
Kingdom Hearts: Traveler of Worlds

A young boy wants nothing more then to spend his time lazing in the sun with his friends although he always felt there was more out there then the island he lived on due to believing he has fragmented memory's of a past life Worlds will be anything better if live action movies to anime and games(if have ideas on worlds to add please give ideas) Worlds I plan to add and want to add not in order: rwby harry potter Disney worlds (give ideas if want specific one) marvel starwars I'm still new to writing so expect errors so please comment when see them and also comment ideas on how improve the story thank you and please enjoy

King_Reaper223 · Video Games
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6 Chs

destiny island day 2

I woke up early today a bit before the sun was up due to a recurring nightmare I had of me being shot. Except it wasn't me it was some strange older man with long blonde hair brown eyes but it definitely felt like me. Everything in those dreams always felt so real.

After awhile of me trying fall back to sleep I realized I won't be able to fall back to sleep anytime soon. I decided to head to the island and sit on the dock as the sun was slowly rising in the distance. it was a nice view to be honest.

After a bit I heard footsteps behind me and it was kairi.

"Morning Akira your up early" she said smiling sitting next to me our shoulders touching.

"So are you" I said with a small smile.

"So I been wondering are you still having those dreams" she asked tilt her head slightly with a bit of a worried look. i simply gave a slight nod as I have told her I had been having reoccurring nightmares but never told what they were about. Though I also never said I've had like images suddenly pop into my mind like the dream and it feels just as real when it happens.

"you know you can talk to me if you need. Same gose for sora and riku as well." she said and to this I simply gave a soft smile and continued to watch the sun.

It wasn't till the sun was fully up when we heard a voice behind us and we turned to see riku tossing my a coconut.

"Seems y'all woke up early. eager to work on the raft it seems" he said joking as he knew I was too lazy to wake up early just for that. I cracked open the coconut as riku sat on other side of me.

"So how long think it'll take for sora to get here and challenge one of us" I asked curious.

"Hmm maybe in an hour or so in meantime we might as well get to work on the raft" after saying that he got up and grabbed me by the hood and dragged me away as he knew if he didn't I wouldn't work.

We reached the raft and I was tasked with collecting coconuts and fresh water and was told if see sora to tell him to collect eggs and fish. Lazily I went to a coconut tree and using my wooden sword a hit the tree causing the coconuts to fall which I collected. As o went to a nearby puddle with a small water fall flowing into I saw sora finnaly arriving at the island so I went over to him.

"morning sora" I greeted him with a nod as he looked at me with his goofy smile.

"Morning akira! wanna do a early morning" before he could finish I cut him off by handing him the bottle I needed to fill with water and told to do that along with the other things the others told me to tell him to collect. He quickly went to work after I was forced to promise a fight when he was done so having pushed my work onto him I went to lay down on the shore and stare at the clouds.

Roughly two or so hours passed when I decided go see how things were doing so I got up and went to find the others. When I stumbled upon riku and sora making a bet on what to name the raft. Then to my surprise riku made another bet on the winner gets eat a paupu fruit with kairi then he turned to me while sora was still startled by what riku said.

"you gonna join us?" he asked me and I contemplated for a second before deciding to nod as I thought might be somewhat entertaining to race them. I then lined up next to them as kairi said go and we took off. Between the three of us I was the fastest and I quickly took the lead riku and sora right behind me. On the way back as I neared the end I thought for a moment then decided to slow down as sora and riku ran past slightly with sora taking the lead and winning. To this I pretended to be disappointed as sora celebrated.

Sora then left and riku came up to me.

"you lost on purpose didn't you" he asked and to this I shrugged.

"I guess I mean I didn't have much interest in that bet anyway plus look at him he was happy."

"I figured that was the case" he said smiling as we walked off and I saw kairi sitting at the dock alone so I decided to join her.

"hey" I said sitting down next to her.

"hi akira you have fun with that race" she asked curious.

"ya it was kinda fun I guess probably would be better if we had a contest of who could be lazy the best" I joked causeing her to chuckle a bit. I stared off into the distance as just like them I felt there was more out there and while I mostly just wanted to be lazy I couldn't lie and say I didn't want to see what else there is. Plus who knows maybe me and kairi could find out where we are from as like her I also don't remember where I'm from all that well. That's probably one the main reasons I'm close with her as that's something we share in common though we never let it bother us as we enjoyed it here.

After a bit riku and sora joined us and we joked and talked which I mostly just listened to them though once in a while I chimed in to mainly mess with sora as his reactions are funny. It became dark faster then any of us relised so after saying our goodbyes and we all left to go home.