
King Hollywood

In a parallel world that's almost identical to Earth's, Wolf Stevenson, an aspiring college student, is trying to realize his dream of being in Hollywood. However, he found that the celebrities, brands and famous works in this world had all disappeared! In order to realize his ambition and create a new entertainment empire, Wolf must use the magical Hollywood system at his disposal to reshape the world of movies, TV series and literary works. From directing future classics to writing popular TV series, Wolf is about to embark on a life-changing adventure that will propel him to star-studded heights.

ElReyCoronado18112 · Anime & Comics
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It’s done, but it’s definitely not because I’m your uncle

Wolf begins by briefly telling the story. "The story is a romantic comedy at its core, but with a hint of science fiction and fantasy. It focuses on Mike, a college basketball star who gave up on his dreams to take on the responsibility of caring for his pregnant girlfriend. But twenty years later, He was going through a divorce and his life was falling apart. By chance he was 17 years old again and he now has the chance to relive his high school years."

The plot of "17 Again" is heavily inspired by time travel movies, but it's primarily a story about family and relationships.

Because the producers wanted it to be light-hearted and not like a dark time travel movie, it focused primarily on love, relationships, regrets, and the importance of family.

Wolf personally loved the film.

While there's nothing too shocking about it, and the plot is even predictable at times, there's still a lot to enjoy.

That's why it was a hit at the box office, making it one of the best commercial films of the year it was released.

After listening to Wolf's brief explanation, Benjamin also felt a little interesting, although he didn't show it on his face.

He flipped through the script silently, and for an agent like him, just the first few pages were enough to see its potential.

"A time-travel movie with a teenage drama theme, which was perfect for the cast I had on hand."

Just like any other industry, Hollywood has its "trends," and currently, time travel movies are selling better than pancakes.

Just six months ago, a movie called Time Leap made $500 million at the box office and even received a few nominations.

After that, many studios tried to emulate its success, and Benjamin heard about a lot of new movies about the concept that were going to be released in the next year or two.

Of course he also wants his actors to participate in such a project, because this subject is basically guaranteed to be a hit movie - unless the plot is too confusing or the actors are not famous enough.

However, he had not had such luck before.

After all, it's really hard to find a script of a certain type in Hollywood, and even if he found one, most wouldn't make it into a movie.

Just fixing the errors would take a long time.

But now, he had a good enough script in his hands, and he got it by chance.

Who knew Wolf was capable of writing something like this?

After reading the first 15 pages, Benjamin was convinced that this wasn't just another mediocre screenplay.

That's why, after taking a long look at Wolf, he put down the script and picked up the phone on the table.

Then, he called his assistant.

"Cancel all my appointments for the next two hours."

Wolf, who was sitting in front of him, smiled silently.

Afterwards, Benjamin spent more than an hour reading the script for "17 Again."

From time to time, he would ask questions related to the story, and Wolf answered him very professionally.

After reading most of the script, Benjamin rubbed his forehead and smiled with satisfaction.

He had other appointments today and continuing to read the script would take too long.

However, he was convinced that the script was not bad at all.

In fact, it's pretty great.

Unlike most scripts circulating in Hollywood, this "17 Again" appears to be a completely revised work.

Because there's a big difference between the first draft and the revised script.

Usually, movie companies will only keep the basic plot of the script and then change a lot of content. This is mainly to provide a better viewing experience, because most first drafts will not serve as the final script of the movie.

But "17 Again" is different.

Its story is complete and its characters are fleshed out.

While some of the dialogue needs work, most of it is spot on.

"This will definitely work."

Benjamin thought, collected his thoughts, and waited for a while before speaking.

"Wolf, how long did it take you to write this script?"

"About half a year. I was originally going to make this movie after I graduated from college. But now that things have turned out like this, I decided to sell it."

Wolf lied and made up a story, but his uncle didn't suspect anything.

This is because in Benjamin's eyes, Wolf is indeed a talented person. After all, he was admitted to AFI, one of the best film schools in Los Angeles and even the United States.

Many alumni of this school have become well-known directors.

But he didn't know that Wolf was also good at writing scripts.

This surprised him, but it was definitely good news.

"Your script is really interesting. You are my family and I don't want to beat around the bush with you. I'm interested in signing the rights to '17'."

Hearing this, Wolf smiled.

He just tried his luck to get an appointment with Benjamin, but it turned out surprisingly well.

It seems luck is really on his side.

"Well, uncle, we need to discuss the contract."

"Yes, but first, I have to tell you something. Even if everything goes well with "17" and pre-production begins, you won't have much say in casting, directing, etc., and investors can even The script needs to be revised. Do you understand?" Benjamin said bluntly.

Wolf nodded.

He knows this kind of thing is all too common in Hollywood.

Unless they are big-name screenwriters, screenwriters generally don't have much say.

If he doesn't have financial difficulties, or has some rights, he will still try to negotiate, but currently except for dollar~

He had no terms to negotiate.

"17 Again" was just a quick way for him to make a lot of money.

"I understand, Uncle Charles."

"Okay then. Actually, I was thinking that maybe you could sign with MCA as a screenwriter. Although it's rare, we do sign screenwriters, and in my opinion, you are very talented."

Benjamin offered sincerely.

For a talented young screenwriter like Wolf, the agency will definitely take good care of him, and even allow Wolf to get a larger share of the profits from "17 Again."

But unfortunately, Wolf shook his head.

"I'm sorry, uncle. I didn't intend to become a screenwriter, and I didn't want to be bound by a talent agency."

"What are you going to do?" Benjamin asked confused.

"You know me. I've always wanted to be a director and I still want to be. I'm currently considering directing an independent film as well as writing more screenplays."

Benjamin frowned after hearing this, and got a little adventurous.

Benjamin didn't look down on Wolf, he was just worried that Wolf would do stupid things with the money earned from the script, so he advised him.

"Wolf, even if you direct a movie now, I don't think you can make much money. No matter how good it is, it can only shine in some film festivals. But it is almost impossible to sell it well. You know , there is never a shortage of talented people in Hollywood."

Wolf just smiled faintly at Benjamin's concern.

"Don't worry Uncle Charles, I'm not going to spend the money I get from the script on women and flour. I'll make sure to use it wisely. Trust me on that."

Benjamin sighed again and shook his head.

Serious and thoughtful teachings are of little use to a boy of this age. After all, he has also been through this age.

He could only sincerely hope that Wolf's plan would succeed, even though he didn't have high hopes.

"Okay. I have other appointments, let's discuss the details of the contract at the next meeting. I also need to discuss this issue with my superiors. Give me some time and I will contact you in a few days."

Wolf understands that Benjamin has done much more than he expected, and now he just needs to wait for the good news.

Wolf leaves Benjamin's office, but not before Benjamin reminds him to call him anytime if he needs help.

He thanked Benjamin very sincerely for everything he had done so far, including always remembering to call him when not many people remembered him.

After leaving the office, Wolf was already planning to go home and start finalizing the script for "Blair Witch." Although he didn't know how long the filming would take, how to assemble the crew, or how much money the film would make, he was sure that the film would be a hit.

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