
killing god

The elderly, weak, sick, and disabled residents of the old and dilapidated village of Daxu found an infant by the river and named him Qin Mu. They raised him with great hardship. As night fell one day, darkness enveloped Daxu, and Qin Mu stepped out of his home... "Be a captivating antagonist in the breeze of spring!" the blind man said to him.

eFly · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Chapter 21: Potent Medicinal Power

The medicinal field outside the village was vast, filled with the rare herbs and plants that the Medicine Master had collected over the years from the Great Ruins. The villagers were envious of this collection, but they were hesitant to enter the medicinal field due to the dangerous insects that the Medicine Master had bred to protect the herbs.

The Great Ruins were rarely visited by people, and it was a treasure trove of numerous spiritual herbs and valuable treasures. The Medicine Master had spent a fortune collecting these herbs and transplanting them into the medicinal field. However, he rarely used these precious herbs until now, when he finally decided to use them on Qin Mu!

It should be noted that the Medicine Master had a discerning eye and only collected the finest and rarest herbs. Any one of these herbs, if taken out, would cause a sensation. Thus, the Medicine Master had spared no expense in acquiring them.

As the campfire gradually died down, the villagers returned to their homes to rest. Qin Mu also retired to his room, sleeping in the outer chamber. Before long, he fell into a deep slumber. Aunt Si pulled up his blanket, looked at the peaceful expression on his face, and smiled with affection.

"My Mu'er... Whether you possess the Tyrant Body or not, you are the child I raised. I won't let anyone or anything harm you!"

She was astute and had noticed many things from the expressions of the Village Chief and the Medicine Master during the campfire celebration, but she chose not to reveal her knowledge.

Tiptoeing, she walked into the inner chamber and went to sleep.

The next morning, Blindman rushed into the house with excitement, calling out, "Mu'er, wake up! It's dawn, and the Medicine Master..."

"Old lady hasn't woken up yet, Blindman. How dare you peep!"

With a loud bang, Qin Mu opened his sleepy eyes to see Blindman flying out of Aunt Si's room, arcing through the air and disappearing into the distance.

"Blindman is truly incredible!"

Qin Mu exclaimed. Even in mid-air, Blindman still held onto his bamboo cane, sitting cross-legged with an innocent expression, as if he had been kicked away.

Qin Mu got up, dressed, washed up, and prepared breakfast. After eating with Aunt Si, he washed the pots and pans. Soon after, he saw Blindman returning from outside the village in a hurry, shouting, "You old hag, you kicked me so hard! I almost didn't make it back! Mu'er, come over quickly! The Medicine Master has prepared a medicinal concoction for you!"

Aunt Si's face turned gloomy, giving Blindman a stern glare before getting up and leaving, saying, "I'm going to the Dragon City for business. Blindman, I'll leave Mu'er in your care for the next few days. If a single hair on him is missing when I return, you will answer to me! Ma Ye, is the ox cart ready? Lamey, is the bamboo raft secured?"

Qin Mu hurriedly followed Blindman to the Medicine Master's shop. Before entering, he could already smell a strong medicinal fragrance. Then he saw a large vat suspended in mid-air, with several crimson birds flying around it. Flames engulfed the birds' feathers, turning the vat's surface into a fiery red, while a bubbling sound emanated from within.

"This is your medicine," said the Medicine Master to Qin Mu.

pharmacist saw Qin Mu arrive and took out the last medicine, a green leaf, and threw it into the large jar. As soon as the leaf touched the medicinal water, the boiling liquid instantly became incredibly sticky.

With a flick of his hand, the large jar began to rotate rapidly, and a clattering sound came from inside the jar. The previously full jar of medicine had turned into half a jar of white pills, rolling around and clashing against each other, producing a metallic clinking sound.

The pharmacist waved his hand, and the several crimson birds flew out of the window and disappeared.

The jar landed on the ground, leaving Qin Mu amazed. "Pharmacist, do I have to consume so many pills today?"

"If you eat them all, you'll die."

The pharmacist said calmly, "The medicines I've prepared are all made from the finest spiritual herbs. Although they are the lowest-grade Solidification Pills, one pill is superior to a hundred pills from other pharmacists. You can only consume one or two pills at a time, no more."

Qin Mu was skeptical. In the past, the pharmacist had given him some strange medicines, and each time, it was a bowlful. But now, he was only supposed to take one pill, and its medicinal power was supposed to be this strong?

The blind man was also skeptical and said, "Con artists in the martial world claim that one pill is equivalent to a hundred. Is this medicine really that potent? But it does smell good."

The pharmacist smiled sinisterly. "Why don't you try consuming the entire jar of medicine?"

"Mu'er, why don't you grab a handful and taste it?" the blind man instigated.

Qin Mu was not easily swayed by him and only took one pill and put it in his mouth.

As soon as the pill entered his stomach, he immediately felt that something was wrong. It felt as if hundreds or even thousands of fire dragons, water dragons, metal dragons, and wood dragons were raging inside his abdomen. His body would intermittently grow taller, shorter, fatter, and thinner. Sometimes, his body would be covered in a layer of ice, while other times, even his clothes would emit blue smoke. Occasionally, his clothes would sprout, and the fur on animal skins would grow wildly. At times, his clothes would take on a metallic color, and even his skin became stiff and rigid, as if he were made of metal!

Even more terrifyingly, different symptoms would sometimes erupt simultaneously, causing Qin Mu great suffering.

He groaned and immediately activated the "Body Forging Three-Pill Technique" to dissolve the medicinal power with his vital energy!

The blind man's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Pharmacist, it seems like your Solidification Pill is not an ordinary one!"

"You're right. Ordinary Solidification Pills are divided into four types: Fire Solidification Pill, Water Solidification Pill, Metal Solidification Pill, and Wood Solidification Pill."

pharmacist sinisterly smiled and said, "The Solidification Pill is designed for the four types of elemental energies of the spiritual body, nourishing and replenishing the elemental energy. However, Mu'er's Hegemonic Body Energy has no attribute. So I used a compromise method and refined the four types of attribute herbs into this Solidification Pill, containing all four attributes. It might be able to unleash the power of the Hegemonic Body Energy. Only Mu'er's Hegemonic Body Energy can absorb and neutralize this kind of pill. If you had consumed the entire jar of Solidification Pills just now, hehe..."

The blind man shivered, as the four conflicting attributes of elemental energy would cancel each other out. If he had consumed them, his current cultivation would likely be reduced by twenty to thirty percent. Of course, that would be the consequence of consuming the entire jar of Solidification Pills, but consuming only one pill wouldn't cause him much harm.

"Pharmacist, did you create a nourishing medicine or a poisonous medicine?" the blind man murmured.

Suddenly, Qin Mu shouted and dashed away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The blind man couldn't help but worry, "The four conflicting attributes... Is Mu'er going to be okay?"

"He's digesting the medicinal power. No need to worry."

Although the pharmacist said so, he also felt somewhat uneasy. After all, it was his first time refining an improved Solidification Pill and the first time someone was consuming it. He couldn't be certain of its exact medicinal power, whether it had side effects, or if it could even be fatal. He didn't dare to be sure.

Of course, he couldn't voice these concerns, or Aunt Si would definitely seek revenge on him.

From the distant forest, the sound of Qin Mu's roars could be heard, followed by the toppling of trees, creating thunderous booms.

The corner of the pharmacist's eye twitched as he said, "Nothing will happen, trust me. Listen, he's full of vigor now!"

The blind man sighed, "Young people are full of vitality."

In the mountain forest, Qin Mu ran and leaped between the trees. His punches and kicks were as fast as lightning, relentlessly striking and kicking the large trees. A tree that required two people to encircle it could only withstand three punches and two kicks before being snapped by him!

It was uncomfortable.

Too uncomfortable!

The power of the pharmacist's Solidification Pill was incredibly strong. Even while running and activating the "Body Forging Three-Pill Technique," he couldn't neutralize it. He felt like his body was about to burst, so he could only unleash the martial arts that the cripple and Ma Ye had taught him, venting the excess medicinal power!

Inside his spiritual womb, the tiny humanoid spiritual fetus also frantically absorbed and refined the surging elemental energy, purifying it. This little Qin Mu was also exhausted and gasping for breath.

"You little brat, die!"

Suddenly, the mountain forest shook as an enraged demonic ape stood up from among the trees, roaring furiously. Its fists, the size of small mountains, slammed fiercely towards Qin Mu, who was wreaking havoc in the forest!

It turned out that Qin Mu, dazed by the overwhelming medicinal power, had unknowingly entered the territory of the demonic ape. When the ape saw that the intruder was once again this little brat, as they say, enemies meet with bloodshot eyes. Without any hesitation, it immediately launched an attack on Qin Mu!

Qin Mu's eyes turned bloodshot. He suddenly looked up, and the surging medicinal power inside him caused his entire body's elemental energy to feel as if it was about to explode. He leaped into the air and threw a punch directly at the demonic ape's fist!

A muffled loud noise resounded as Qin Mu's figure was sent flying, breaking several large trees along the way. The excited demonic ape leaped over, swinging its leg like a whip, sweeping towards Qin Mu, who had just landed. Its massive leg seemed like a dark pillar crushing down!

Qin Mu angrily shouted and instantly unleashed countless kicks, continuously striking the muscles and tendons where the demonic ape's massive leg met. The ape immediately felt the strength in its leg disappear, but without any hesitation, it sent a punch crashing down from above.

Qin Mu raised his hand to block but was once again knocked back.

The demonic ape closed in, its fists and legs cutting through the air with a whooshing sound, creating gusts of violent wind as it attacked Qin Mu. Qin Mu, as if caught in madness, fought back head-on against this monstrous beast, unafraid even when at a disadvantage.

The demonic ape grew more enraged and fought back with increasing ferocity, throwing punches and kicks at Qin Mu, each strike heavier than the last.

One human, one ape, one big, one small. Wherever they went, trees fell, and rocks shattered.

Suddenly, Qin Mu leaped like a flying bird, running madly along the ape's arm, and in the next moment, he appeared in front of the demonic ape.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha!

His two arms seemed to transform into a hundred, striking out with countless afterimages. A hundred punches rained down on the demonic ape's drooping nose one after another.

The ape cried out in pain, tears streaming down its face as it fell backward. Its enormous palm swung up and fiercely slapped Qin Mu, sending him flying!

The demonic ape flipped over and stood up, blood flowing from its nose. Its gaze swept over and saw Qin Mu, whom it had just knocked into the shape of a big "X," embedded in the cliff. It was quite satisfied and said, "Little brat, die."

The little figure embedded in the cliff suddenly moved, then pushed with both arms, breaking free from the X-shaped imprint. Like a maniac, he charged towards the demonic ape.

The ape was startled, beating its chest with both fists and leaping into the air, roaring angrily as it met Qin Mu head-on. "Little brat! Die!"