
Episode 1

(The opening shows Kimi dancing)

(Kanisha howling at the moon)

(Tina in a ghostbuster outfit)

(Xylah doing backflips in the gym)

(Zinnia in a Ice palace on a throne)

(Phoenix flying and breathing fire)

(Journee meditating with flowers around her)

(Lucy reading a book, while in a coffin-themed chair)

(Cutie pie is singing on stage)

(Chino is sleeping on a cat bed)

(Nao is with Senri and dancing)

(Eve is killing monsters with swords)

(Kevin is playing a video game)

(Kai and Jim are tap dancing)

(Kal is writing on a chalkboard)

(Donnie is playing ping pong)

(Keira is juggling legos)

(Danna is in the bar drinking)

(Twinkle is swimming underwater)

(Icreama is watching Tv)

(Kimipie is chatting with pixies)

(Onishi is knock out gang members)

(Iluka is with mermaids)

(Kim is sword fighting)

(Melody is with the scientists)

(Kaji is riding on a rollercoaster)

(Mallory is crushed by a bunch of rocks)

(Alula is riding on a spacecraft through space)

(Cavegirl is riding with dinosaurs)

(Suzi is walking on the runway)

(Odette is cooking on the kitchen)

(Princess Kassidy is talking to subjects)

(Sannon is collecting souls)

(Sorlos is running through the hills)

(Detective Ai is arresting people)

(The opening ends with Detective Ai, Sorlos, Sannon, Princess Kassidy, Odette, Suzi, Cavegirl, Alula, Mallory, Kaji, Iluka, Onishi, Kimipie, Icreama, Twinkle, Danna, Keira, Kal, Kai, Jim, Kevin, Eve, Nao, Chino, Cutie pie, Lucy, Journee, Zinnia, Phoenix, Xylah, Kim, Melody, Tina, Kanisha, and Kimi are in front of a mansion in a picture frame)

(The episode opens with Everybody lying in the living room)

(Outside it gets darker)

(Kal taps Kanisha)

(Kanisha looks outside and whistles)

Lucy: Is the world ending?

Eve: As hopeful that is to you, I hope not I still want to torment some people

Iluka: I sense that love is slipping

(Everybody runs outside)

Keira: Like, and I hate saying this couples dying

Iluka: More like everybody is sad

(Kim nearly fell over)

(Melody catches Kim)

Kim (breathing hard): I feel funny

Cutie pie (scans Kim): The part of her brain that can love is being drained

Tina: I can help, but Kim, you might not like it

Kim (nervous): Why not?

(Tina turns into a ghost and enters Kim's brain)

(Kim glows green along with her eyes)

Kim (glowing): This is so weird

Eve: Tina, I hope you realize you can't tamper with any part of her brain

(Tina lying next to a brain)

Tina: Of course, otherwise I would throw the balance off and then the world really would end

Kevin: Which would never happen

Kanisha: Not on our watch

Kim (glowing): Thank you, you are saints

Eve: Never call me that

Onishi: Well, I'm on a bridge of that

Sannon: Yeah, please don't call that, I am literally the grim reaper

Lucy: I ain't no saint, but an okay friend

Melody: I'll take it

Keira: Me too

Cutie pie: I love the title

Mallory: Accident prone Saint, but I still like the title

Tina: Thank you

(Kal jumps and hugs Kim)

Nao: You know guys, it's odd

Kimi: Trust me, you'll get used to it

Danna: It won't be hard, we just play off each other

Chino (playing with a toy mouse): Yeah

Nao: Okay, maybe it would be easier, if you could tell about yourselves

Kimi: Okay, I am married, have twins, live in a mansion with my husband's mom, who is my mom now, I have a little sister and I also live with my best friend and I got dropped in a pool of goo from a meteor which gave me my powers

Nao (shocked): Whoa! Wait, are you the only with children

Kanisha: No kids

Tina: Nope

Lucy: I don't do children

Suzi: I can't reproduce since I was originally a doll

Mallory: Yeah, I'm not into sex, so no children in my future

Melody: Yeah, no children

Kevin: As if

Onishi: Not happening

Chino: (licks her paw) Sorry, if I was a regular cat yes, but as me now, nope

(Kal shakes her head no)

Danna: I don't think so

Iluka: Yeah, no

Cutie pie: Uh, no

Princess Kassidy: That's not in my future

Kim: Yeah, since I'm not immortal and I am only 16, yeah no

Odette: Cooking is my baby, so now

Icreama: I was originally ice cream, so no babies

Eve: Love isn't my thing, so no

Detective Ai: No

Sorlos: At this size, no way

Cavegirl: No thanks

Alula: Nope

Kaji: I am part cyborg, so no

Jim: Nope

Twinkle: Yeah, no

Journee, Phoenix, and Zinnia: Not happening

Kimipie: Yeah, no

Kai: Not for me

Xylah: No

Nao: None of you want children

Kanisha: Listen, walk a mile in our shoes, you will understand it's very dangerous,

Nao: What about KImi?

Kimi: No, I wouldn't wish that on the other version in a different dimension, because let me tell you it is stressful to have to take care of children and husband and keep them from the danger that wouldn't be after you because you interfere in their affair

Nao: Wow! I didn't think about that, but it must be great to see your babies for the first time

Kimi (tears) (smiles): I loved it, they were beautiful, and to think I brought them here

Nao: Kevin, I know you said no, but you are lying if you and your lover never thought of adopting

Kevin: (hesisting) fine, you are right. Me and charlie was thinking about, but we decide no because it was too much stress

Iluka: Can we please change the subject?

Nao: Fine, how did all of you get your powers?

Everybody else: Meteor

Nao: Seriously

Princess Kassidy: That are our universes, we get hit by a meteor and we get powers, except kim where a meteor killed her entire town except her close friends

Nao: Why were you saved?

Kim: No clue, I guess that is the balance there must be one normal one, it just happened to be me.

Sorlos: Which I am glad, I had too much fun with my powers

(Everybody else agreed)

(Thunder goes off)

(Everybody looks at the sky and sees red clouds)

Kaji: Guys, I think we have chatted enough, we need to stop this

Detective Ai: Agreed, but first, put super brains on except Kim, right Tina?

Tina (telepathically): Of course, I'll just relax here in her brain

Odette: Good, let's fly

(Everybody's eyes glow)

Cutie pie: But, not everybody it's going to try take us out

Eve: So, who goes up and who stays down?

Kanisha: Kimi, Danna, Cutie pie, Chino, and Kim you stay down here (looks at the others) Detective Ai, Sorlos, Sannon, Princess Kassidy, Odette, Suzi, Cavegirl, Alula, Mallory, Eve and Kaji you keep an eye on the people. Iluka, Onishi, Kimipie, Icreama, Twinkle, Lucy, Kal, Kai, Jim and Kevin see if any couples are still around. Journee, Zinnia, Phoenix, and Xylah find clues if things might get clues

(Episode ends with everybody splitting up)