
Kido System in Bleach

Ridhiro Kageshima, an ordinary teenager and manga enthusiast, finds himself living a dream that quickly turns into a surreal nightmare. After an unexpected accident, he awakens in a high school classroom, surrounded by characters from his favorite manga, "Bleach." Among them is Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Shinigami, whose presence fills Ridhiro with equal parts awe and fear. In the world of Bleach, supernatural threats are all too real, and his proximity to Ichigo means that Ridhiro is on the brink of a life-changing adventure. However, just as he grapples with this bewildering twist of fate, a mechanical voice—belonging to a mysterious "Kido system"—intrudes upon his thoughts. This system claims to be his key to mastering the Bleach universe, guiding him towards the apex of this otherworldly realm. Ridhiro's skepticism battles his curiosity as he navigates a world where manga pages come to life, and the supernatural is as common as breathing. With every new day, he uncovers the power hidden within him, bridging the gap between his ordinary life and the extraordinary one he's thrust into. As Ridhiro strives to adapt to his newfound abilities, he finds himself entangled in the intricate web of Bleach's storyline, facing dangerous foes, making unexpected allies, and rewriting the very destiny of his manga heroes. *Kidō System in Bleach* is an adventure of epic proportions, blending the ordinary with the extraordinary as an amateur teenager explores a manga world where the lines between fiction and reality blur, and where the future remains uncertain but endlessly exciting.

ridhibrata_das · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Ch-29: Unveiling New Powers

As the powerful fluctuations in spiritual pressure reverberated throughout the Seireitei, the Captains of the Gotei 13 gathered in a grand hall, the atmosphere tense and charged. Among them was the Captain Commander, Genryusai Yamamoto Shigekuni, the highest-ranking individual in the Gotei 13.

The room was abuzz with hushed whispers and concerned glances as everyone tried to make sense of the situation. The absence of Captain Jushiro Ukitake, who was still recovering from illness, was noted, leaving only Soi Fon unaccounted for.

Yamamoto, seated in the center of the assembly, looked stern and composed. He raised his hand, calling for silence, and his booming voice filled the hall. "It seems we have a quite capable Ryoka in our midst," he declared, his eyes narrowing with a hint of respect.

The spiritual pressure emanating from the intruder, Ridhiro, had gone from nearly imperceptible to that of a seasoned captain, a remarkable feat that hadn't gone unnoticed. The Captains exchanged worried glances as they tried to comprehend the extent of the threat.

The atmosphere in the room grew heavier with each passing moment, and the Captains knew that they needed to address this unprecedented situation swiftly and decisively. The fate of the Seireitei hung in the balance as they prepared to confront this formidable Ryoka.

Kyoraku Shunsui, known for his laid-back demeanor, questioned Yamamoto's decision with a hint of amusement. "Old man Yama, did we really have to send a captain against them? It looks too overkill," he mused, a slight smile playing on his lips.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi, the eccentric and twisted scientist of the Gotei 13, chimed in with his own morbid curiosity. "It's a pity that the Ryoka is going to die in Soi Fon's hand. I was interested in experimenting on them," he said, his voice filled with detached fascination.

Yamamoto's stern expression remained unchanged as he addressed Gin Ichimaru, who had been tasked with overseeing the Ryoka situation. "Why are they still alive?" the Captain Commander inquired, his gaze unwavering. "You have neglected your work."

Before Gin could respond, a sudden and immense wave of dark spiritual pressure enveloped the entire assembly. It was so potent that even the vice-captains present struggled to catch their breath. Panic and alarm spread among the seated Shinigami as they grappled with the oppressive force.

Shunsui, realizing the dire situation, broke the tension by taking swift action. "It is the Ryoka. Seems like he is much stronger than we initially thought," he remarked before abruptly leaving the gathering, his priority being the safety of Soi Fon, who was currently engaged in battle with Ridhiro.

Yamamoto's steely gaze remained fixed on the unfolding crisis as he contemplated the true extent of the Ryoka's power and the potential threat it posed to the Seireitei.

The overwhelming spiritual pressure wasn't limited to the captains alone. Even Ichigo and his companions, who were engaged in their own battles, felt the oppressive force bearing down upon them. It was as if a colossal weight had descended upon their very souls.

As Ichigo fought valiantly against some of the lower-ranked Shinigami, he suddenly sensed the tremendous pressure emanating from the direction where Ridhiro was confronting Soi Fon. He couldn't help but pause for a moment, realizing that Ridhiro was facing an opponent of staggering power. It left Ichigo wondering how Ridhiro had managed to attain such incredible abilities.

Sado, who had been locked in combat himself, looked toward the source of the spiritual pressure. With a concerned expression, he muttered, "Ridhiro, please save Rukia." His words carried a silent plea, a hope that Ridhiro's newfound strength could indeed make a difference in their desperate situation.

Orihime and Ishida, too, ceased their movements, their attention drawn to the inexplicable surge of spiritual energy. They watched in awe and trepidation as the atmosphere around them crackled with the madness of the overwhelming pressure, marking the beginning of a chapter in Ridhiro's life where his untapped powers would come to light.

The whole of Soul Society was buzzing with talk about the mysterious figure known as Ridhiro. News of his incredible battle with Soi Fon had spread like wildfire, and everyone was curious about the man who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and challenged a captain-level Shinigami. However, Ridhiro himself remained unaware of the ripples his actions had caused in this world.

As Soi Fon watched her Bankai disintegrate before her eyes, frustration boiled within her. She had resorted to her Shunko, a formidable combination of Kido and Hakuda, enhancing both her speed and combat abilities. With blinding velocity, she closed the distance between herself and Ridhiro. The air around her crackled with deadly energy as she prepared to deliver a devastating blow.

For Ridhiro, the situation had taken a dire turn. His spell's duration had ended, leaving him defenseless against an attack of such incredible speed. Yet, he had a plan. Swiftly, he drew his small Zanpakuto and readied himself. Soi Fon paid no attention to his feeble efforts and unleashed a karate chop imbued with deadly blue energy, aiming directly for him.

However, to her horror, everything came to a sudden halt as a notification chimed

<System >: The attack upon the user is detected to be a version of Kido, It has been effectively neutralized. 

Her acceleration, her power buildup, it all dissipated in the blink of an eye. She found herself frozen in a vulnerable position, unable to defend against Ridhiro's impending counterattack. With determined resolve, Ridhiro thrust his small Zanpakuto into her chest, mirroring the legendary strike of Mihawk on Zoro. The impact created a powerful shockwave that sent Soi Fon crashing to the ground.

With Soi Fon down on the ground, I prepared to cast Hado #17 Kazeken once more, determined to finish the battle. She was struggling to stand up, her confidence and strength both shattered. In a defeated tone, she asked "You are strong and have many tricks up in your sleeve, but do not be mistaken by defeating me that all your friends will still be alive, soon everyone including you will fall at the hands of the Shinigami's, so tell me boy, what is your motive" 

I replied "We have arrived here to save our friend Rukia". She looked at me and said, "Alas her execution dates are announced, and your motive is futile"

Before our conversation could progress further, our battle was abruptly interrupted by the appearance of a man dressed in a pink Shihakusho, Shunsui Kyoraku!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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