
King Of Null. {A Tower Of God FF.}

A disgruntled man tired of losing his friends in war received a message on his computer one day. It was a message that changed his life. He was sent over to a world that defies all human logic, all sense. This is the saga of a man who will do more than just shake the tower, no, he would bring its inhabitants to their knees. Disclaimer: I do not own Tower Of God.

Sohioe · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Change. (Skip, change has already been made.)

Yo fellas, I've received many requests about changing the appearance of the MC from trunks to someone else. I don't mind really and ive even got some suggestions: So, here it goes. I'll link a few pictures next to each suggestion. Btw, expect a chap tomorrow. (On Monday)

1. Gohan(Adult and teen)

2. Gogeta

3. Vegito

4. Cumber

5. Okhwhang

6. Yato(From noragami)

7. Xanxus(From Hitman Katekyo Reborn)

8. Dangai Ichigo

9. Mugetsu Ichigo

10. Tensa Zangetsu.

11. Madara

12. Shisui