
King Of War - Yang Luo

Yang Luo was once a king of war who made soldiers of all countries fear. He was a famous killer judge in the underground world. He was a talented doctor in the world medical field. He controlled the mysterious organization gaomai. His personality is arrogant and arrogant, and he is a means to achieve his goal. He is full of ruffian, and all kinds of beautiful women work for him

tolfenle · Urban
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30 Chs

Unqualified Hooligans

The door was suddenly knocked, and Bei yinyao started to do it on the sofa. "Bang! Bang! Bang! Open the door, aunt." Tongtong's voice came faintly.

Bei yinyao shook her head helplessly: "this little girl never carries a key." Walking to the door and opening it, he suddenly remembered something. Just as he was trying to close the door, Tongtong had already squeezed in. "Aunt! I haven't come in yet. What door are you closing?"

"Tong Tong! Can you go out for a while?" Bei yinyao said.

Tong Tong looked at Bei yinyao's face, his eyes were rolling, and he said with a smile, "Auntie, how can I feel that something is wrong with you today? There's no man hidden in the room."

Bei yinyao's face turned red, but her cold expression didn't change. "Dead girl! I know nonsense all day." Tongtong suddenly runs to Bei yinyao's room.

Bei yinyao's face changed and she ran after her. "What are you doing, girl?"

"Ha ha, I'll see if there is a man in your room."

Bei yinyao is angry and anxious. If the ghost girl sees this, the whole family will know in a few minutes. Most importantly, nothing happened to them at all.

"Bang!" Tongtong bumps into the door and rushes in. Bei yinyao runs into the room.

"Aunt! There's nothing. What's your hurry? I thought you finally got the hang of it and found me a little uncle. It seems that grandparents still have to worry about your life." Looking at the empty room, Bei yinyao breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still a little disappointed.

"Do you see anything?" Bei yinyao said coldly.

Tongtong felt the danger coming. He slowly retreated to the door step by step and then turned around and ran, "Auntie! I was looking for you to go shopping, but suddenly I remembered that you had to go to work, so I went by myself. Goodbye,,,,,,"

Watching Tongtong run out of the door, Bei yinyao "chuckles" and her face thaws instantly. Maybe she can only smile when facing Tongtong.

Looking at the time, she was late for work. Although it was her own company, she was never late. I hurried to find my clothes and put them on. I didn't even have breakfast and hurried out. When I went to the door, I remembered that the key was still on the tea table. When I came back, I found a note on the tea table. When I picked it up, there were only two words on it: "thank you!" Bei yinyao froze for a while, smiled, put the note in her bag and went out.

Yang Luo woke up and found that he was only wearing a pair of trousers. He didn't care if Feng Kun helped him take off his clothes. When he looked at the room, he felt something was wrong. It should be a woman's room. After going out, I saw my clothes neatly placed on the tea table, and a person lying on the sofa, covering his face with a blanket. I could not see his face, but I knew it was a woman when I saw his hair exposed outside.

If he is not qualified as a hooligan, he sees himself in a strange woman's house, puts on his clothes in a panic, picks up the gun on the tea table and runs out with a gun license. But when I ran to the door, I felt it was not good to leave like this. After all, I had to thank people for their kindness to bring a strange man home. So I found paper and pen and wrote two words on the tea table before I left. I went to the street and scolded Feng Kun for not being a thing, thinking about how to repair him.

When he returned to the small hotel, Feng Kun was waiting for him. After seeing him, he said wantonly: "Yang Shao, I really admire you. You can conquer that woman."