
Kingdom: A Demon slayer

A determined soul is sent to the world of Kingdom. Will he follow the storyline and rise with Qin or make his own dynasty to last for millennia. - This is more wish fulfillment than anything - Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated as always. - I own nothing except oc's

Random_Name_7 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Genki and Akuma

After I gave up in a situation that will never be recorded in history I formally exchanged greetings with the Tomo Twins who still looked very excited that they won the game of tag and got accepted into my unit even though unit picking hasn't started. They managed to hear that I was a wu chief or five man commander as it is better known when I was registering which most likely started this whole mess in the first place. As if hearing my thoughts a messenger rides into the camp hollering for everybody to form wu. As soon as the messenger rode off to inform the next section of camp, everybody started trying to get into the wu of their choice. You could even see a few chiefs begging some of the beefier looking guys to join their groups.

Our group had yet to be approached as people could see I was a wu chief based on the special badge wu chiefs carried barring other wu chiefs from inviting me. Other foot soldiers didn't approach us either as I looked fairly tame when I wasn't releasing my aura and I had two kids in my group with very odd features for this place in time which didn't bug me but seemed to freak others out. After walking for a few minutes we still hadn't found anybody who met my criteria or even wanted to join our group.

Just as I was about to complain at the unfairness of it all my technique seventh fang: constant saw an interesting figure. I start making my way towards that direction to check out if he could be a good addition.

--a few minutes later--

Even though I got a general glimpse though my technique I am still shocked when I come face to face with the man. The best and only word to describe his size is massive as he stands over 250 cm tall (8'4 ft) and towers over everybody around him. Aside from his height he also has a variety of other distinguishing characteristics that set him apart from the common person. He looks to be in his mid thirties, is bald, has a full black beard, bulging muscles all over his body as well as eyes that only hold white signifying his blindness. The most off putting thing about him at this point however is the equally massive bow that he holds which must be almost as tall as he is. He is dressed in a black sleeveless karate robe showcasing muscles that are larger than my head and he carries a quiver along with arrows on his back made to match his bow.

(An: Picture Ichibe Hyosube but blind, less robes, no beads around his neck, more muscular and a somewhat smaller beard. His personality is very boisterous but can be serious if needed)

(An: sleveless karate robe ---> )

He is a sight to behold and many agree based on the gaping looks everybody is giving him. 'How can an archer be blind' is all I can think once I get over his size as I had now verified that he is 100% blind through my senses. Seemingly having felt something the man turns towards my direction and starts walking towards me scaring off all the people between himself and me. You can almost hear the ground shake as he steps, a phenomena that would cause most men to run in fear. I wouldn't be scared by anything so paltry so I glance over my shoulder at the Tomo twins to check how they are doing under the giant's pressure. I am relieved to see that they are only looking at the giant with curiosity and even a faint fighting intent while still holding that innocent smile. ' That's good ' I deem as I turn my gaze back towards the man who was still walking towards us. If they got scared from that then I might have had to let them go.

After a few seconds the giant stops in front of us and look down before pausing and then asking a question. " And who might you be " he asks in a booming voice that only holds curiosity and no ill intent.

" My name is Yoriichi and these are the Tomo twins" I reply in a steady tone meeting his gaze with no fear as I know that he doesn't pose a challenge for me at this distance despite his muscles that indicate a higher level of pure strength than my own.

He blinks and pauses once more before erupting into a fit of laughter that echoes around us " Hahahahahahah, those are good names. Would you have any interest in a blind old man who shoots a bow joining your group" he laughs before asking to join the group in a playful tone.

"It would be an honor" I respond before giving a small bow eliciting another bout of laughter from the old man.

" hahahahahah, well than I guess introductions are in order, this old man's name is Genki" He says while laughing despite there not being anything funny in his sentence,

'The name fits' I remark to myself as Genki means the lively one. ' Will I get any normal people in my group ' I think questioning where I went wrong.

After our group discussed things awhile longer we continued walking with the twins constantly looking for strong people that they could fight, Genki laughing and me staying on the lookout for the final member to add to our group. Most people by this point have already joined their respective groups of five signaling that there would soon be a call for wu chiefs to gather in order to receive orders for the front. Nobody in our group seemed to mind the gazes we receive as we pass by.

'This is not what I wished for, I guess there will be no normal people for me' I internally sigh as I see the outline of a person who looks like trouble. A minute later my group come face to face with a tall man around 180 cm tall (6'1 ft). He was what you would call handsome with silky dark green hair that was almost black. He had a nice face partially ruined by the sleazy and lazy look he displayed on it. He carried a long spear that had a curved blade at the top that curved towards the user (bottom part of Nnoitra Gilga's weapon but smaller). His clothes were nicer than a commoner's but still made for combat of some sort and resembled a sleeveless karate robe with a much tighter fit. He was also wearing two separate sleeves that extended into a pair of fingerless combat gloves.

(An: picture Loki from record of ragnarok but more well built and darker hair. His personality will be somewhat complex but two of the main sources I took inspiration from are the same character and Shikamaru)

"Well hello there" he says with a voice dripping in sarcasm. Understanding that stopping and talking to him wouldn't accomplish anything in this situation I continue walking right past him. Almost as if he had expected my response he falls in behind me and starts walking while shifting his gaze to the sky as if he was admiring the clouds.

" Hahahahahaha, It would seem we came across an interesting find " laughs Genki who seems to find the whole situation funny.

"What's your name" I ask while not looking back at him.

"Akuma, what's yours" he answers not taking his gaze off of the clouds with a more serious tone this time.

" My name is yoriichi, the big one is Genki and the two twins are both called Tomo" I state as if we had come to some sort of unspoken agreement. After answering I look back over my shoulder seeing him looking oddly at the twins as if he wanted to question their parents for their choice in names.

"Hahahahaha we now have a full wu for the upcoming war" says Genki as he laughs.

"Hey mister are you strong" asks one of the Tomo looking at Akuma's weapon with a childish smile as if he was looking at candy or a new toy.

" Maybe, maybe not" he responds while tilting his head back and forth making it look like he was pondering their question causing both of the Tomo to pout.

Now that we have a full wu I change our direction towards Shin's group which had now also gained all five of its members which were the same as in the manga.


Thank you for reading this and sorry for the rough dialogue I will keep trying to improve that aspect of the story.

Special thanks to everybody who left a powerstone, review or comment because I greatly appreciate those and look forward to seeing the readers response.

If you have any questions, complaints or suggestion go to the second auxiliary chapter I created for things like this.

This chapter covered manga chapter 49

This is the second bonus chapter for making it to the top ten in monthly power stone rankings so congrats we did it.

(1528 words)