
killing god

The elderly, weak, sick, and disabled residents of the old and dilapidated village of Daxu found an infant by the river and named him Qin Mu. They raised him with great hardship. As night fell one day, darkness enveloped Daxu, and Qin Mu stepped out of his home... "Be a captivating antagonist in the breeze of spring!" the blind man said to him.

eFly · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Chapter 75 Qin Mu's Industry

Granny Sipi's vital energy surged, and eight-armed celestial gods appeared behind her, exactly the same as Fu Yun enemy's Eight-Aspect Celestial God Technique. Qin Mu carefully observed but couldn't see any difference.

"The Creation Celestial God Technique from the Dayu Tianmo Scripture is truly remarkable. It deserves to be a technique capable of achieving godhood or demonhood," Blindman praised and asked, "Is this the Creation Celestial God Technique from the Creation chapter?"

Granny Sipi nodded, and the voice that came from her mouth still sounded like Fu Yun enemy. She said, "The Creation chapter of the Dayu Tianmo Scripture is divided into sections such as Heaven, Earth, Human, God, Ghost, Demon, and Spirit. This is indeed the Creation Celestial God Technique, skilled in simulating other techniques."

Blindman fell silent for a moment and said, "There's something I didn't plan to mention, but since Mu'er is already fourteen years old, I must bring it up. Mu'er has been recognized as the Young Master of the Tianmo Sect. In the future, he will definitely leave Daxu. When do you plan to pass on the Dayu Tianmo Scripture to him?"

Qin Mu was also puzzled. Granny Sipi had not taught him the Dayu Tianmo Scripture in these past two years, and she hadn't even mentioned it.

Granny Sipi sighed and said, "If he cultivates the Dayu Tianmo Scripture now, I'm afraid it will distort his thinking and consciousness. This technique carries a heavy demonic nature."

Blindman nodded. Being revered as the scripture of the Tianmo Sect, a technique capable of achieving godhood or demonhood, it was only natural for the Dayu Tianmo Scripture to possess a strong demonic nature. Even a mature adult would likely be tempted by the various strange and demonic techniques recorded in the book and go astray.

For example, the guardian of the demonic sect who cultivated the Free Primordial Technique misunderstood the cultivation method and used newborn babies to cultivate the Primordial Qi through feeding them to his mutated snakes. In the end, he died at the hands of Granny Sipi and Blindman.

"Actually, if one can thoroughly comprehend the Dayu Tianmo Scripture, the cultivation of this scripture is no different from righteous techniques and will not lead to evil deeds. However, if there is a slight deviation in comprehension, one will go astray, but it can still be cultivated."

Granny Sipi was also quite distressed and said, "Moreover, its power is quite strong and even more unpredictable. However, it leaves behind significant flaws, but the advantage is that it can be cultivated quickly. That's why the Tianmo Sect is known as the Tianmo Sect. Initially, it was called the Heavenly Saint Sect, rumored to have been founded by a saint who descended from the heavens, intending to teach and enlighten all beings. That's how this technique was passed down. However, many disciples misunderstood it, and the techniques became more and more peculiar and sinister, hence the name Tianmo Sect. Although Mu'er has always had his own ideas, I'm afraid he would misinterpret the meaning of the scriptures if I were to hastily pass the Dayu Tianmo Scripture to him."

She suddenly rose into the air and headed towards Xianglong City, her voice echoing, "I'll go to the city to make arrangements and wait for the vanguard of the Yankang Kingdom! When you arrive in the city, settle down first!"

After a while, Qin Mu and Blindman returned to Xianglong City. During the day, the city was no longer as bustling as last night, but there were

Blindman excitedly said, "Mu'er, today I'll take you to the gambling house to broaden your horizons. The two of us will surely emerge victorious and make a fortune!"

Qin Mu remembered the scene last night when Blindman was carried out of the gambling house and thrown onto the street. He shook his head and said, "I'm not going."

Blindman hesitated and said, "Then give me some dragon coins..."

Qin Mu took out his money bag, and Blindman reached in and grabbed a handful. He proudly carried his bamboo staff and headed out. Qin Mu could only laugh and cry. Blindman was addicted to gambling but refused to use his own abilities. He relied solely on luck and gambling with others.

Since his childhood, Qin Mu had learned to listen to the wind and discern positions from Blindman. He could tell the outcome of any dice or card game with just a listen. If Qin Mu could do it, then Blindman could do it even better.

Moreover, Blindman's divine eye was akin to a gambling cheat, ensuring he always won. Yet, he stubbornly refused to use it and relied on luck, resulting in inevitable losses.

Qin Mu descended the stairs, and the innkeeper approached with a smile, saying, "Young Master is going out? Shall I make arrangements for you?"

Qin Mu shook his head and said, "There are many ears in the inn, no need to call me Young Master. Just call me Young Sir."

"Yes, Young Sir."

Qin Mu pondered for a moment and asked, "Who owns the neighboring gambling house?"

The innkeeper's face beamed with a smile as he replied, "Naturally, it is also Young Sir's venture. Does Young Sir wish to visit and inspect your own business there? I will inform the manager of the gambling house to attend to you..."

"My venture?"

Qin Mu was taken aback, feeling a bit bewildered. He shook his head and said, "No need. How many ventures do I have in Xianglong City?"

The innkeeper pondered for a moment and calculated, "Vegetable market, gambling house, inn, restaurant, brothel, antiques shop, pottery shop, pharmacy, blacksmith shop, weapon shop... Young Sir, most of Xianglong City belongs to you. Your influence stretches throughout the city. Every gambling house, every brothel, vegetable vendors in the market, meat sellers, tea experts in the inn, martial artists at the blacksmith shop, assistants and pharmacists in the pharmacy, shop owners at the weapon shop... as long as Young Sir gives the order, they will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

"No wonder there were so many people assisting me last night in eliminating those pursuers."

Qin Mu was stunned, feeling a bit dizzy in his mind. After a moment, he slowly said, "Inform the gambling house that the blind old gentleman who came with me shouldn't always lose. Let him win a few rounds, but not every round. He should experience both wins and losses. As long as he's happy."


The innkeeper withdrew and made the necessary arrangements. It didn't take long before a middle-aged man wearing a luxurious fur coat and adorned with jade rings on his fingers was brought in. He respectfully greeted Qin Mu and said, "This is the owner of the gambling house, Han Xiangzhu, from our Holy Sect."

Han Xiangzhu had a troubled expression and said, "Young Sir, it's not that I don't want the blind man to win. The problem is that he cheats openly and his methods are despicable. If he didn't do it so brazenly, it wouldn't be such a big issue."

Qin Mu was puzzled and asked, "How does he cheat?"

Han Xiangzhu explained, "During Pai Gow, when the blind man gets a bad hand, he points outside the window, claiming there's a divine bird. Then, right in front of everyone, he shamelessly swaps his cards. Moreover, our Pai Gow tiles are black, but the cards he takes out from his pocket are green. I'm incompetent. I hope Young Sir can give me a simple task."

Qin Mu could only laugh and sigh. After a moment of silence, he said, "Let him win a few rounds. If he's caught cheating, go easy on him."


Han Xiangzhu turned and left. Qin Mu collected his thoughts. He couldn't believe that he owned a significant portion of Xianglong City's ventures. His influence stretched throughout the city.

When did he become a wealthy tycoon who owned most of the city?

"The title of Young Lord of the Heavenly Devil Sect is truly grand. In comparison, the over three thousand dragon coins I earned last night seem insignificant."

He felt strange. Was he the true ruler of Xianglong City, or was it Fu Yundie?

Moreover, with his mother killing Fu Yundie and assuming her identity, didn't that mean that the entire Xianglong City belonged to him?

Qin Mu felt a sense of absurdity and shook his head. He walked out of the inn and took a leisurely stroll, as he had only visited the ancient temple near the City Lord's Mansion last night. This time, he planned to go and see the dragon pillars of Xianglong City.

Xianglong City was so vast, and these dragon pillars were capable of guarding the territory and keeping darkness at bay. They must be extraordinary.

Qin Mu activated his Heavenly Vision and carefully examined the dragon pillar in front of him. He couldn't help but admire it. The dragon gods carved on the pillars were immense, almost as huge as the dragon king's remains he had seen in the Dragon Palace in Yongjiang.

These dragon gods coiled around the thick stone pillars, meticulously carved and lifelike. The pillars were over thirty zhang tall, while the dragon gods themselves were even more massive.

Qin Mu looked up, and the dragon gods on the pillars seemed to come alive, displaying a ferocious and sacred aura, grand and majestic.

"According to the Great Desolation's geographical map, this city isn't called Xianglong City, but Tianlong Star Palace. It was crafted by divine beings. If I can study the patterns and carvings, it would greatly benefit my calligraphy and painting skills. Maybe I could even gain insights into the divine beings' techniques!"

Qin Mu became excited and carefully examined the patterns and structures of the dragon pillars. Although the divine beings who carved them didn't intentionally infuse their techniques into the carvings, the patterns naturally carried the imprint of their abilities and skills. To others, the dragon pillars were merely reliefs, but Qin Mu, who had learned calligraphy and painting from the Deaf, understood the underlying principles.

"According to the Great Desolation's geographical map, the Star Sea is located beside Tianlong Star Palace, less than two hundred li away from here. Judging from the name, Tianlong Star Palace should be the dwelling place of the celestial dragons. This place is so vast, could it be the gathering place of the dragon race? The invasion of darkness turned even the dragon race into ruins."

As Qin Mu examined the dragon pillars, he couldn't help but feel emotional. Suddenly, a surprised voice came from above, "Cowherd, why are you still in Xianglong City?"

The voice sounded familiar to Qin Mu. He looked up in the direction of the voice and saw a small head poking out from one of the dragon pillars. It was the young girl who had brought him into the City Lord's Mansion to eat and drink.

Ling Yuxiu waved at him and said, "Can you come up?"

Qin Mu looked at the height and hesitated for a moment. The stone pillar was too high, and there was no wind at the moment. Without anything to leverage, he could only rely on his running ability to ascend.

He could run up cliffs, but those were usually only thirty to fifty zhang high. Climbing vertically up a one hundred and sixty to seventy zhang tall dragon pillar was something he had never tried before.

Taking a few steps back, Qin Mu suddenly exerted his divine power and dashed towards the dragon pillar. In just a few steps, his speed reached its peak, appearing as a fleeting shadow, and he rushed toward the pillar. Then, he stepped on the body of the dragon pillar, running upward parallel to the ground!

Qin Mu's speed was astonishing, and his momentum was astounding. In one go, he soared over a hundred zhang and headed straight for the top of the dragon pillar!

"Oh no, I can't make it..."

Qin Mu felt his momentum reaching its limit, and his speed began to slow down. At this point, there were still thirty to fifty zhang left to reach the top of the dragon pillar.

He managed to ascend another three zhang, but eventually exhausted his strength, and his body started to fall downward. Just then, a ribbon descended from the dragon pillar and caught his wrist. With a gentle pull, he was lifted upward.

In mid-air, Qin Mu somersaulted and landed on the top of the dragon pillar. Looking around, he found it surprisingly flat, forming a massive stone platform. The southern side of the platform was sculpted with a dragon's head, and one could climb over from this side and stand on top of the dragon's head.

Ling Yuxiu approached and untied the ribbon from his wrist, smiling, "You actually made it up here. Didn't you know? There are stairs inside the dragon pillar. You could have come up through the stairs."

Qin Mu looked at the ribbon in astonishment and said, "The quality of this ribbon is quite good."

"Naturally," Ling Yuxiu replied with pride. "This is made from Tianxiang Silk, an offering presented to the emperor. It's naturally top-notch. Smell it, it's fragrant. This is the scent of nature, and it will never dissipate."

Qin Mu lowered his head and took a sniff. Indeed, there was a refreshing fragrance. He smiled and said, "I also have a handkerchief made of Tianxiang Silk, and it smells just as good." With that, he took out the "handkerchief" from his bosom.