
Kiss me More

Pearl Smith finally married the love of her life . Unfortunately he hates her , since her father killed his parents. After five years of marriage he asked for a divorce. Surprisingly on the day of the divorce hearing. He refused to divorce Pearl and says " Pearl, baby let's start over . We will have two children a boy and a beautiful girl a spitting image of the love of my life " Aziel Lin pours out his heart kneeling. Pearl feels very overwhelmed...

Asong_Rophine_7347 · Urban
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39 Chs


Chapter 2


       The ride home was uncertainty quiet. Aziel's eyebrows were slightly furrowed and no emotion could be seen on his indecipherable , expressionless face.

           My face shone with incredulity i kept staring at him with a strong desire of suppressing by pain . I won't cry , never . The weak and fragile image of me in his mind would subside. He was my bestfriend,my childhood sweetheart and now he likes nothing but seeing me in pain. Why does it still hurt when he always treated me like this, was it because it's was the first time he asked for a divorce. I could not help but swallow the suicidal lump in my throat.


      The car stopped by the Villa . Out of instincts i sauntered to Villa. The house sparkled with lights and elegance. Though it looked magnificent it only brought back bad memories, even my therapist advised me to leave this, i can't after all it's my home .

       In-between my sobbing i heard soft footsteps behind me ...not anymore. I stood at the top of the staircase looking indifferently. He was not there , he left. I grin sadly. Aziel left in the car without the driver, how priceless. It's like he spent most of his time finding new ways to hurt me .

. The driver stared at me awkwardly before leaving for the servants quarters. He was probably feeling bad for me , who wouldn't i bet if you would have seen me now ,you will feel pity. However, i don't need pity i want what every married girl desires her husband love , it that too much .I sat on the top of the stairs, replaying all my life problems fitting them in categories.

      Since then I did not see him for three weeks. The new design i drew was taking my name to places . It was launched in North Dakota, Korea , Indonesia, South Africa , Peru and so on . More interviews and magazines cover to do. I was on the peak of my career , it was all i ever wanted . Yeah , a real dream come true.

    Those weeks were spent in meetings and jet lag felt as natural as breathing. Still then, i didn't call him . Although I deleted his contact, i still knew it off hand but didn't call him . Eventually I knew i would because he  accompanied my mind the whole time.

          I arrived Winston airport late due to delayed flight. I stood at the waiting section to get my bag.

       I felt tired and was struggling hard to keep my eyes open. My gaze fell on a lady of about twenty six . She was a Filipino and a very beautiful one at that. The girl wore an off shoulder jacket and a tight mini skirt.She wore minimum make - up which highlighted her delicate features. She held a placard with my name in bold letters. " Pearl Gu - Lin "

     " Mrs Lin " she called out wearing a broad smile. She shook her shoulders thus plumbing her full chest . Today , i found my girl crush she is physically perfect. In one my weird thoughts i wondered if she had a husband, he would probably adore her .I would.

    Keeping my indifferent look, i strolled towards her elegantly. She smiled more enchantly which was oddly familiar .  I must have seen her somewhere but could faintly remember.

       " Mrs. Lin, I'm Mr. Lin secretary and I'm here to pick you up " she muttered in a squeaky voice.

    " Your name " i spoke in a calm voice.

   " Mae Gu - English " she muttered proudly and boldly throwing another enchanting smile at me .

    She led me on with talks about herself. 

    I frowned a little , she was getting annoying with all her talks but i felt comfortable around her. I liked her , she reminded me of young me , so talkative and chatty untill marriage and surprisingly unforseen fame.

     " Ma'am today is the grandparents anniversary , so we will be leaving for the Lin mansion. " She smiled at me once again exposing her cute little dimple on her left cheek.

        I nodded repeatedly scrolling down my phone, checking for messages or calls . Usually none but i still had fucking hope. 

              People started to hover around me asking questions and autographs. I tried my best to persist but my eyes were getting more drowsy .

        Right when I was about to snap . A pair of hands guarded me into a Mercedes Benz. 

       " Thanks a lot "