
Kiss me More

Pearl Smith finally married the love of her life . Unfortunately he hates her , since her father killed his parents. After five years of marriage he asked for a divorce. Surprisingly on the day of the divorce hearing. He refused to divorce Pearl and says " Pearl, baby let's start over . We will have two children a boy and a beautiful girl a spitting image of the love of my life " Aziel Lin pours out his heart kneeling. Pearl feels very overwhelmed...

Asong_Rophine_7347 · Urban
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39 Chs

Embrace your worst fears

        " Yeah , Mrs Lin has always been intriguing " a show host added.

      Pearl Lin burst into laughter " I decided to showcase the inner woman in every woman in this design . From the features you can tell that's this sports car is feminine. Although all cars are feminine " she giggled once more tighten her grip on Aziel's hand out of nervousness.

    The host laughed. He touched her fragile soft hands . Pearl withdrew her hands as she could feel the cold burning gaze from the man next to her .

    " That's all folks , once again we thank Mrs Lin and her husband for taking off time from their tight schedule for this show " the show host threw Aziel a lust look.

    Pearl gave a warm smile and her husband his threatening gaze . Which forced the show host into a untimely choke on his very own saliva.

     " Let's go " he muttered indifferently. 

  She bowed her head respectfully to the host and she ran towards ,Aziel was no where to be seen.

      She took huge steps towards the new Maybach GLS in the lobby.

          She stared at the indifferent beau sitting on the passenger seat of the car . His perfect jawline,blonde hair and black shining eyes were fixed on some documents in his hands.

       " Azi please open the door " she pleaded knocking the window.

    He ignored her like she was not even there .

     " I'm sorry ok " she begged. Pearl knew he was upset at the scene he watched.

    The wind got stronger and the thunder wailed presumedly a sign of a heavy downpour. The cold wind made her cover her freezing shoulders . She blew hot air in her red palms sobbing like a little kid for candy . All of the sudden, she started to sniff now and then.

     Aziel noticed her red nose . She had always been a sickly. Any little strange fragrance or cold pushes her to a very high temperature. Plus, he was not in the mood to look after secretly the entire night.

        " Thank you " she spoke hesitantly afore bolting into the car . Her shoulders slightly brushed his . " Sorry " she apologized gazing somewhere else . Pearl avoided any scene in the midst of the driver .

      " Did i ever stop you from doing your work " Aziel spoke coldly clenching his fist.

    " Never " she interupted completely lost on what he was driving to .

    " Then , why were you overly , openly incautiously flirty with that pest . Is he the next shoulder you want to lean on after our divorce " he maintain his gaze on the papers.

      The word divorce, sent a cold wind through her . Her heart sank at the thought of not seeing him every morning. She knew he hated her guts but was fine as long as she got to see him daily. Actually,in the past she would fail a quiz only to use as and excuse for him to teach her . Only to see him .

        She felt deprived , ripped , robbed , bereft of another chance . She believed he would fall for her someday. Unfortunately five years went by without a single action of care till today. When he accompanied her to this show. She stroked her diamond ring on the ring finger at daze.

        " Take " Aziel placed the document on her thighs.

     " Divorce ...why ..i mean " she stuttered struggling not to cry especially not in the midst of the driver .

    " Aziel, i think we should discuss this at home " she spoke softly dragging her words.

          His marriage with her was only revenge on her father for killing his parents mistakenly. He got married to her to make her life miserable. And she was widely aware unlike the rest of the world.