
King Of Bollywood, Secretly Rule The World

A 27 year old Indian guy reincarnates in 1981, At start of the golden age for technological development, Films, Music . An era which defines the future of the Country and the World. Will He capture this moment ? To rise above all Or be lost in unknown. Watch Him, As He become The Godfather of the underworld, King of Bollywood And Hollywood, A Business Giant that controls economy of the whole World. This is the story of a boy's road to becoming King of the World. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ This story takes place in a parallel world. Any similar name, place, event have nothing to do with the real world. It is not my purpose to hurt any gender, caste, religion, community groups. So just enjoy It............ _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Support Me On P@treon or Paypal If You Can. patreon.com/UchihaRemant __________________ Paypal ___________________________ Remant6@gmail.com Remant37@gmail.com _____________________________________________________

Uchicha_Remant · Celebrities
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8 Chs

Visit To Warehouses.

After a night of silence…

Next morning..

Raj woke up around 5 in the morning, made breakfast for himself after bathing.


"Come in, " Raj replied while eating lazily.

Raman walked in with a man around 40 years old, who kept his body posture straight , was full of vigilance, ready to attack any time.

"Relax, I am not a demon who is going to devour you." Raj chuckled as he looked carefully at the man.

"Boss, He is a retired soldier, I told you about yesterday." Raman said.

"What's your name?" He asked the middle aged man.

"Janki Ram" 

"I heard from Raman that you gave him his strength."

"You can also give it to me."

Janki Ram replied and asked.

"Yes, I can make you as strong as him, the only condition is to serve me with your whole life."

Raj answered.

"Come here"

Janki ram came near him, He put his hands on his shoulders and upgraded his body and mind by 7X.

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling power contained in it. He knelt down and said:

"Thank you boss."


"Come in "

Gulshan and Jolly walked in.


Raj introduced them both with Raman and Janki Ram.

"Janki Ram, I want to give military training to all upgraded members to fight unarmed and armed in any condition. Can you do it?"

"Yes Boss, It can be easily done." Janki Ram replied.

"Good. I want you all to open an orphanage in the country under different names. Give the best Training and education to kids. They will become future pillars of our Empire. "

"Find homeless peoples across the country, bring them to me to upgrade them, then send them to join the army, navy and airforce. Educate them according to requirement."

Raj ordered.

" Raman, find some police and politicians who are corrupt or greedy for life and strength. If they are in high positions then bring them to me to be upgraded otherwise bribe them with money and spiritual apples and or them threats. " Raj said and handed him an apple and introduced its function to them.


[Spiritual Apple]

-slightly improve physique and strength.

-Increase lifespan by 2 years.

-Restore health.

-Restore youth and refine your looks.

[Remarks: Can Be Eaten Infinitely To Get Benefits Stacked.]



"Be sure to help each other in need."

"Raman, any one who obstructs us will be extorted and killed."

" Any business you guys do will be in your name. Try not to show any connection between us."

"Gulshan, If any rival troubles you then contact Raman to solve them directly."

"Raman, Extort protection money or kidnapping money from those wealthy businessmen."

"Try to find different kinds of talents to lead all different businesses. Don't take all the responsibilities on yourself."

"Here, these are satellite phones. It can be kept in your pocket and help you contact each other."

"Call me only if You can't solve problems by yourselves."

"You can all go now, discuss your future plans and strategies among you. So, you can finish targeted work more efficiently." 

Raj ordered them as they went out .

Raj called Raman on the phone and asked: "bring me a fake high school certificate ."

Then he hung up the phone.

Day one…..

Day two….


Raj just walks out of the bathroom while wrapping a white towel around his waist. When he found the phone ringing.

He walked to the table, Picked up the phone and received the call.

" Boss, It's me Raman."

"Yeah, Whats up!"

"Boss, all twenty warehouses across Delhi are full of supplies. When are you going to come and upgrade it ?"

"Come to my house, Pick me up in an hour."

He hung up the phone and walked in the dressing room to wear clothes.

After a while..

He finished cooking, put the food on the table and sat down on a chair to enjoy delicacies prepared by him.

 He looked at the watch as he washed his hands and mouth.

' It's almost an hour, let's wait outside.'

Raj just walked out of his house when he heard the sound of the car while locking the door.

"Boss" Raman Shouted, and walked out of the car and opened the back door of the car.


Raj walked in and sat down on the backseat. Raman closed the back door and walked to the driver seat and started the car.

"Are all warehouses full of goods?" Raj asks.

"Yes boss."

"Did you need more money, you must have spent it all."

"No need, we have extorted a lot of money from a few businessmen."


"Remember that Jethalal! Take his shop then kill him. "

"Start opening physical stores across Delhi to sell all processed electronic products later."

" Open a few car and bike showrooms to sell them. It's better to sell them yourself than rely on others."

We soon reached our first destination as we talked.

"Boss We are here." Raman said and stopped the car. He got down from the car and opened the door to the back seat.

Raj walks out of the car as he watches a large warehouse lay in a field of 6 acres Surrounded by lush vegetation and trees.

"Remember to buy Few fruit farms. We will be giving a few spiritual fruits to aur external members who joined us as rewards for their hard work."

Raj reminds Raman then walks toward the gate, and sees four guards carrying the guns guarding the door.

Raman walks behind Raj, Orders guards to open the door and they walk in.
