
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Scot Reunification War Part 1

Vampire Queen P.O.V

This city is so boring, everything here is boring. Those Enland bastards are getting better and better technology every day while my people just regressed.

Another rebellion had to be put down recently damn those idiots. They were the ones who forces me to fight the Enlands and lose my brother, now they blame me for their decline.

That bastard he was supposed to help me reunite the Vampire bloodlines not go off and commit a massacre. He was the fifth husband and the most promising.

My father grows older every day and he loses more and more of his memory. He wants to visit the holy land once but the moment the two of us enter we will be executed.

Maybe I should . . . No that won't work. Those greedy bastards will just steal it and not pay. Maybe. . .

A Queen, don't make me laugh. I only have two cities and even those are small. The only reason we haven't been driven out is due to how hard it is to traverse the Lone Hills.

Every day a new war breaks out and every day a new prince spring up. My treasurer decreases every day faster and faster. I should have removed the princes when I had the chance.

I've yet to given birth, all my children die inside my womb absorbed by my powers. I've been told I need to find one of the nine Hero but the one I found is busy fighting a war in the Holy City-States.

"I bring news to the Queen." Don't tell me another prince has rebelled. I will destroy his entire family like last time.

"Speak and make it quick my patience is limited." The man kneels and begins to speak.

"The major forces of Enland have gone to fight against the Fren about a month ago." A month it took a whole month to receive this news.

"If that's all then leave." Even with all that we lack the funding and supply necessary to invade.

"Prince Derald "The Black Hand" would like to have an audience with you." That fucking half breed, he's the one who prevented me from severely punish the Black Death Wolf Clan for their involvement in the Eclipse massacre.

I can't ignore him despite my greatest want to. He has too much power as the head of the Nosferatu family. Only though yet to be confirmed I'm sure he's the leader pulling the strings behind the Black Death Wolf Clan.

"Call for him and tell the maids to bring the best wine." I'm unable to deal with people with him while being sober.

Sometime later

"I greet the powerful and beautiful queen." Derald " Black Hand" is tall for a vampire all due to his Wolf heritage, his eyes are the red of the vampire and his hair our silver. The strange phenomenon is that his hands are completely black for no apparent reason. He was born that way.

"I also greet Prince Derald." His entire aura reeks of demonic energy but I'm not too sure if it's forceful or not. If I could I would have used my magic to figure it out or that cursed sword.

"You should be aware by now of movements in Enland, I suggest that we form an alliance and move to take Ironfort." Form an alliance this place belong to me but I can't stay that. Why was I such a young fool?

"We can't, even if we pulled all our forces together it would be almost 10 thousand strong. They can easily find that number in Ironfort and even more from the surrounding cities." I've tried multiple times before and all I've failed before even reaching Scot City.

"You might be correct about numbers that they can reach but not our numbers. I've already formed an alliance with the head of the Dracula family and our combined forces is nearly five thousand." Nearly five thousand that's almost big as my army. Still not enough.

"Even if . . ."

"We can bring the other princes under our rule by force!" That has been my dream for a while but on my own, that's not even possible but with two of the others, it may be.

"What would you want for such a lucrative relationship?" Nothing comes free in this world.

"Your hand in marriage." Another suitor let's hope he doesn't die like all the others. Enland time to pay.