
Kiss from the Enemy

"Where were you last night? I didn't noticed you at the party." "I was on the side' You didn't noticed me coz you were busy dancing with the Prince." "Ow really, you should have approached me." "You know what don't even bother to be nice to me just because I am friend with the prince. Just do your thing to be the princess already." "I never thought this is how you see me." I was in awe hearing those words from Mael. "Don't even deny it you are just like the other girls who wants to be the princess you are just to obvious." "I do wanna be a princess but our friendship is real. I treat you like a real friend .I'm not using you or anything. I'm real. But you?. The last time we talked we were happy now your just cold. I don't know what happened to you or what I've done to you. I'm sorry but I just wanna be happy. You should do the same, start that from being true to yourself and be consistent. Don't be hot and cold. Coz I don't know where we at now. " "I don't need a friend I'm sorry. I'm out of your catch-the-prince-scheme." He turned around and pretended to be busy on his books. That was the last time we talked Mael started avoiding me from then on. "Yeah I don't need you help anyway!" I said myself and went back to work.

Harljane · History
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Mael and Pael

Mael's POV

Sol is actually affected by that gossip. Looks like the Prince will confirm it from me. I can see him eyeing on me to see if I'm busy. After visiting the library on our way to go outside. The group have not yet decided what to do this afternoon. The men are reluctant to go on hunting. Me myself rather go home early and rest. The Prince paced down his steps so we could set a distance to our friends. He will definite investigate about the last night's party. He started in a soft question almost a whisper definitely scared of others overhearing our conversation.

"Mael, there is something bothering me this morning. I want to clear it up directly from you since it happened in your place. About the party last night on your father's birthday." His face is so serious but I know the Prince so well I can handle him easily.

"Sure your highness. Just ask out." I responded in a light tone.While the Prince is having a hard time to start his question nevertheless he still did.

" Is there any truth behind the gossip about Sol being intimate with another guy in your father's party?" He finally blurted out the question that's bothering him. I started with a ( i-have-no-idea-face) then answered in a more confusing way. I didn't see any kissing on the party your highness but I definitely saw Sol indeed with a guy on a darker side of our property behind their Kalesa I think. She's with a guy. I didn't see exactly who was with her. They been dancing on the dark and seemed to be having fun. I didn't check because her private life is non of my business your highness. I'm sorry if I'm of no help to you, your highness. But I didn't see any kissing or maybe i didn't caught it. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. I can't be sure." After our conversation, the mood of the Prince get even darker. He is more troubled now than before he talked to me. He left without a smile.