
King of Lust Rising

A Young man was tired of being stepped on and treated like garbage but a chance encounter with a god will allow him to finally stand up to all those that put him down. (I don't own the cover of this book)

king_fiend · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

My lovely sophia

He regained consciousness in the library but the person he was when he was last in this library would be long gone in a few moments. He got to his feet the new surge of power flowing through his veins giving a euphoric high. He focuses on the energy flowing through his veins visualizing it as a red misty haze in the palm of his hand.

He gazed deeply at the haze of pure chaos energy as he nourished it growing it in size and making it expand and balloon until it was as big as a basketball. The ball of pure chaos jerked and moved erratically but it never left its place floating just a few inches above his palm.

Kai looked at the orb and willed it to expand and engulf him and everything surrounding him in every direction. Within minutes the fabric of the entire world was altered by his whim.

His world is distorted as he is transported to a large and extremely luxurious room. He stands in the middle of the room taking in the sight of his new life not as Kai Fasver but as a descendent of the first hero King Leonidas Val Arc.

Leonidas sat down on the plush king-sized bed that lay before him and was amazed by the plushness and comfort of the bed. He felt like the bed was issuing a siren song calling him to lay his head on a pillow and drift off into the best sleep of his life. Leonidas would've easily fallen victim to the allure of the heavenly mattress if he didn't have a job to do.

Leonidas got back on his feet and walked to the door of his room. He swung the door open and looked to the left locking eyes with the guard station outside his door "Hey buddy could you go and get Lady Sophia of House Aranth please" The guard looked at Leonidas completely shocked at what Leonidas just said. The royals especially a direct descendant like Leonidas do not need to use pleasantries with mere guards like him so when Leonidas said please he was quite honored as he felt that the young noble respected him. The guard marched to fulfill his master's order with a sense of purpose and spirit.

Leonidas ignored the odd behavior of the guard and returned to the room to inspect his new body. He walked to the corner of the room where a luxurious and expensive-looking full-body mirror was placed, Leonidas stood in front of the mirror and carefully examined the change in appearance. He noticed that his grease black hair was replaced with a head of soft and spiky white hair, he noticed that his skin was far clearer and much softer to the point that his brown skin shined like polished bronze. His body was in excellent shape as his stomach had 8-pack abs something that certainly would grab attention, his limbs were chiseled and layered with powerful muscle and most importantly his third leg was truly starting to become a third leg as it hung from his waist limp but already measuring 7 inches, he was sure that it would be a game changed. All in all, he was something special.

Once Leonidas was done indulging in inflating his ego he put on some clothes and sat quietly at his desk waiting for her to arrive. Leonidas sat at his desk patiently waiting for another 15 minutes before Sophia walked into his room. When she entered the two locked eyes briefly before Leonidas spoke "I called you here because I require your help"

"What might you need my help with Leonidas?" spoke Sophia her voice cold and direct.

"I require your help with something of the utmost importance, and it must be handled delicately, do you understand?"

"I understand Leonidas I will try to help you as best as I can"

Leonidas grabbed her small delicate hand and placed the hand on the loose shorts he was wearing, he moved her hand so that she was lightly stroking him through the shorts.

"What the hell are you doing Leonidas!" screeched Sophia as she tried to pull her hand back.

"I wouldn't do that unless you are willing to go against an order from a member of the royal family which we both know is punishable by death," Leonidas said as he gave her a demonic smile

Sophia was taken aback but she complied as she continued stroking Leonidas through his shorts, she was surprised as the behemoth continued in small shorts growing and growing even though when she started it was already at about 6-7 inches. It grew to its full size a whopping 11 inches as it pulsed in her hand. She was slightly scared of it especially if Leonidas wanted more than just her hand.

"Go to the desk and bend over" Leonidas ordered to the completely stunned Sophia.

"Look Leon we've known each other since we were kids not to mention the fact that I'm dating Mathias, you know that as the fourth prince he has power over you so if you just stop this madness I won't tell him that we got this far" Sophia tried to sound strong and authoritative but she knew that he was a stronger mage not to mention the fact that his guards could help him gang up on her, the only hope she had was that Mathias' name was enough to scare him into submission.

Leonidas smiled at her hollow treat and responded in kind "I can have you right here and then kill you and I won't see a second of punishment or be forced to face any major recompense, the worst that they'll do is make me use a two weeks worth of my royal stipend to payoff your family, I'll still be rich, powerful and alive and all you'll be is a distant memory".

Sophia trembled at the threat to her life as she shuffled over to the desk in the far corner of his room. She bent over the desk trembling slightly at what was to come next. Leonidas snuck up behind her and caressed her round firm butt, he was completely enraptured but its heart shape and sheer plushness of it. He admired the circumference of that perfect ass for a whole minute before getting back to his mission.

He lifted the skirt of the school uniform pushing it above her butt and revealing the lacy white panties that she wore underneath. Leonidas used his finger to slightly tease her through her underwear. She shuddered at the contact but didn't make a sound, Leonidas took that as a challenge and pulled her panties off leaving her pretty pink pussy exposed. He slowly slide a digit into her pussy testing the waters before he slipped another finger taking it slow and trying his best to stimulate her he added a third finger and slightly sped up his pace thrusting his fingers in relentlessly yet Sophia refused to break. He smirked at the act of refusal, 'So be it then I guess I have to go all out' he used the fourth of his fingers to stimulate her exposed clitoris rather than simply adding another finger inside.

With that external stimulation, he was finally moving in the right direction since she had started to pant like a bitch dog in heat. He cranked up his speed going as fast as he could and mercilessly stimulating her until-


She let out a screaming moan before squirting like a Geiser. Her arms buckled and her upper body fell onto the desk as she rode the high from that orgasm.

Once the waves of pleasure abated Sophia realized that she had just done all of that in front of Leonidas. Her face flushed red as she quickly turned around.

Leonidas smiled at her reaction as he drops his shorts revealing the hidden dragon that lingers below. He rubbed the bulbous head on Sophia's entrance her slick fold inviting him to bury the entirety of his dick inside of her. He slowly slide inch by inch inside of her slowly to make sure that he didn't rip her in two. He managed to fit a little more than half of his length inside of her but he just couldn't reach any deeper.

Leonidas decided to just go with it attempting to move but with every slight twitch or half movement Sophia reacted and after 10 minutes of this she had managed to come twice while Leonidas essentially did nothing. His eyes glowed red as his chaotic energy spread out in front of him enveloping Sophia and changing her. Her breasts were much larger and more prominent and her already plump and round butt was further enhanced, but most importantly her virgin hole was changed so that Leonidas could easily fit the entirety of his monster inside of her. He once again started slow increasing his pace now and again. His pace increased to the point that he was practically drilling her

"AH! Do you like that?" Leonidas asked as he continued to thrust into her at an inhuman pace.

"N-no I just want you to let me go" Ahm~Ahm!

Despite her trying to keep up the facade it was as clear as day that she was enjoying it. Leonidas continued drilling her for another hour without stopping, she came and came creating a puddle of her squirt around his desk.

Leonidas felt a pulse go through his dick as the thick girthy vein that went across his monster expanded releasing a torrent of cum filling Sophia to the brim. As Leonidas finished inside her Sophia once again had a powerful orgasm that caused her body to tremble and tense.

The two stayed in the same position basking in a post-orgasmic glow not caring about the fact that two guards were outside Leonidas' room and that they had heard the loud wild sex.

Sophia was the first to speak "So now that you got what you wanted can I please leave"

"No, I figure you can spend the night here, and in the morning ill get you right where you need to be," Leonidas said with an extremely cocky grin.

Sophia rolled her eyes and silently accepted afraid of what he might do now that he got what he wanted. The two separated and made their way to Leonidas' bed where Sophia took the left side and made sure to put distance between the two. Leonidas didn't push the issue as he had no intention of dealing with her right now.

His eyes glowed the same red as the puddle of Sophia's squirt was gone and he even made sure to render the sperm inside of Sophia defective so that she didn't accidentally get pregnant.

Once he was done with clean up he turned to Sophia who had already passed out asleep. As much as Leonidas would love to just forget this annoying girl he couldn't she was the first person to show him humanity in this academy even if she was faking.

He wanted to just move on to hotter babes but he couldn't that part of him that was still Kai wanted her because he would always remember the day she saved him.




Two pudgy-looking twin boys with thin brown hair were taking turns pushing and punching Kai and because they were the sons of a famous medical barren he could do nothing to stop their incessant bullying. He wanted so badly to smash the short one in the face and crush his point little nose and he wanted to strangle the taller one to death but he was forced to laugh it off and keep moving for the sake of keeping his head on his shoulders.

Kai goes to walk away with his books when the tall one says "I think we should mark our pray what do you think Kyle?"

"That sounds perfect Lyle, that's why you're the smart one," the shorter brother says as they walk toward Kai with their hands covered in flames.

"That's enough the strong shouldn't needlessly waste time stepping on their lesser they should be fighting against their equals or even their superiors, you bring shame to all nobles so be gone with you before I'm forced to crush you both" Sophia spoke with righteous conviction chasing away the brothers before they did something terrible.

Kai couldn't bring himself to speak as he was simply enraptured by the kindness of Sophia. She helped him up and continued on her way oblivious to the fact that she had started a fire that only grew more and more in his heart.

His infatuation for her grew until he gather the courage to ask her out at her annual tea party. He approached with a heart full of hope and left with his heart shattered. She didn't care about people like him it was only for the public that she had to pretend to care for mongrels like him. She ridiculed him for his brashness and she and her friends laughed him out of the room.




Leonidas remembered the brutal rejection and made up his mind. His eyes glowed red as once again a hazy of chaotic energy enveloped Sophia and when it was done she opened her eyes she turned from her side of the bed on the left and slide closer to Leonidas positioning herself comfortably next to him.

"Goodnight Leon My love~"

"Goodnight My lovely Sophia"


Do you think they should stay together or should he move on and leave her in the past.

