
KINESIS: I Am The Villian

The Earth's core suddenly became unstable causing a change to the planet. As a result, the age of psykers, humans capable of manipulating the laws of nature was born. Animals transformed into ferocious creatures, and plants transformed into living predators. A bloody battle for supremacy ensued between the three species. Beasts overran cities, which led to the deaths of thousands of people. The only humans capable of protecting mankind were the psykers and after a few years of battle they were able to secure back the fallen cities. Civilization began a new era but the war continued as psykers continued to hunt beasts to avoid another bloody war. Twenty years later, while on a family vacation in Paris, a swarm of beasts entered the city. Miles Reed who was still a kid watched how his father, a heroic psyker was killed by other psykers who conspired against him to make it look like he died trying to save lives while both his mother and sister were devoured by these monsters. Miles was fortunate to escape such a cruel fate. He was also lucky to be adopted by another wealthy family who also lost their son in the disaster that occurred that day. However, Miles didn't forget his origins as his heart was filled with the dark force of hatred. He grew up to be ruthless. He savagely killed his foes, destroyed clans and guilds that stood in his path until he became the world's most vicious villain in order to avenge his family. Disclaimer: #Please this story is entirely fictional. #The cover isn't mine so credits belong to the owner I only downloaded it from Pinterest. #Please excuse any grammatical errors because English isn't my first language but I am open to polite correction. #Lastly, hateful comments will not be tolerated in any way. Thank you very much and I love you all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please if you like what you read, support this book with power stones, I would really appreciate it a lot.

Aster_Pheonix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 2 (Darkness Shall Prevail)

Salavotore coated both his hands in crystals while launching himself towards Nemisis that was floating in mid air.

However, Nemisis didn't plan to evade the attack. Thus, he also surrounded his fists with dark energy as he flew towards Salvatore who was approaching him rapidly.

As both men threw their fists toward each other, their fists collided. With Nemisis' fists completely shattering the crystal covering Salavatore's arm. The impact of the collision forced Salvatore back to the ground while Nemisis maintained his position in the air.

Another shocking expression appeared on Salavatore's face. He couldn't believe that he had completely lost in terms of strength against Nemisis, although it wasn't noticeable to anyone else but he could feel his arm trembling as a result of that impact.

Nemisis didn't waste time continuing to attack Salvatore. As he dashed towards Salvatore, he repeatedly threw heavy blows at him.

Salvatore couldn't help but take a defensive stance to reduce the damage of Nemisis' rapid punches. While being pushed back and taking all the attack from Nemisis, Salvatore was also searching for an opening to counter attack.

As Salvatore continued to block Nemisis' blows with his arm, he cursed, "These bastard fists are moving too fast, I almost can't see them." He realized that his arm was getting weaker as he continued to use them to block Nemisis' attacks. Also ,he still wasn't able to find an opening he could exploit because Nemisis was too guarded.

Nemisis also sensed that Salvatore's defense was getting loose. Therefore, he increased the force of his blows which Salvatore wasn't expecting.

Salvatore was unable to withstand the impact of the attack and the force pushed him further backwards until his body crashed against the wall of the mansion. This caused him to splurt out a lot of blood.

Nemisis didn't care about Salavatore's state of condition and blasted another dark energy beam at him.

However, Salavatore's reflexes were fast enough for him to react in time to defend himself from the attack. He cast a crystal shield but he knew that the shield wouldn't be able to withstand the attack. Therefore, he immediately moved to the side and counterattacked by launching several long crystal spears at Nemisis.

The spears were shattered when they collided with the dark barrier that suddenly surrounded Nemisis.

"Your reaction speed is quite impressive old man. I didn't expect you to last this long in this fight but it seems like you're losing steam already." Nemisis said.

As Salavotore breathed heavily, he was unable to refute Nemisis' comment. It was true that he was already feeling exhausted and it was really stressful for him to fight an opponent that was flying in the air.

Although he had already heard about Nemisis' prowess in battle, he never expected that it would be to this extent. The moment this fight started, he was overpowered.

"You're just a coward Nemisis. Why don't you stop flying around and come down here to fight?" Salvatore retorted.

"Hmm, I heard that you're proficient at welding crystal axes. I was wondering why you hadn't used it yet. Looks like my flying ability was giving you a problem."

"Alright Salvatore since you have played by my rules, I'll agree to your condition to make this a fair fight so that there won't be any excuses when the house of Moretti falls today." Nemisis said as he slowly descended to the ground.

"Your arrogance will be your downfall and your cockiness will be your doom" Salavotore said as he scowled furiously at Nemisis.

Nemisis ignored Salvatore's comments. He conjured up a large broadsword using his dark energy. "Come on old man, let's fight."

Salvatore scoffed at Nemisis while creating a large crystal axe. At full speed, he charged at Nemisis with conviction that he could dominate this fight without a lingering doubt.

Leaping into the air, Salavatore swung his axe downward, slashing Nemisis with his full power.

However, the attack was parried easily, but Salvatore immediately maneuvered himself behind Nemisis while he was still in the air.

Nemesis also quickly reacted to Salvatore's movement, skillfully evading Salvatore's axe that was aimed towards his neck by bending low and counterattacking Salvatore with a back kick.

Salvatore was able to avoid the impact of Nemisis kick with the blade of his axe. He immediately created space between them but his eyes widened in shock when he saw Nemisis' sword covered in a dark aura flying towards him again

In an effort to block the attack from reaching him, Salvatore tried to use his axe to block the attack from reaching him. However, his axe was shattered by the sword and the aura was powerful enough to blast him away.

When Salvatore's body landed a few feet away from where Nemisis stood, his body was badly bruised and his chest had been slashed. Salvatore was now struggling to stand on his own two feet and he was bleeding profusely.

"You..You are..You are not just a long range psyker, but an adept fighter as well. You sly parasite," Salvatore muttered at him.

Putting one hand in his pocket, Nemisis approached Salvatore, who was still struggling to stand up while dragging his broadsword on the ground. "I never said I was only a long range fighter, you all just assumed that fact." He responded to Salvatore's claims.

"You're just a low-life bastard. Do you think your tyranny will last forever now that you're at the top of the list of wanted villains in the world? High-ranking psykers, clans, governments, and countries are now searching for you. It's impossible for you to defeat them all."

"Hahahahahaha..." Nemisis laughed out wickedly, "I'm sorry but It 8was so hilarious because I was expecting you to mention Hydra. Well, I guess it was inevitable. If you want to change the world, then you must be ready to fight a lot of battles. However, you my friend will not be alive to witness it all." Nemisis smiled evilly.

"How....How did you know about Hydra?" Salvatore asked, his voice carried a tone of disbelief.

"You're bigger fool than I thought you were. I actually thought you had all figured out after I took down the rest of your colleagues. Did you think I did all of these because I was power-hungry." Nemesis said with chuckle.

Salvatore glared at Nemisis in disgust and hate. He wished to tear him apart but even though he hated to admit it he was defeated.

"Don't give me that look Salvatore, you were never even a match for me and I wasn't even using my full power in this fight so don't have any regrets. As well as the fact that Moretti clan had an excellent run while it lasted but as you know all good things must come to an end. I promise you that I'll take proper care of your family in your stead."

Nemisis transformed his weapon into a scythe and in a flash he beheaded Salvatore. He grabbed Salvatore's head and moved it closer to his face. "Don't worry, I'll send your friends to see you in hell soon."

Nemisis shifted his attention towards the battle ground where his men were still fighting other members of the Morretti clan. "Let's put all this ruckus to an end." He muttered to himself and flew towards the center of the estate.

While floating in the air and looking down at the battle below him, Nemisis released enough aura in order to increase the pressure and attract everyone's attention to him.

"Well, now that I have everyone's attention, listen to what I have to say. Men of Morretti this is the head of your patriarch." Nemisis dropped Salvatore's head to the ground before he continued to speak. "I'll give you two choices. You can step aside if you wish to leave, those who intend to die alongside your brothers and sisters should kneel and receive your judgment because I have taken over this estate." Nemisis said to the crowd.

Many psykers and even direct members of the Morretti family chose to leave since their master was already dead and they didn't intend to die alongside him because they were unable to defeat Nemisis even if they fought him.

Nemisis watched the scene while folding his arm and asked, "Is that everyone who had decided to leave?"

After receiving confirmation that they were no longer anyone that decided to leave. Nemisis summoned many sharp dark spikes from the shadows that pierced into the bodies of those who decided to leave the estate.

Everyone was shocked by what they had just witnessed. They were surprised by Nemisis' actions because they thought he was willing to allow them to leave as he had promised.

"Don't be surprised, I hate those who are unloyal. They chose to walk away from their fate and avoid death, so I killed them all. People like them are no fit to be called humans," Nemisis explained

"Is there any successor of the Morretti clan left here?" Nemisis asked the crowd.

A middle-aged woman stepped out of the crowd and bowed to Nemisis. "My name is Lia Morretti. I am the third child and the first daughter of the direct successor line of the house of Moretti." She introduced herself without being asked.

"Hmm, I'll appoint you as the new patriarch for your clan but it comes with the condition of serving me as your master. The same applies for the rest of your clan members that choose to stay and die. The proposal I've made this time is legit, and if you still decide to die,then your death won't be delayed any longer." Nemisis negotiated a deal to Lia because he admired her loyalty.

After a short while of consideration, Lia finally responded. "I accept my Lord, the house of Morretti will now be your loyal vassal."

Nemesis smirked after hearing the positive response from Lia. "Welcome to the family, Patriach Lia Moretti. From now on, always remember that darkness shall prevail and you have now become part of that darkness."

"Julius" Nemisis called.

"Yes master" Julius immediately responded.

"I'm glad to see you in one piece. I'll be taking my leave now but I'll expect you to handle things here and clean up this mess" Nemisis instructed.

"why are you in a hurry to leave now?" A feminine voice called out to Nemisis from the crowd.

"Its almost time for my curfew because I'm still grounded. You guy can handle the rest." Nemesis said and vanished into thin air.

"Who would believe the world's strongest Villain is getting grounded by his parents." Julius scoffed while staring at disappointment expression on his colleague face.



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