
King Hollywood

In a parallel world that's almost identical to Earth's, Wolf Stevenson, an aspiring college student, is trying to realize his dream of being in Hollywood. However, he found that the celebrities, brands and famous works in this world had all disappeared! In order to realize his ambition and create a new entertainment empire, Wolf must use the magical Hollywood system at his disposal to reshape the world of movies, TV series and literary works. From directing future classics to writing popular TV series, Wolf is about to embark on a life-changing adventure that will propel him to star-studded heights.

ElReyCoronado18112 · Anime & Comics
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As a native of Los Angeles, it’s not surprising to have an agent uncle

"What can I do for you?"

"I'd like you to read my script."

Benjamin's voice paused, and after a while, he said in a tone of trying to persuade Wolf.

"Wolf, you know, even if you are the son of my best friend, I can't just buy your script. There are rules in the company-"

"I'm not asking you to buy it directly. I just want you to take a look. If it's not good, you can refuse."

Wolf interrupted him, and Benjamin thought for a while and agreed to his proposal.

"Okay, come see me in my office on Saturday."

Just like that, the call ended, and Wolf took a deep breath.

This time, his heart was full of expectations.

If he had money and time, he would go out and celebrate because he got this opportunity~

But now, time is running out and he needs to complete an entire script.

"I had four days to write '17 Again'."

He thought and sat down at the desk. Open your laptop, click on the "Word" software, and start writing immediately.

The script of "17 Again" is relatively simple because it is a combination of modern drama and time travel. But it mainly focuses on love, family and relationships.

At the same time, the main character is very likable because he gave up his dream to take care of his pregnant girlfriend, and emotionally, no one can hate this kind of character.

But when writing the script, Wolf still encountered many difficulties.

The movie plays on a lot of references to other famous movies, such as "Lord of the Rings," and also uses many elements that don't exist in this world at all.

If a meme does not have a corresponding meaning, then adding it will be completely blank information, which will only bore the audience.

But if used properly, it will add a lot of meaning to the work, which requires integration.

Because of this, Wolf racked his brains to modify the references in the script to match this universe, drawing on his own memory and even watching some other famous movies from this world for inspiration.

After four days of hard work, he finally completed the script on the morning of the day he agreed to meet Benjamin.

Rubbing his eyes, which had barely rested in the past few days, Wolf walked out of the apartment and went straight to a printing shop.

After leaving the print shop with a copy of the script in hand, he got into a taxi.

His destination was not the MCA company, but the offices of the Writers Guild of America (WGA).

Before meeting Benjamin, he had one more thing to do: register the copyright for "17 Again."

The fastest way is through WGA.

Previously, it took 5-6 months to register copyright for a script. But this is too slow and inefficient.

But now, for just $100, anyone can register the copyright for a screenplay in under an hour.

The downside is that they need to renew their registration every few years.

Wolf had no problem with this, so after spending two hours at the WGA office, he successfully registered the copyright.

After that, all he had to do was go to MCA Company. It is located on Carberry Road, a premium area of ??Los Angeles in this universe.

After arriving there, he waited in the hall for a while because the appointed time had not arrived yet.

Finally, at 3 p.m., Benjamin's assistant came to pick him up, and it was finally time for his appointment.

Script in hand, Wolf walked into Benjamin's office, mentally prepared.

Benjamin Charles sat in his office with papers piled high in front of him.

He was frustrated by this inefficient and heavy work.

Just now, another of his actors decided to quit MCA without any reason.

First of all, the top management of MCA has been in chaos for a long time, and they can't even stabilize their position. Secondly, the actors in the company have not achieved any substantial results recently, causing MCA's stock to fall repeatedly.

Just last month, a romantic comedy invested by MCA spent a huge sum of money to invite a promising young actor named Kyle Myers to star. But the film failed at the box office and didn't even recoup its costs.


After thinking of these things, Benjamin sighed for the first time.

Shaking his head, he remembered an appointment this afternoon and remembered that his late friend's son Wolf was coming to see him today.

Thinking of him, Benjamin sighed again.

Wolf is a polite and good boy, but his pride does not allow him to directly accept monetary help from Benjamin.

Since he was not accepting financial aid, Benjamin offered to introduce him to a film crew. This way he could at least work and earn a decent income while gaining experience to one day become a director.

But surprisingly, Wolf refused his help and even asked him to read his script and buy it if he liked it.

Benjamin had not known that Wolf was interested in writing screenplays because he had always dreamed of becoming a director and directing and starring in a film.

So Wolf surprised Benjamin by suddenly announcing that he was selling the script he had written.

Still, Benjamin didn't have high expectations for the script.

Good scripts are always in demand, but that also means good writers are rare.

So it would be foolish to expect a young man who dropped out of school to write a good script. He may rush through the plot and make a lot of rookie mistakes.

Still, Benjamin was willing to take a look, after all, Wolf was the son of his late friend. The best thing he could do was try to take care of him.

While Benjamin was busy thinking about various things, he heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

He said as he sat on the chair.

The door opened and Wolf came in.

"Uncle Charles, long time no see."

He greeted Benjamin.

Benjamin Charles has an ordinary middle-aged American face and a beer belly. He looks like most depressed middle-aged office workers.

"Wolf, how are you doing lately? Have you found a girlfriend?"

Benjamin came over and shook Wolf's hand.

As Wolf sat down, his eyes flickered slightly to the script in Benjamin's other hand.

"I haven't found it yet, and I don't plan to find it. It's too early for me now."

"That's true. When I was as young as you, the only thing I had to think about every day was going from one girl to another. Oh, those were the best days of my life."

Wolf shrugged noncommittally.

Benjamin smiled and chatted with Wolf for a while.

But in the back of his mind, he was evaluating Wolf, and he had a hint of curiosity about the type of script Wolfer would present to him.

After a while, he finally got to the main topic.

"Listen, Wolf, the next thing is business, I can only give you 30 minutes. So, let's start reading your script quickly."


Wolf nodded and handed Benjamin the script.

Holding the thick document in his hand, Benjamin opened it and saw the name of the script that interested him very much.

""17 Again"?"

"Yes, that's the name of my story."


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