creatures. It begins with the Progenitor herself, Tsukuyomi, the first kitsune and the mother of all fox spirits."

She paused, allowing the weight of her words to sink in before continuing. "Tsukuyomi was born in an age when the world was still young and brimming with raw magic. She was a being of immense power and grace, able to control the elements, shape-shift at will, and communicate with the spirits of the land. Her beauty was unmatched, her wisdom profound, and her heart as wild and free as the forests she called home.

"During this time, the world was also inhabited by other magical beasts, each with their own unique powers and domains. Dragons soared through the skies, their fiery breath shaping mountains and valleys. Phoenixes, with their radiant plumage, brought life and renewal wherever they went. Unicorns, symbols of purity and healing, roamed the enchanted glades, while griffins guarded ancient treasures and sacred sites.

"Despite their differences, there was harmony among these creatures, a balance maintained by their mutual respect for each other's powers and territories. But there were also dark forces, malevolent beings that sought to disrupt this balance and plunge the world into chaos."

Morrigan's eyes glinted with a mixture of sorrow and reverence as she spoke. "Tsukuyomi, recognizing the threat these dark forces posed, took it upon herself to unite the magical beasts against their common enemy. She formed pacts with the dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and griffins, forging alliances that would endure through the ages.

"Together, they waged a great war against the darkness, a battle that shook the very foundations of the world. Tsukuyomi's leadership and bravery were instrumental in their victory, and her name became synonymous with hope and resilience. In the aftermath of the war, she established the Kitsura clan, vowing to protect the balance of the world and ensure that the legacy of unity among magical creatures would never be forgotten."

I listened, spellbound, as Morrigan continued. "Over the centuries, the Kitsura clan grew in strength and wisdom, its members inheriting Tsukuyomi's powers and her unyielding spirit. However, maintaining the purity of our bloodline was essential to preserving our unique connection to the Progenitor and the ancient pacts she forged.

"But with great power came great responsibility. As the world evolved, so did the threats against it. Dark entities, like the one that seeks to dominate Terra now, have always coveted our powers and sought to destroy us. Our clan's numbers dwindled, and many of our secrets were lost to time."

Morrigan's gaze locked onto mine, her expression fierce. "You, Xenia, are a direct descendant of Tsukuyomi. Your bloodline carries the purity and strength of the Progenitor herself. This is why your mother, Elysande, and I kept our heritage hidden from you. It was to protect you until you were ready to embrace your destiny."

My heart pounded with the weight of her words. "So, all those legends… they were real? And I'm part of that legacy?"

"Yes," Morrigan said, her voice filled with conviction. "You have the power to shape the future, to protect the balance as Tsukuyomi did. But first, you must unlock your true potential. The journey ahead will be fraught with challenges, but you are not alone. Our ancestors' spirits are with you, guiding you every step of the way."

Morrigan reached out, taking my hand in hers. Her touch was warm, comforting in this dark and confused time I'm in.

"There is much you need to learn, Xenia, and not all of it can be explained in one sitting. But know this: your mother and I were guardians, protectors of the balance between light and darkness. When you were born, we knew you would one day carry on that legacy."

The weight of her words settled over me like a heavy cloak. My mother, a guardian? Me, a kitsune? It was almost too much to take in.

"Why didn't she tell me?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"It was to keep you safe," Morrigan said gently. "The less you knew, the less danger you were in. But now that your power is awakening, the dark entity that seeks to dominate Terra sees you as a threat. That is why it manipulated events to imprison you."

My thoughts swirled with confusion, anger, and a deep, aching sadness. "What about my father? Did he know?"

Morrigan's expression darkened slightly. "Your father was a good man, but he was not part of our world. He loved your mother deeply, but there were things he could not understand. The cause of your mother's death was the catalyst for the corruption within him. The entity exploited his fears and used him to carry out its plans."

Tears welled up in my eyes. "I don't know what to do, Morrigan. How can I fight something I don't understand?"

"By embracing your heritage and unlocking your true power," Morrigan said. She reached into her cloak and pulled out a pendant, handing it to me. "This will guide you to our family's hidden sanctuary. There, you will find the answers and training you need."

I took the pendant, feeling its cool weight in my hand. It was intricately designed, with a small, glowing gemstone at its center. "What about the kingdom? What about my father?"

"We will deal with them in time," Morrigan said, her voice steady. "For now, you must focus on your own survival and growth. Trust in your abilities, and you will find a way to reclaim what is rightfully yours."

I nodded, a new resolve hardening within me. I would find this sanctuary, unlock my powers, and return to challenge the forces that sought to destroy me. I would reclaim my identity, my kingdom, and my place on Terra.

As we sat there in the garden, the sun setting behind us, I felt a mix of fear and determination. There was so much I didn't understand, so many questions left unanswered. But for the first time in weeks, I felt a glimmer of hope.

"Aunt Morrigan," I said softly, my voice trembling. Using the familial title of aunt for the first time made me feel a bit awkward. "Tell me more about my mother."

Morrigan's eyes softened, and she took a deep breath. "Your mother, Elysande, was a force of nature. Strong, kind, and fiercely protective of those she loved. She always put others before herself. When she fell in love with your father, she hoped their union would bring peace and prosperity to Zorene, even in this time of internal strife."

I nodded, feeling a pang of sadness. "And what about you? Why didn't you stay with her?"

"I had my own duties," Morrigan explained. "Our family is spread across Terra, each of us tasked with protecting a realm from the dark forces that threaten it. When Elysande married your father, she chose to leave that life behind. But she knew that one day, you might need our family's help. Which is why she left this pendant to me."

Aunt Morrigan then hands me an exquisite teardrop-shaped pendant made from a rare, lustrous pink metal. At its center sat a stunning amethyst crystal, deep purple with lighter lavender flecks that danced in the light. The amethyst was set in finely wrought silver filigree, with delicate vine-like patterns cradling the gem.

Tiny, glowing runes were etched along the edge of the pink crystal, adding a layer of mystique. The back of the pendant featured the Kitsura clan's emblem—a stylized fox with nine tails, its eyes set with tiny, sparkling diamonds.

The pendant hung from a sturdy yet elegant silver chain, each link crafted to ensure strength and beauty. The clasp was an ornate hook that clicked securely into place. The pendant emanated a subtle warmth, resonating with the magic within me, symbolizing my heritage and destiny.

I looked into Aunt Morrigan's eyes, so much like my mother's, and felt a connection I had never known. "Thank you, Aunt Morrigan," I said, my voice filled with emotion. "I won't let you down."

"Do not thank me. Thank the Progenitor. For I know that you won't," she replied, her eyes shining with pride. "You have the strength of our ancestors within you. Trust in that strength, and you will succeed."

As I lay in bed that night, the pendant clutched tightly in my hand, I thought about the path ahead. There was so much uncertainty, so many dangers.

But I was no longer the helpless princess trapped in a dungeon. I was to become a warrior, a kitsune, and fighter for my future.