
King of Lust Rising

A Young man was tired of being stepped on and treated like garbage but a chance encounter with a god will allow him to finally stand up to all those that put him down. (I don't own the cover of this book)

king_fiend · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Kai Dies Today

Kai was so fed up with the way he had been treated that he couldn't quite understand why everyone seemed to hate him. He worked just as hard as them, and frankly, even harder than them, day in and day out, yet they resented him. Maybe it was because he wasn't born of noble blood or maybe it was because he was someone from the dirty slums that everybody pretends doesn't exist in this wonderful Kingdom of Magic. Maybe he was just shooting too high, but one day he confessed to a girl that he cared about, and he did not expect or even imagine the inhumanely cruel rejection that happened. The girl shot him down and pulled no punches in the brutal public rejection. She said, "How dare someone like you think that you would ever be able to have a shot with someone like me. Frankly, the dress that I come to school in every day costs more than you will ever see in your miserable life."

Kai was hurt by the rejection, but he moved on. Love doesn't work out for you sometimes, and you just got to keep on moving. He got back to his work and quietly read through the notes that his Master had left for him and continued his magical research. The only person in the entirety of this campus who seemed to be kind to him was the Headmaster. She was a brusque and no-nonsense type of woman. She spoke her mind, and she had the power to back herself up. Though she liked the boy, she knew that he would never quite fit in, being only able to theorize about magic but not use it. Going to a school specifically called "The Academy for the Advancement of Heroism and Magic" doesn't exactly help him with his case. At 17 years old, it wasn't like he was going to wake up and awaken his innate magic ability. Chances are, even if he had any special magic, this life, and the fact that he came from non-noble blood, it probably dried up a while ago, and he might never see that level of power in this lifetime.

So about 2 weeks after his failed confession, Kai was inside the catacombs underneath the school, looking for a book about transmutation for the Headmaster. He walked past four or five rows filled to the brim with old, ancient, dusty tomes and made his way to the row of books third from the right, second one from the back, and carefully dragged across the spines of the many books inside the shelf until he found the book on Transmutation that he was looking for. He lifted the thick, heavy, dusty, ancient book off the shelf and walked a straight line up to the stairs to return to the Headmistress's office at once. But he was accosted by three or four of the most popular and influential people at the Academy. If everybody at the Academy was of noble blood, these guys were the noblest blood, and the leader of this pack of dirtbags was none other than the fourth Prince.

For years, people had speculated about how rotten the fourth Prince was and how evil he presented himself. He didn't seem pleased and he stepped on the little people to demonstrate his power, and apparently, Kai had gotten on his radar. The fourth Prince smiled with a cruel and sadistic glint as he stared at Kai with unshielded malice and hatred. "So, I heard you confessed to my girlfriend. You think that makes you a big man, huh?" With a loud clap, the fourth Prince slapped Kai right across his jaw with the amount of force that the fourth Prince put into the smack. Kai tasted copper in his mouth, but he simply balled up his fist and tried to quell the surge of anger that threatened to consume his being as he responded with a level tone and a fake smile "I had no idea that you and lady Sophia were dating I'm terribly sorry that I dared to confess to her" he lowered himself to make the fourth feel superior.

The fourth prince smirked at the forced apology and walked away "Come on I don't want to waste my energy on the poor any longer than I must" his goons followed behind him laughing at Kai's expense.

"Arrogant prick" was all Kai could mumble under his breath as he turned on his heels to re-enter the old library and wait until the fourth prince and his goons were gone. Kai walked into the least dusty corner of the library and attempted the read the tome when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up and locked eyes with the fourth prince's goon Reynold before he could ask what he was doing Reynold beat the crap out of him wailing on him without mercy and as Kai's consciousness slipped he could vaguely make out the figure of the fourth prince laughing like a hyena.

Once Kai went limp and completely lost consciousness Reynold finally stopped the vicious and cruel assault.

"What do we do now," asked a confused Reynold

"We leave him here so that this library becomes his tomb" replied the fourth prince coolly and without a shred of regret or even guilt.

The two left Kai's unconscious body in the ancient library to die and in a sense, he did die that day for the man that returned was someone far worse than the old kai could even imagine.




Kai gasped as he sat up and looked around extremely frenzied "Where am I" asked an extremely disoriented Kai in the empty room he found himself in. He looked around trying to find what may have brought him to the strange place when he saw a towering figure bathed in a radiant golden light. Kai slightly cowered as he looked at the figure as asked the ever-important question "Who might you be sir?" the deity looked at the boy and released a calming aura that caused Kai to unclench and relax in his presence.

"I have seen the plight of your existence and as the supreme deity I could no longer allow such injustice to be done to you and many others like you" the deity declared with a voice so powerful that he could've shaken mountains. Kai smiled at the careful attention the deity was paying and it made him smile knowing that someone so amazing had his back.

Kai with a newfound confidence asked another question "Why did you summon me here sir?". The deity's aura changed and Kai could sense that he appeared melancholic about what he was going to say next "You were killed by the wretched hand of those heretical royals so I decided to save your life and give you a gift as long as you accept a divine mission from me.

"I will accept any mission you give me my lord," Kai said as he fell to his knees as a sign of respect.

"Don't kneel before me all I ask of you is for you to purge the kingdom of heretics and rebuild it into a world of God and lawfulness where people like you will never suffer under their heel again, do you wish to accept this mission child?"

"I accept your lord and savior and I promise that I will save the land that is my unbreakable oath to you"

"Then as my champion, I give your the celestial body bloodline and I give you the primordial element of magma the element that forged the ground that you walked on. Take these gifts and use them to bring my word to those godless heretics"

"I promise my lord I won't let you down"

In a spectacular display of flashing lights and bright colors, the deity sent Kai back to the mortal plane.

Kai opened his eyes and rather than the dusty library he was in previously he was standing before an extremely tired-looking man. The man appeared to be European looking with black hair and a fair complexion.

"The man you just met is manipulating you"

Kai was about to refute when he noticed he couldn't speak.

"I ensured you would listen to me before closing your ears and calling me a heretic. There have been 15 other beings who he has contacted in the same attempt to make the Herus kingdom fall into the hands of his priests. He showed himself to you as a splendorous figure bathed in holy light but his real name is Zan and he is the true heretic.

"You're lying to make me become your pawn" Kai refuted now with the ability to speak"

"Your new god cared so much about you why didn't he save you when you were viciously beaten to death, a god that can do anything should be able to stop one guy from dying right?"

"He had a good reason for not intervening"

"He did, he wanted another loyal idiot to further his cause and he found one that absorbed his bullshit like a sponge, sorry for wasting your time I'll send you back to earth ri-"

"Wait" Kai interrupted "If he's so bad what's your end goal by telling me this"

The being smiled a wicked Cheshire smile "I just wanna see pure unadulterated chaos and I figure you could help me"

"What, why would I plunge my world into chaos for?"

"So that you could do whatever you want, I'll give you more than enough power to rule your world with an iron fist all I ask is for you to make it interesting whaddya say?"

Kai hesitated unlike the other deity guy this guy isn't hiding his intention least Kai was sure he wasn't hiding his intent behind flashy gimmicks and lies.

"I accept" With that brief statement Kai's life would be changed forever.

"Then I will give true power that will allow you to flip that stupid world on its head".

In a flash of light, Kai Fasver had died in that dusty library and Leonidas Val Arc the greatest warrior in the entirety of the Herus kingdom was born.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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