
King Of War - Yang Luo

Yang Luo was once a king of war who made soldiers of all countries fear. He was a famous killer judge in the underground world. He was a talented doctor in the world medical field. He controlled the mysterious organization gaomai. His personality is arrogant and arrogant, and he is a means to achieve his goal. He is full of ruffian, and all kinds of beautiful women work for him

tolfenle · Urban
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30 Chs

Hooligans Become Policemen

Feng Kun wanted to say more, but when he saw the smile on Yang Luo's face, he could not help but fight a cold war. He hurriedly stood up on the bed, shook his hands and said, "brother, this is definitely not my brother's intention. I drank too much last night, and it was sent back by others. You can't blame me for this."

Yang Luo thought about it, too. He drank so much that he was unconscious, not to mention Feng Kun, who was far less able to drink. Thinking of this, he went to the bed and sat down. He took out a cigarette and threw it to Feng Kun. "What are you going to do today?"

Feng Kun helped Yang Luo light a cigarette and said, "I'll go to see the worker with you."

Yang Luo took a deep smoke and said, "I don't want to go."

Feng Kun seemed to know that he would say this, "I can tell you that there are many beautiful female policemen in Shanghai Public Security Bureau. Their handsome appearance is absolutely pleasing to the eye."

Yang Luo was refreshed: "really?"

Feng Kun laughed: "of course it's true. But you keep saying that you are a professional hooligan. But every time you get serious, you shrink back. I hope you can find a policewoman to solve the problem."

Yang Luo said with a cigarette in his mouth: "fuck! You look down on me. I tell you, my virgin was solved a few years ago. And last night, I made that girl want to die."

Feng Zhen: (chuckles) brother! To tell you the truth, if you don't tell me, I really thought you had done harm to the famous ice beauty. But now I don't believe it. I know you too well. Nothing I say is true

Yang Luo cried out with a guilty conscience: "if you don't believe it, there is nothing you can do." Then he stood up and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Feng Kun asked after him.

"Go to see the worker."

"Let me go with you."

Yang Luo waved: "no! I'll go myself."

Feng Kun thought for a moment: "OK! Take your file, or people will know who you are."

Yang Luo received it and asked, "which department are you going to?"

"Criminal police!"

Yang Luo said, "it's OK!"

Jiang Qiang, the chief of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau, is in his office. Yesterday, he received a call from the director himself, saying that a new person is coming to report today. Who can let the director personally intervene? From yesterday to now, there is only one answer, that is, the newcomer is not small, or he is a relative of the director.

Looking at the time, Jiang Qiang frowned. It's been more than two hours since he went to work. This guy is really arrogant. Just thinking of this, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Qiang adjusted his sitting posture and did a good job straightly. Anyway, the other party is likely to be a relative of the bureau chief, so he can make a good impression anyway. It will be very useful to say a few nice words for him then.

"Come in!"

The door of the office opened gently, and a smiling guy came in. When he saw the general, he said with a forced smile: "yo! You are the captain. I have looked up to you for a long time." Then I went to him and took his hand.

He frowned. What the hell is his mother like a policeman? He's a pure rascal.

"Are you Yang Luo?"

Yang Luo still said with a smiley face: "it's just under, it's under."

Jiang Qiang frowned more and more tightly. He really hoped that this guy was not the newcomer mentioned by the director, but Yang Luo's answer disappointed him greatly. It's hard for anyone to bring such a guy to him. This is the criminal police team of the Public Security Bureau, not the garbage station. Everyone wants it.

But I can't help it. The governor of the Bureau told me personally that he had to take it if he didn't want it. "Where's your file?"

Yang Luo bent over and respectfully handed over the file in his hand. "Here it is."

Jiang Qiang looks at the smile on Yang Luo's face and wants to beat him. Jiang Qiang takes over the file with his discontent and is shocked. There is nothing in it except his name, place of origin, date of birth and ingredients.

"Is this your file?"

"That's right! Absolutely not."

Jiang Qiang murmured in his heart, "why did the top make such a file for such a person?"? However, his face, which has been through the officialdom for a long time, did not show any expression. "Xiao Yang, your position has been arranged. You will report to the Pudong criminal police detachment in a moment. Do you have any questions?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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