
Episode 2

(The opening shows Kimi dancing)

(Kanisha howling at the moon)

(Tina in a ghostbuster outfit)

(Xylah doing backflips in the gym)

(Zinnia in a Ice palace on a throne)

(Phoenix flying and breathing fire)

(Journee meditating with flowers around her)

(Lucy reading a book, while in a coffin-themed chair)

(Cutie pie is singing on stage)

(Chino is sleeping on a cat bed)

(Nao is with Senri and dancing)

(Eve is killing monsters with swords)

(Kevin is playing a video game)

(Kai and Jim are tap dancing)

(Kal is writing on a chalkboard)

(Donnie playing ping pong)

(Keira is juggling legos)

(Danna is in the bar drinking)

(Twinkle is swimming underwater)

(Icreama is watching Tv)

(Kimipie is chatting with pixies)

(Onishi is knock out gang members)

(Iluka is with mermaids)

(Kim is sword fighting)

(Melody is with the scientists)

(Kaji is riding on a rollercoaster)

(Mallory is crushed by a bunch of rocks)

(Alula is riding on a spacecraft through space)

(Cavegirl is riding with dinosaurs)

(Suzi is walking on the runway)

(Odette is cooking on the kitchen)

(Princess Kassidy is talking to subjects)

(Sannon is collecting souls)

(Sorlos is running through the hills)

(Detective Ai is arresting people)

(The opening ends with Detective Ai, Sorlos, Sannon, Princess Kassidy, Odette, Suzi, Cavegirl, Alula, Mallory, Kaji, Iluka, Onishi, Kimipie, Icreama, Twinkle, Danna, Keira, Kal, Kai, Jim, Kevin, Eve, Nao, Chino, Cutie pie, Lucy, Journee, Zinnia, Phoenix, Xylah, Kim, Melody, Tina, Kanisha, and Kimi are in front of a mansion in a picture frame)

(The episode opens with Everybody looking shocked)

Suzi: Wait, you are going to go up all alone

Kim: Are you nuts?

Eve: Listen as much as I respect your decision, you are the strongest out of all of us

Nao: Is that wise?

Kanisha: Guys, I analyzed the situation and the only thing that will happen is I will become soulless and I will lose my memory and since all you will be down here there is no problem

Cutie pie: But, you as a sacrifice

Kimipie: Enough, Kanisha go before they come down here

Kanisha: Got it (flies off)

Lucy: She'll be fine

Mallory: Everybody you know what we have to do

Everybody else: Yup

(The screen switches to Detective Ai, Sorlos, Sannon, Princess Kassidy, Odette, and Suzi looking at emotionless people)

Odette: This is awful

Princess Kassidy: It's so grey

Detective Ai: Maybe we can fix it

Suzi: I was thinking the same, but how

Sorlos: I got an idea

Sannon: Should one of us get her back to our size?

Odette: No, but maybe you can help me, bring food to warm their hearts

Sannon: I'm not a cooker

Odette: No, I need a deliver

Sorlos: Say, why so blue

A girl (surprised): A giant! Whoa!

Sorlos: Want a ride?

The girl: Yeah

Suzi: Hey everybody if you like good food, gather around

(Everybody nod, then get up and walk towards Suzi)

(Odette comes with a whole buffet with Sannon)

(Sannon serve the food)

(Princess Kassidy gives people outfits)

(Detective Ai is watching the people)

(Mallory taps her foot and falls in a pit)

Mallory: This always happen

Alula: Are you okay?

Eve: She is okay, although are your arms bended.

(Mallory sees her arms bended)

Mallory: It's okay, I'll fix it

(Mallory's arms unbend)

Eve: Told you she's fine

A woman: Excuse me

(Eve and Alula look at the woman)

The woman: Are you mutants?

Alula: Yeah

Eve: You need (gulp) you need, nope (walks away)

(The screen shows Iluka, Onishi, Kimipie, Icreama, Twinkle, Lucy, Kal, Kai, Jim and Kevin walking on the sidewalk)

(Iluka turns into a bird and finds two women kissing)

Lucy: Seems there is love between them

(Kal points to two men flirting with each other)

Jim: I'm noticing a pattern

Kai: No kidding, look

(Everybody turns around to see a woman flirting with another woman and a man)

Kevin: So, this person hate straight relationships

Twinkle: Yikes

Icreama: Some of us are in trouble, if…

(Everybody glares)

Icreama: Sorry, not helping

Kimipie: It's okay, right now we need to keep an eye out for all these people

Onishi: Can do

Kimipie: And no flirting

Onishi (groans): Awww!

(The screen switches to Zinnia, Journee, Keira, Phoenix, Donnie, and Xylah looking around a deserted field)

Journee: The plants are saying that even the insects won't come near

Zinnia: Then, let's find more clues

(Zinnia blows ice breath and footprints are shown)

Phoenix: Seem they are trying to escape

Donnie (putting sunglasses): Let's go

Keira: Yes

(Phoenix turns into a bird and flies)

(Xylah following Phoenix)

(The screen shows Kimi, Danna, Cutie pie, Chino, and Kim talking)

Kimi: I hope everything is alright

Danna: With Miss big and bad, definitely.

Cutie pie: I have the most confidence in her

Kim (glowing): I agree

Chino: Alright

(The episode ends)