
Kingdom: A Demon slayer

A determined soul is sent to the world of Kingdom. Will he follow the storyline and rise with Qin or make his own dynasty to last for millennia. - This is more wish fulfillment than anything - Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated as always. - I own nothing except oc's

Random_Name_7 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


On a calm road in a backwards town in Qin you could see a tall man with unusual clothes. He had long auburn color billowing hair, a red tattoo on the left side of his face along with two bamboo earrings in the form of a rising sun on a field of white. Another article that stood out was the sword hanging from his waist which was much skinnier than anything the people in the town had seen before this man came here. The man continued walking down the road with his eyes closed while humming a tune in a serene manner. His walking habits had initially surprised the villagers as they couldn't fathom how he could tell where he was going with his eyes closed but they eventually grew used to it over time. Despite the relatively short amount of time he had lived here he was already the most known figure in town due to the many oddities that surrounded him.

A few minutes later the figure had left the town behind him and was approaching a decent sized house set into the treeline of the forest. The figure however did not enter the house but instead went around the house and into the forest area that was clearly overgrown. A minute later the man entered a clearing which you could tell had been cleared by hand due to the symmetry present. The clearing was filled with a variety of equipment which even the most skilled carpenters of this era in would fail to recognize. This man Is yoriichi and he had clearly already been living here for awhile based of the affairs of this clearing.

'Time to train' I think before removing my red robe and approaching a piece of equipment in the middle of the clearing. I had been living here for over three months now training in order to fully unleash the monster that is Yoriichi Tsukigini. I have also been going into town more frequently as it is almost time for the call to arms for the campaign against Wei where Shin would gain enough merit to become a hundred man commander.

I enter a weird contraption in the middle of the clearing designed to test my reflexes and my sword skills. I had long mastered it but it never hurt to keep practicing and I had recently been trying something new where I would try to combine total concentration breathing: constant with Beast Breathing Seventh Fang: Spatial Awareness so that I am able to constantly monitor my surroundings for several kilometers a truly broken ability in this era where ambushed are a common tactic in warfare. The combined technique took over two weeks to master which is impressive considering learning beast breathing took less than a week.

During my three month training period I had practiced and mastered several things. I successfully replicated Beast breathing and Flame breathing as well as their forms or fangs in the case of Beast Breathing. I had also managed to fully unlock all of Yoriichi's martial prowess minus selfless state which still eluded me to this day. I could now say with confidence that In all of China there were maybe 10 people who could give a good fight and far, far fewer who could defeat me.

I am currently hesitating whether or not to use my first pearl on gaining Yoriichi's disposition as that would be my best at gaining selfless state and even though I am not a hothead it would allow me to make more rational decisions when faced with emotional situations. After all, selfless state is the zenith of mortal combat which even the strongest in this world would have a lot of trouble with.

Ten hours later I finished my daily workout which might sound crazy but this physique is capable of taking enormous strain making it very hard to improve it. I mean in Demon slayer it is stated that his resting temperature is that of a high fever for a normal human which I took notice of within my first few minutes in this world.

A few other abilities is that I can now make full use of techniques like transparent world, opening thread and dead calm which is the opposite of what I normally do but it was an attempt at unlocking selfless state. Even though my new body has transparent world built into it it took a little while to fully use it.

At this point further training wouldn't help me as I don't need to improve anything so I just do a basic 10 hour workout while waiting for the call for conscripts.

As I approach my house redonning my red robe I can't help but marvel at how much better my treatment is than Shin's. My house is by no means anything special but it is a palace compared to the hut Shin got. Before I left Kanyou I made sure to shake Ei Sei down for extra gold which is why I don't have to get a job like Shin does and I am able to focus on my skills. Another benefit I got was being made a five man commander which while being pitiful is better than the position of foot soldier.

I even had the option to hire a servant girl which I declined as I didn't want anybody in my house at least for the time being. After eating a nice home cooked meal I move to a fenced in area on the side of the house where I have a bathtub which sucks but it is better than nothing. After heating the water to a warm temperature using fire I take off my clothes before lowering myself into the tub. In the tub I can't help but praise my body, I have the best of both worlds where I have an eight pack along with other very well developed muscle groups while still maintaining the physique of a slim swimmer. None of those are my most impressive traits however. I look further downwards marveling at its massive size, a size I didn't even realize was humanly possible until I saw mine for the first time in this world.

After cleaning myself to the best of my abilities I exit the tub before drying my body and redonning my clothes. I made it a goal to meditate every night before I go to bed in order to stay more in tune and reflect on my day in order to improve myself. Half an hour later I stood up and made my way to bed. I close my eyes quickly drifting to sleep.

-- The next day --

I made my way to town wearing my usual clothes in order to check if there was a notice for conscription. Even before entering the town I was able to see a large group of people gathering around the notice board using my technique Seventh Fang: constant signifying that there was some important news.

A few minutes later I was able to confirm that at long last it was time for war against Wei where Duke Hyou would lead the Qin forces to siege the city of Keiyou only for both sides to confront each other in an epic field battle. Ignoring the crying wives and excited teenagers who wanted to chase glory I made my way back to my house in order to prepare for combat. Since low ranked soldiers don't have the luxury of bringing extra clothes I just store a change of underwear and some tools for my weapon before taking off once more for the rallying point of the army. My house just like Shin's falls under jurisdiction of the fourth army for this campaign so there is a Chance that I meet up with Shin before the battle starts. One of my goals besides gaining merit is to look at Kyou Kai's breathing style and compare it to my own to check for any changes I can make to my own though I doubt it considering the state her technique leaves her in. The only real benefit that I can think of is the one that brings back the recently dead at the cost of some of the user' life span. Even though I wouldn't use it, it could be nice to have.

As I walk towards the rallying point I can't help but feel my blood pumping faster than normal at the though of entering war and leaving my mark on the battlefield.


This is the first of two bonus chapters I am releasing for making it to the top ten in monthly rankings something that still blows my mind since I know that my writing isn't the best. I will release the regular chapter and second bonus chapter sometime tomorrow.

Thanks for reading this and if you enjoyed it please leave a power stone, review or comment because I would greatly appreciate it.

I made this chapter to explain few things regarding his techniques and also to allow the reader to get a better grasp on the MC's Train of though even though it isn't super important in the grand scheme of things. I also made this chapter as way to transition from the first arc to the second arc.

For those of you wondering what happened to Yo Tan Wa and MC don't worry I already have it planned out.

This chapter covered manga chapters 47 - 48

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