
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Scot Reunification War Part 2

"I greet the powerful and beautiful queen, I will carry out your will and destroy your enemies." This person before me is John my personal knight.

He comes from my direct family line, I think he's my nephew or grand nephew.  Doesn't matter, he has yet to be bested in one on one combat and he has the favour of the majority of the people in my camp.

"Gather all our men and prepare to meet up with Derald Nosferatu, send scouts to watch him." We might be allies but I can't take my eyes off him.

"I will, my lady and congratulations on your marriage." How cute he's jealous but he's just a pawn to me. He was good in bed though. 

I ring the bell beside me then knights dressed in pitch-black armour enter.

"I need to prepare for my husband entering my city." I can't dress how much I want to due to how cold it is but I can still be beautiful. 

The knights nod and leave to fulfil my orders. John also leaves after them. I take up a sword that's dressed in a mystical red and blue scabbard. A cursed sword that has yet been able to pull out.

It's created by the god level monster called the lady of the lake. I found after plundering Enland. Even with my powers, I'm unable to pull it out, some wise men told me that only someone with great magic can use it.

Even though I can't use it simply having it near me rapidly heals me, although that process is reversed whenever I use magic. 

I place down the sword then have my hand maid take me to my bed chambers to change. I dressed in a sea-green dress and place on my iron crown. I've been told that it's cheap and ugly but it's mine.

I've already had my servants preparing for my husband arrival so before nightfall everything is ready. The problem is that my so-called husband hasn't arrived yet.

"Sir John are you sure you saw him?" I'm getting worried don't tell me I've been betrayed.

"Yes, and I had my younger brother guide him to the city." Okay, his younger brother is somewhat trustworthy.

I take the sword and place it on my lap for safekeeping. Not only that I increase the number of knights stationed outside.

Soon my husband arrives dressed in a beautiful doublet and black pants. Behind him, all his guards are laughing constantly. Behind him is a group of people all chained and practically naked.

"What's the point of doing all this?" I say to him and he bows along with his men.

"I greet my queen and wife, all these people belong to a vampire community near me so I crushed them and brought them as a gift." I see.

"( Black Child)." Soon a monster is summoned, it's blacker than shadows, it also has three heads and nine eyes. It also has six arms each holding a different weapon. 

"Do you think giving me slaves is a gift, show sincerity or none of you shall make it out alive." Slavery is not something I can control, it's been here for generations but to give me slaves and be late is a disrespect I won't tolerate. 

"It would seem my queen has misunderstood, these are no slaves but former princes all whom lands now belong to you." That's. . . Still not acceptable but it wouldn't benefit me to say so. 

"I see, guards take them away, such sights ruining a good meal." I will deal with specifics later.

Our wedding feast continues without much of a setback. Mostly there were many times when both sides almost drew their sword and swung at each other. This is tenser than it should be.

Our time in bed was short, he lasted only thirty seconds in bed and he spends most of that time wildly thrusting. I show call John to my chambers tomorrow.

"We should march on the princes by dawn tomorrow otherwise our plan will fall apart." That's the first thing you say to me after being inside, such a brute.

"Alright then, where shall our armies meet." His army is in Blood City and mine is here in Mount city.

"We will meet in two weeks after taking out all the nearby princes. Our location will be at the Holy Stone." Guess that stone will be used once again. 

After that he leaves, I'm left by myself. That cunt. I order my handmaids to put on my clothes and I head towards the prison cells.

"Gather all the people who were brought to me by prince Derald." Better to solve the situation now than later.

Soon around a hundred people are brought before me. Men, women, children, old and young. All standing right here all looking like frightened chickens. 

"Take all the men and place them into mines, take the women and place them into the fields. Leave all the children here." That's more mercy than they would ever show me if it was me.

Soon I'm left with twenty kids, I'm sure there is more but I'm sure they died on the way here. Most of them look on in freight and terror all but one.

"State your name girl." She breathes in and then says. 

"Lilith daughter of prince Mikkel and the Red flower." Mikkel and the Red flower, so those bastards are now dead how hilarious.

"You will be my personal maid from now on Haha, take the girls and take them to the head maid and the boys to John." It's divine punishment that leads to the outcome.

He wanted my head now I have his daughter. Maybe this plan isn't so bad.