

Every person dreams of going to another world, right. Well, that is what happens to antisocial seventeen-year-old Alex Enderson. A young boy that is extremely gifted but hates people is forced to deal with others to survive and fight for his and the lives of the people that care about him.

Enderstried · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Who are you?

I got Gulteth sine the papers. There were two papers. One was for me to sell the musket, and the other is to free the witch. like I thought, after showing him what it could do he signed the papers without even reading them. What an idiot. I handed the gun to him and without a second, he smiled. I know what the smile meant so I jumped back as far as I could while he turned the gun at me. I took promotions but still, I am scared, scared to not be able to keep my promise. He fired and time seemed to slow down. All of the sudden, my eyes were fixated on the flame. The worm nice flame started to tern gears in my head. I started to wonder was makes a fire. Fule, oxygen, and most and importantly heat. Without any of them, you can't have a flame. In the gun, a spark is the heat, gunpowder is the fuel, and oxygen is all around us. the bullet is half what to me from the barrel and I immediately thought of a piece of armor in front of my body made of fire, worm comforting fire. time started to resume and the bullet hit, but instead of it being on one focal point, the kinetic energy was dispersed throughout my body. I can see a glowing light under my jacket and the bullet appeared in my hands the way I imagined it. I laid on my back and I can see that Gulteth is about to tell his men to take the witch. I undid my jacket and started to move. "Ouch" That hurts more than I thought "What. You should be dead." Gulteth started to panic. He could now see that I had a chest plate from the beginning and started to have a very pissed-off face. I figured I should say something cool or at least the first thing that hit my head. "I have traveled very long distances and even from the beginning, I trust no one. I stood straight up figuring that I couldn't make a scary face I just tilted my head to the right-back and kept my face straight and then straighten my head up. Gulteth ran and told his men to take him home with his musket. About five minutes afterward Grendell walked up to the witch. "So you are the witch that Alex is doing all of this for." Grendell is quite interested in the girl too. The witch faced down to the ground. "Hey, I know that Alex bout you but..." I threw one of the papers at the witch. "If you can read, you should look at the bottom of the page." I didn't buy the which, I only Bout the girl's freedom. The girl started to read the page "I exchange of the musket in compensation, you have agreed with your signature that witch is to be set free and to be placed in my care." The girl fall to her knees and started to cry. Grendell on the verge of panicking started trying to calm her down. "Hey, don't cry. That is the way Alex is, thinking that he is going one way but in reality, he is charging the opposed way." I took in a deep breath. "I would imaging that you would not like to spend your first day of freedom in thoughts baggy clothes. That and I would like to get my jacket fixed." I started to take off the chest plate. "Well I know there is a tailor that does nice work. But first, what is your name?" I stared at the witch and she looked at me like she forgot it. The witch looked at me. "My name is Sarra. and I am what I can remember is 16." Sarra, that is a pretty name and it sticks. I grabbed my jacket and said, "well Sarra, let's get you dressed properly. you can answer my questions later."

We are at the tailors that I first made a deal with. Clafter's place, I can remember how he easily changed personalities. we walked in and before I could make a second step in. "Alex!!!! You're here, grate and who is this fine lady. " How he talked gets on my nerves. "Clafter, I know that you heard about how I have a witch. I need you to get some clothes for her and fix my jacket and make the metal platings replaceable. Oh, and I know that you have an outfit figured out for her." Clafter smiled and took my jacket to a man and then took Sarra to an area to get dressed. Sarra came out looking like an actual witch. I started to remember the price of the outfit. "Clafter, I can't afford that, what are you thinking!!!!" Clafter turned around. "Calm down, It's on the house, for sticking up for my cozen." That is how he knows that I had a run-in with him. "I mean my cozen is so much of a pain that I had some enjoyment when I heard." Well, It sounds like he is on our side for now. "Ok. Sarra, It's time to go.

We walked to the inn that I have been staying in and got Sarra a room. Then we sat down at a table and I started to asker her questions. So far, she has been a slave for half of her life but she is very well educated in that about of time. "So, for the golden coined question." Apparently, gold coins are worth about a thousand dollars worth. "What is magic?" Sarra started to stare at her hands. then her mouth opened. "magic is what a witch or warlock/wizard uses to cast spells. We can't just use it as long as we won't though. After so long, we can get very tired or even die to it. But after long periods of practice, there is a possibility of us using it infinitely." I started to think of how she said that. "So what magic is, it's the energy that manipulates the laws of reality and phisicks. If not completely breaks them." Sarra started to stare at me like I am some crazy person. "You don't know what energy is, do you." Sarra gave me the impression that she doesn't. "Look at that fire. the fire is radiating thermal, soler, and possibly comical energy. But the work that it is burning keeps potential energy because that is what sustains the fire." Sarra stared at me again not understanding. "So because of the stored energy acting as fuel, as long as there is oxygen and extreme heat, poof there is fire." It finally clicked inside Sarra's head. later on, night came and I was in my room looking at Grendell's shop. NOK NOK. who could be bugging me at this time. "Yess." "It's me, Sarra." "come on in." what is her problem. Sarra walked in nervous. "I am sorry for bugging you this late at night but since I am now free, I have some questions for you that I can't sleep without you answering." "Ok, like what?" Sarra looked at me like she is prepared for anything. "Who are you, nothing you do makes sense. Your actions seem dead and when you met me, you were wet like an hour before." Ok, so that is what she wants to know. "I will plage my life to you I just want to know." She really wants to know. "I don't know if I should trust you with that information." I still have a hard time trusting people. "As I said, I will pledge loyalty to you and only you." "I don't want that. I just want someone I can trust so I can sleep nicely." Sarra stared at me looking at me with the funniest face I have seen. But I still need to get the anklet off of her. A magical item that can only be taken off by the person that put it on restricting. "You gave me my freedom, It's the least that I can do." I just remembered that Sarra is still there. But I will take it on her word. "First, in order to help you understand. What is Grendell doing down there." Sarra looks down there and sees Grendell with a mask dealing with molten metal and a lot of black smoke. "I don't know, It's not like anything I have seen." I know that from the get-go but I needed her to want to now. "What he is doing is making carbon steel. He started this morning and he is already almost done." Sarra stared at me like I just lied to her. "That is impossible, steel is made over weeks maybe even months and he is making it in a day." I started out saying "yes but only with my knowledge. You see, steel is only Iron with carbon filling in the spaces. Most people fold in fine cole but with this method, you only need to burn the coal and blow all the fine pieces while the Iron is in a liquid state. That is why you see all that smoke. It is just cole in the air." Sarra can hardly believe what she just heard. "Incredible. But who are you?" I guess I can tell her. "With what I just told you, It should be easy for me to tell you now. I am from another world." Sarra gasped saying, "that is why you know what you know but what about everything else?" "Well, I was drowning when I fell here. That will explain why I was wet. I am Alex Enderson, born in the United States of America. Oh and I don't like slavery because of our first assassinated president or I should say, leader, Abraham Linken." I started to answer all of her questions and thought her how to use the MP3 player and speaker. Oddly enough, it looks like the color of her hair is not natural. I am pretty certain that not even Romans had that much off golden hair. After a bit, she finally went to bed and that gave me time to walk around. I noticed that one of Gulteth's men was walking around. Thinking like the Idiot I am, I walked up to him. "So, you are after the witch." The man was startled. "We were going after her tomorrow but now is as good as ever," said the man. "Hold it, I have a proposition for you." The man stared at me with the same face that everyone gives me, it's kinda annoying. "What proposition." "Thinking with my gut, you don't want to spend time getting the girl and I would like to get the anklet off of her so I will give you no grief if you take her tomorrow with Gulteth by your side." The man thought about it and then agreed. "But I just want to know, who are you?" I gave a letter to a messenger and told him to send it to the king of the land. I turned around with a grin. "I am the last devil you ever want to meet."

UGG, I am running out of ideas. Bring in some of yours to the table and as always, your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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