
King Of Necromancer

Blood! Everywhere is the blood. How could my life turn into hell in a single moment? The world is ending. Monsters from legends appear everywhere. They eat people, conquer the streets, and begin to make dungeons everywhere. ---------------------------- That day a voice came from the sky, "Your world now belongs to us, you shall give us entertainment. Be ready the merging will start in 30 minutes" changing everything. the people started panicking," What is happening " "What was that voice" As we thought that it was some prank it was then the voice was heard again "System initiating, evolving the primitive species, giving the random class and skills associated." when that voice came, I, Avi, was on the metro train, then suddenly a blue screen came in front of my eyes "Random class selection beginning" after that voice said that, suddenly some cards came out from the blue screen, the voice said "Choose one of the cards as your class" and in panic, I chose one of the many cards, [ Congratulations on getting a unique class, Necromancer, the skills will now be allocated.] [ check your status for more information, be sure to survive ] _________ [Author Note: The start of 8 to 10 chapters might be at a slow pace because I want to properly introduce MC, I just can't jump on the main story. So please bear it for a while.] Note: The cover is mine and also this cover is made by Author A4KL.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Die Or Survive

[ Mumbai University ] That was the name of the university he goes to.

As he passed by the massive entrance gate of his university some people began to glance at him.


"Good luck!"

"We have bets on you succeeding this time!"

Avi grinned as he passed by a few groups of students preparing to head to their classes, waving in acknowledgement.

Soon, Avi's gaze landed on a massive dome-like building. It stretched hundreds of meters in every direction and had several entrances just from the front.

Mumbai University is number one for nothing after all.

As Avi walks by in the hall of Mumbai University his gaze lands on the one girl, she is with her group of friends.

She looked like a dainty fairy descended from the skies. Her long, flowing black hair gently waved in the wind, only resting at the small of her back every so often. Her eyes were a warm amber that bordered on gold, making her seem like a goddess separated from the world.

A small group of friends stood around her. Their banter caused her to smile a shy smile that gripped Avi's heart and refused to let go.

When she looked up and met Avi's gaze, he felt that the entire world aside from her had turned various shades of white.

Her delicate tanned yet fair skin, the small slope of her nose, the way the wind gently caressed her thigh-length dress, revealing the curves she so modestly hid.

Though not an inch over 5'7", she had a presence that captivated the world, one larger than even Leonel himself believed he had.

With some courage, Avi walked at her.

"Aina…" Avi's voice was powerful and filled with emotion as though this was the very first time he was doing this.

"Ah, he's here again." One of Aina's friends teased.

"Stop enabling him." A fiercer friend rebutted. "Poor Aina has been getting harassed to death by him since the first year. Get lost!"

Avi seemed used to this good-cop, bad-cop routine. But the truth was he couldn't even see or hear them. His senses were incomparably focused.

"How are you?"

Aina looks at Avi for a brief moment and replies.

"I'm Fine." it was a short reply but it didn't discourage Avi at all, in fact at the start of the first year she didn't even glance at him.

Their relationship has also become strong over time from Strangers to...Acquaintances?

Well, that doesn't matter to him at least now he could have some talk with her.

"Let's go, Aina, we have a class to attend."

One of her friends said to her bringing Avi back to reality.

"Ok, let's go." she gave another glance to Avi and walked away with her friends, Leaving Avi alone in the hallway.

As she was going further and further Avi shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Aina today is the final cricket match against the Borivali college team please come to watch."

His voice rebounds in the silent hallways.

Hi gazed at her as her figure could not be seen by him, he hoped that she would come to watch his match but that hope was a very tiny one.

"Someone said this line true 'Man become an idiot in the love'," Avi muttered to himself.


After Avi's classes came to an end he got up and started to walk toward the cricket ground.

He also has to catch up on his studies, his finals are coming and soon he will become a third-year student.

But before all of that, he had a win this match.

At that moment, an arm wrapped around his shoulders. Considering how easily the culprit had done so, it was obvious that he was even taller than Avi.

"Hey, buddy! Why that serious face you have".

"Just thinking about stuff"

"And by stuff you mean, Aina right?"

"No, you idiot."

The culprit laughed, leading Avi to the cricket ground.

"Just tell her you like her, you idiot."

"Adrash did you forget that she already broke 1000 male students' hearts from junior to senior, no one had won her heart."

"Hahaha now you say like that I guess you are right."

"And besides she is way out of my league. I'm the son of a taxi driver who bearly managed to get in here and she is the daughter of the chairman who runs a big company."

Avi finally completed his not-so-long speech about Aina. Adraah who was hearing all of this shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, Don't talk about nonsense Avi, if not her there are many girls in this university. You could try your luck on them."

After hearing what Adrash said Avi also thinks that it's about time to let go of his unsecured crush. After all, it's been Two years since he tried to make her like him.

But nothing is working.

Seeing Avi did not answer him Adrash pressed him for some more.

"Think about it this way," Adrash continued as they entered the grand stadium

of Mumbai University, "There are over three billion people on Earth who are under 18. Half of those are men like us. Yet were in the top percent of a percent of a percent of them.

"You gotta stop chasing after this one girl. There are too many who want you."

Avi did not want to continue this topic so he tried to change the subject.

"Anyway, did you see this morning's news? They said there was a crack in the sky."

Adrash is a Gulibal guy, so he does not notice that Avi has changed the subject of the conversation.

"Ah, yes, I see that news. It's completely fake news. I mean common even children could tell that it was fake news."

"What if it was all true? What if there was a crack in the sky? What if the world going to end? What will you do then? Tell me, Adrash, what will you do?"

"Whoa, whoa came down Avi! It's not that serious, why are you worked up?"

Hearing Adrash's voice Avi realised how pensioning he was. Even he did not why he suddenly acted like that.

"Hmm, let's see. If the world going to end, then I guess I'll die along with the world but of course, nothing like this going to happen."

Adrash replied and walked ahead of Avi leaving him standing there as he was thinking what news said this morning.

"The world is going to end," he repeated what the news anchor had said.

After that, Avi looked up to the sky and again muttered something. "Then what I'm going to do? Will I die or survive?