
kirishima x Y/n

um I hope you like this story, I might make one story worth 20 Chapters soon, I am gonna try to atleast make each if them have 1k words..

Saphire08 · Others
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2 Chs

part 1

you wait for Kirishima to come back home from hero work and you wait like your waiting for your food delivery to arrive. you started getting bored after waiting for 2 hours and 48 minutes. so you decided to draw Kirishima so you can show him the drawing later on.

you got a little frustrated as you couldn't find the red colored pen, so you decided to paint with water colors instead, you painted him saving two children and him smiling while the kids were clinging onto him. you were unhappy about the results because you messed up kirishima's clothes and one of his hands. overall it turned out pretty good. Suddenly, you heard the doorbell ring, you jumped in excitement because you thought it was Kirishima who you've been waiting almost 3 hours for.

You first checked from the peeking hole, because you heard a strange rumour going around saying there was a person who can teleport in a house or apartment as soon as the door was opened.

you didnt really see anyone "Who is there?!" you asked while screaming a little so that if something were to happen to you, the neighbors who heard you would know that someone was at your door.

you got a little worried for yourself after 27 minutes of waiting. Shortly after, you hear the doorbell again but this time you decided to message and call Kirishima. after you messaged him, you got a text from an unknown user. It said 'open your door' you freaked out and called Kirishima immediately. He wouldn't pick up, so you decided to call every pro hero who was in the same classroom as him in UA, till one of them answered.

Tsuyu answered and you greeted her before you started talking "please, please, please, PLEASE help me, someone was at the door and then I got a message from someone I dont know, telling me to open the door, I call-" "calm down, tell me where you are and where Kirishima kun is, I will come as soon as possible! dont worry" she said trying to calm you down "alright,.. right now I am at Eijirou and I's apartment, Eijrou was out on patrol, while he was gone I waited and even painted him! shortly after I finished, the doorbell rang and I thought it was him, but it wasn't. I think something bad happened to him, he wouldn't pick up his phone, and I have no Idea where he is now. something bad happened.. I just know it. the person who is in charge of this will pay." you said angrily with a hint of murderous Intent. your quirk is "punishment of Judgement", you can judge people earlier and based on their deeds they will either live their next life /heaven or they will go to hell, and that's just where it is game end. Since your quirk can make people die faster than their appointed time, you are kept under watch by the pro heroes and the police. Tsuyu's eyes widened "K-kirishima?! is that you? why haven't you been answering your phone? And how did you even get in?" Tsuyu asked terrified of what's laying in front of her. "w-what the?!", something happened to tsuyu and you cant get a hold of her, so you ask a undercover pro hero to help, nobody knows who this pro hero really is, only you do. it's your adoptive father. he had adopted you shortly after your parents died. he knew your father like he knew his mother. (what I am trying to say is they knew eachother really well) anyway, after he came, you immediately told him to wear a mask, just in case. you ask pro hero Uravity where tsuyu lives, and you ask her for assistance.

after 27 min you arrive at Tuyus house, there is all this black stuff on her house. You try to poke that mysterious black stuff with a pencil you had. The pencil disintegrated and it almost got to your hand, you were surprised and scared at the same time, Uraraka was disgusted by how the black stuff smelled, it smelled so disgusting you couldnt even describe it better than disgusting. After searching for a way inside you first decide to call the police, just in case. You called them so they know about the black stuff on tsuyus house, they told you they would send some police officers so they can assist you and the others, you thanked him and continued to look for a way inside. "could you get in by using your quirk?" you asked your father "I cant use it today, I used it 4 times already, We can only use my quirk to get out, and only if something goes wrong." your father's quirk is Faze, he can faze through everything and including live animals or humans can Faze through things aswell, but only when he touches them. He can only use his quirk 5 times, he himself can Faze through anytime and how many times he needs to, but he would have to be naked to do that and he needs to stay away from tattoos, when he gets tattoos his quirk wont work anymore. you glance at the house again and see Tsuyu waving at you through one of the Windows. "SHE IS OVER THERE!!" you scream and run towards her. she gives you a sign to be quiet and you forward the sign to the others aswell . "come on through the back door! there must be a way to get me out of my room, I am stuck here there is all this stuff on my door, it disappears when a light is shined upon it, but there is still this stuff behind my door. you get a flashlight from the police officers car and all of you proceed to go in. When you got in everything was a mess, the lights were broken, the glass Vase was shattered into 4 large pieces and a lot of small pieces. the tables were turned and broken, The TV wasn't working, and the Windows were all covered in the mysterious guey stuff. you look around the room more and you see kirishima and a blond haired male laying on the ground. you hurry over to Kirishima as he was gone for a long time. "Uraraka, could you use your quirk on them so we can get them to the car, and can you call an ambulance? I want to make sure they are okay." you asked her. "right!" she said and got those two out of there. "Y/N over there!" your father called out to you and showed you a syringe, it wasn't full. "maybe its Tsuyus." it was complete silence before your father just shrugged it off and put it in his pocket. After Uraraka arrived, leaving those two with the police officers, your hear a loud gun shot. Uraraka looked behind her and saw the Villain, the person who can Infect people with a Virus. He was on TV alot recently and alot of pro heros were trying to catch him, You run up to the Villain and used his quirk in rage, you knew he had something to do with what happened, Uraraka stopped you before you could do anything. "it's an illusion, a trap to be exact." Uraraka said looking frustrated. " but he is there!, he must have infected that blonde male, and when the man couldnt control his quirk he probably went crazy and then.. this happened." You were also getting frustrated, you got a headache while trying to make sense of things. "Come on you two, we have to save the pro hero that is stuck in the room, what did we have to do again to get rid of this.. stuff?" He asked pointing at the Black disintegrating stuff. Uraraka immediately took the Flashlight and ran up the stairs. You ran after her while your father stayed behind to keep watch.

Uraraka immediately switched the light on and pointed it at the door and the black disintegrating stuff started to melt. "It works! Tsuyu Can you hear me?!" Uraraka screamed so that Tsuyu could have a chance of hearing her. Tsuyu didn't answer, so you two slowly started getting worried. Once you've 6 opened the door you noticed the light is on and Tsuyu is sitting next to her desk, listening to music. Uraraka and you looked really surprised . When Tsuyu noticed you two she immediately got up and went over to you and Uraraka. "Finally *ribbit* you guys came, Why did you guys take so long?" Tsuyu asked with a serious face. "w-well, you see, I brought a blonde man and Kirishima to the police car and we just kinda forgot.." Uraraka said looking Guilty. "hmm.. fine I gue-" Tsuyu gets cut off by the police siren, and you hear a lot of police men and women outside screaming for you to get out as a Villain would be arriving there in a short amount of time. you think about Kirishimas well being and start to run out. You all got out and went to the hospital so that Kirishima and the man could get help. The police later on called you saying that the person who has been ringing your doorbell got caught, he was mentally disturbed and was mute. It was a 37 year old man who has been taking the life of many innocent children and has broken into people homes, to steal their Valuables.