
Kiss from the Enemy

"Where were you last night? I didn't noticed you at the party." "I was on the side' You didn't noticed me coz you were busy dancing with the Prince." "Ow really, you should have approached me." "You know what don't even bother to be nice to me just because I am friend with the prince. Just do your thing to be the princess already." "I never thought this is how you see me." I was in awe hearing those words from Mael. "Don't even deny it you are just like the other girls who wants to be the princess you are just to obvious." "I do wanna be a princess but our friendship is real. I treat you like a real friend .I'm not using you or anything. I'm real. But you?. The last time we talked we were happy now your just cold. I don't know what happened to you or what I've done to you. I'm sorry but I just wanna be happy. You should do the same, start that from being true to yourself and be consistent. Don't be hot and cold. Coz I don't know where we at now. " "I don't need a friend I'm sorry. I'm out of your catch-the-prince-scheme." He turned around and pretended to be busy on his books. That was the last time we talked Mael started avoiding me from then on. "Yeah I don't need you help anyway!" I said myself and went back to work.

Harljane · History
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21 Chs


"Hi!" I approached Pael.

"Hey what's up!" He answered.

"Did you talked to the Prince?" I asked.

"Yeah, we did. We always talk." He answered as if he doesn't know what I'm about to tell him.

"Well I'm just worried about this gossip about me. I heard that apparently I kissed a guy at the celebration in your house. Isn't that absurd. I'm with you that night including your sister and your friends. Nothing like that happened. But this gossip is just driving me crazy. So if you be so kind to help me clear this issue to the Prince, I will carry the debt of gratitude even up to my grave." I requested to Mael.

"Of course, what are friends are for. I was there too and I saw nothing of that sort. I already told him actually but I will tell him again. No worries. Your such a sweet girl and for sure loyal too. He will never think that of you." He assured me with his words and I took that seriously. I beleieve we are friends.

" Thank you Mael. You're the best ever!" I was relieved that I have a friend to back me up.