

Every person dreams of going to another world, right. Well, that is what happens to antisocial seventeen-year-old Alex Enderson. A young boy that is extremely gifted but hates people is forced to deal with others to survive and fight for his and the lives of the people that care about him.

Enderstried · Fantasy
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20 Chs

What is the taste of freedom

I am in a dark room where one of the walls is made of bars. The only thing to keep me company is the voices of the guards."Hay, you herd?" At first, I could not stand it. "No, what is so important that even you heard about it?" After a while, I have learned to ignore it. Ignore is all I can do. Ignore my past life, my name, everything that I don't need to survive. "They say that we are taking that witch in the dungeon our soon." What, the lifeless boy actually did it? There may be no chance for me. "Get the girl and make certain the anklet is on there tight. We can't have her run off using her witchcraft," said the captain of the guards. "YES SIER!" They came in and restrained me in a way that I would not be out of the condition that the boy said. They take me out for the first time in a week and sat me in a carriage in front of my master.

We arrived in a town looking for Grendell the blacksmith. I thought the boy's name is Alex. My master, had an interesting face constantly talking, "I wonder why Alex would be at Grendell's shop, It's not like anyone can deal with that over-muscled child?" I thought that It was Alex! "They're here, Grendell, go grab the plate." That sounded like that boy. "Whoa. Stay." said a man. Gulteth walked out with a big smile. "Well well Alex, I thought that what you were proposing was a farce. May I see it," said my master. "Do you have the witch because if you don't, no musket? maybe a bullet but not musket." Alex sounds just like the time I bumped into him. Gulteth signaled his guards to grab me. I walked out of the carriage and I can immediately see him. Why does he look wider than before, not only that but his hair is poofy and he has a new jacket. "Well, I believe that you have been very patient about it. Would you like a demonstration," said Alex. It is as if he is not even here. I mean he could be dead, it would not make a difference in how he acts and sounds. "I was raised with weapons like this so It will take no time at all for me to show you." Why does he sound like that? "Yes, I would like to see what it can do." My master seems to be very excited to get his hands on this muskat. But for some reason, he is very patient about it. "Grendell, set up the target." Grendell was a young man where over-muscled chilled is right. Grendell set a plate up against a dirt mound pretty far away. "You are going to hit that from here? Not even some of the best archers around can reach that." My master made the strangest face like he was trying to ridicule the boy but at the same time, he was confused. "This shot may be hard for you and your men, even with the musket. The difference between you and me is that I know how to hit a target about one-hundred fifty-two meters away." All of a sudden the boy's face changed. standing facing towards us with the biggest cocky smile I have seen. Does he think that he is better than us or does he already know that he can do it? "There are factors that you need to take account of. First, if you can, you need to be able to see where it has hit and adjusted to what you need. Second, even the wind can affect where the bullet goes." He took in a breath so he can continue speaking. At the same time, a loud sound came out like something broke. "A wield bore is out loose in the town! everyone get to safety." The boy, Alex was just as surprised as we were. My master and guards ran to the safety of their carriage and others fled, while Grendell ran in a panic giving the muskat to the boy. Bores hare are very big and dangerous, so dangerous that anyone can hunt as many as they want all because most people that try don't come back alive. That is all because unlike the size of a normal pig, these bores are as tall as a grown man capable of trampling a person to death. Everyone left me restrained here. Am I really going to die like this? This is how I will die? "Stop your shaking. It's pointless to shake." I didn't realize it but the boy was still there. This time, he had a straight face as if this is not the first time he faced death in the eye. "I made a promise. If I can keep that, there should be no reason you should just tip over and die." He braced himself like he was about to push something back holding the musket in two hands. The bore was right next to the plate and could see us standing there. "Heatwaves going...." He started to mumble some things. "two-point-five degrees to the....." Heat waves, two-point-five degrees, who is this kid. He started to be silent closing both eyes. The bore started to run and by the time it made four feet. The boy opened one eye and pulled something with his finger. BOOM! A loud sound came out of the weapon and time seemed to slow down. During the loud sound, I could see fire and a metal ball engulfed in it. Eventually, it got out of the flame and was flying in the air. It looked like it was going to miss but it started to change direction headed straight for the bore. The next thing I knew, the ball has gone in through the forehead and straight out at the bridge of the back. For three seconds. the bore stood there frozen and then plopped on its own wait. Who is this boy kept repeating in my head? Grendell ran up to him. "I know that this musket had great power, but I never thought that It would kill a full-grown bore though." Grendell was so surprised. Alex turned around smiled and mediately faced down and started coughing. Is he dying? "Are you ok Alex?" Grendell was in a panic. "I am fine. I only forgot to breathe." How do you forget the simplest thing? "Interesting, you have really gone farther than I thought you would." My master walking to the boy with a smile of amazement. "Well If you want the musket, sign these papers." The boy took out some papers with writing all over. My master grabbed the papers and signed both sheets without reading them due to amazement. "That should do it. The musket is yours." Said the boy. Grendell loaded the musket and gave it to my master. As soon as his hands were on it, he positioned the musket and fired at the boy trying to kill him. While doing that, he went backward on his back unprepared for the kickback. "Look at that. I keep the witch and the weapon," said my master. "Ouch." The boy started to grone. "What," said Gulteth.