
King Of Null. {A Tower Of God FF.}

A disgruntled man tired of losing his friends in war received a message on his computer one day. It was a message that changed his life. He was sent over to a world that defies all human logic, all sense. This is the saga of a man who will do more than just shake the tower, no, he would bring its inhabitants to their knees. Disclaimer: I do not own Tower Of God.

Sohioe · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Jyu Viole Grace.(1)

A/N: Alright fellas, I feel like ive cucked y'all. The reason I said this is because, in the end, I chose Sukuna as the appearance of the MC even though he wasn't on the list. Shoutout to the guy in the chapter comments that reminded me about him. But, before you say "fuck you author", I have a compromise. I'll have two of his teammates look mugetsu Ichigo and Okhwhang. They will be important throughout the story and will, of course, be badass. Again, my bad fellas.


Erik was at a loss for words when he heard what the woman said.

'Marry her? Is she out of her mind? I have a mission to finish. '

Erik placed one of his hands on her head and was about to break her neck when she suddenly said, "You're from FUG, aren't you? And you're not just any FUG member either, you have to be special.~ Maybe you're a disciple of a higher-up, or maybe...."

"What are you getting at, woman?"

She hugged him even tighter as she stared into his red eyes.

"My name is Arie Iniesta and I'm from a branch of the Arie Family. You wouldn't expect someone as dark as me to be from that family of pale ghosts but yet, here I am."

A hint of sadness passed over her eyes as get grip loosened a bit and she continued, "See, I have a younger brother who was an excellent swordsman but was never acknowledged because he couldn't fully master the traditional Arie style of swordsmanship. Me, on the other hand, I was not talented with the sword at all but I succeeded with the spear to the point I could apply the moves of the sword technique to it. Hehe, I'm still kind of shaken up that you managed to block it.~"

Erik raised an eyebrow at what she was saying and he felt like he knew where she was going with this story. But, not wanting to jump to conclusions, he said, "I see. That's unfortunate, but why should I care about the infighting of the Arie Clan? I'm from FUG, remember? What's the point of all this?"

"Well, since we were younger, we were never acknowledged within the clan and after years of being ridiculed, my younger brother abandoned it to follow his own path. Some members of the main branch saw this and ended up eradicating us because my younger brother was a "traitor." My parents sacrificed their lives to help me run away and since then I swore revenge on the entire Arie family, even if I had to sacrifice my soul to gain enough power to destroy them. I'll also try to locate my younger brother while I climb the tower. That's my story."

Erik's red eyes shone brighter as he finally realized what the girl was getting at.

"You want to join FUG?"

She stepped away from Erik and made sure that she didn't lose eye contact with him as she responded, "Yes! I've been looking for someone important to ask but FUG is hidden in the shadows. It was a stroke of luck to find you!"

A small smile appeared on Erik's face when he heard her determined confirmation. Although she was beautiful with her angelic white hair that had a clean contrast to her dark skin and golden eyes, that was not what Erik looked for in a subordinate. He wanted people with resolve, loyalty, and an indomitable will.

It sounded like too much to ask for but if he wanted teammates to fill up other positions on the team, he couldn't settle for less.

"Interesting. You also said that you wouldn't mind sacrificing your soul right?"

A foreboding chill found its way through Iniesta's spine as she heard his words but she quickly threw any sense of fear away and responded, "Yes! I was hoping that I could join your team."

"Oh? Good! I'll take you up on that when the time comes. Let's see, if you want to join me, I'll test how far you're willing to go."

Pointing at the entrance to the room, Erik said in a chilling tone, "Kill every regular that walks through that door. No matter who it is or what they are. No one is leaving this test alive, except us."

Erik was expecting the girl to show a hint of nervousness or question herself but instead, he got...

"That's why I want to marry you! You're so ruthless that it makes me melt!~"

"...I see. Well, get to it then."

Almost on cue, two regulars entered the room. One was a mature woman wearing a housewife's outfit holding a basket of fruits and the other was a tall, rugged man holding a shotgun.

When the woman saw them, she was about to smile and introduce herself but then the pungent smell of the corpses found its way into her nose. That's when she took a good look around her and noticed the amount of death that was present.

The man next to her, seeming to be her husband, immediately sensed the danger and aimed his shotgun at Erik, thinking that if he killed him first, the girl next to him would give up.


The doorway exploded from the impact of a white Shinsu spear that was thrown by Iniesta. Seeing the bits of pieces of human flesh that were flying around confirming her kill, she immediately made another Shinsu spear and glanced at Erik, as if she waiting for something.

"Good throw, excellent precision, but you need more power. I don't need simple destruction, I need obliteration. There should be nothing left of the target when you strike."

Filled with determination, she simply responded, "Yes!"

Erik chuckled to himself as he thought, 'Heh, this one is twisted in the head. Just the kind of spear bearer I need to watch my back. Someone who would hesitate to throw her their spear would be nothing more than baggage. Let's see if she could keep this up...'

[A few hours later]

The square where the regulars took their tests was filled with massive uproar and outrage. The news that all the regulars who took said tests were slaughtered by two people had finally reached the ears of the rest of the regulars on the floor. Although the rankers who gave the test were seething with rage, they couldn't simply attack the perpetrators as they had followed the rules of every test.

Attacking them would be disobeying the rules.

"The administration has to do something about these people!! My son went to take the test! How the hell did this happen again?! My dear son..."

"To think...I was gonna take the test today but my wife stopped me. I've got to go home and tell her I love her!"

"What? It was FUG that did this? That damn organization! Why hasn't King Jahad destroyed them yet?!"

Many conversations were being held as the news spread like wildlife across the 20th floor. This was the second year in a row that FUG did this. The general populace had simply had enough.

Mobs marched to the front of the building with their weapons drawn, waiting for the people in question to exit. They were going to make sure that these obnoxious FUG members died today.


"So, what do you think? Do you think you can train him?"

Namo and Sola were in shock when they heard the news of what Erik had done. Especially when they looked at him and noticed that he wasn't even injured. That meant that not even one regular was a match for him.

Although he hid it behind his cigarette, a small smile appeared on Jinsung Ha's face. He was proud of his student.

Sola then responded, "Master Jinsung, we will train him to the best of our abilities. I promise that we will hold anything back!"


"Good. Now Erik, tell me about this girl you brought back with you. Don't tell me you suddenly developed a crush on someone?"

Erik sighed as Jinsung Ha chuckled lightly. He enjoyed teasing this especially serious student of his from time to time. It was a good change of pace from all the slaughter.

Erik explained what happened to Jinsung Ha as the group made their way towards the exit of the building. Jinsung Ha was enjoying the story and couldn't help but laugh at the parts where Iniesta claimed that she would marry him. For some reason, it was especially hilarious to him.

Iniesta was afraid to talk at first because she knew who Jinsung Ha was and feared his infamous reputation. He was a high ranker who, back in the old days, would murder anyone from the 10 great families on sight. Regardless of who it was. There wasn't a family in the tower that didn't tell their members to avoid him at all costs.


The doors to the building opened and the massive mob was almost going to attack the group until a ranker stepped in between them. Hundreds, no, thousands of regulars were there ready to rip the group limb from limb. Although the rankers were as mad as the crowd, they wouldn't risk angering Jinsung Ha. Especially since their boss had told them to back down from the beginning.

"You murderers, give us back our families! Do you think we'll just stand idly by while you slaughter our loved ones?!"

"Everyone from FUG should just die!"

Insults and weapons were being thrown at the group as the mob got even more outrageous.


"Oi, -"

Erik stepped in front of Jinsung Ha and said calmly, "Wait, Mister Jinsung. It seems these people have some problems with me. Let me take care of it." Even though Erik's voice was calm, Jinsung Ha could tell that he was angry.

"Alright, go. But Erik, don't kill anyone. The guardian of the floor is already giving us enough privileges as is. No reason to risk angering him."

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning to. They need to be alive if they're going to be taught a lesson."

Erik stepped in front of the group and looked down at the raging mob in front of the steps. His monstrous red eyes shone brightly as a sudden soul-crushing pressure suddenly bore down upon the crowd.

The noise immediately stopped as no one could even move in his stifling presence. Any weapon that got close to him shattered from his mere aura that was barely even activated.

Pointing towards the crowd, he said in a chilling tone, "It seems that you all have a problem with how I do things. I agree grievances should be repaid in full. So, I'll give each of you a chance to get revenge for your loved ones. If you can find the courage, come up here and you'll see the strength that sent your families to the afterlife."

[End of flashback. Back on the 28th floor.]

Namo replied with a chuckle, "Yeah, talk about aggressive. There were no less than ten thousand regulars there and no more than ten of them found the courage to walk up those stairs. In the end, they were defeated and the ones who were too scared went home with their tails between their legs. Hehe, it was quite the sight."

The two girls continued their journey to the FUG base with the men they captured in a Shinsu bubble behind them. It was finally time for them to meet with Erik, their God, once again.