

Every person dreams of going to another world, right. Well, that is what happens to antisocial seventeen-year-old Alex Enderson. A young boy that is extremely gifted but hates people is forced to deal with others to survive and fight for his and the lives of the people that care about him.

Enderstried · Fantasy
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20 Chs


There are days I wonder who I am. In this world, my name is Shi, a descendant of a great warrior line. But in my past life, I was just a normal Japanese citizen contributing to society by studying brain patterns to save lives. I died in my past life for the dumbest reason. I was headed home after working for a long amount of time. sadly my apartment was too far away to walk to I have to take the train. When I was walking to the train, a couple of teens was running around trying to catch the train that was about to leave and in the process, they bump into me. I was too tired to react and before I knocked my head on the ground, everything started to look fuzzy. The next thing I know I was transmigrated in this body with new parents. It was not like I had family back in Japan. I was the only child and all of my known relatives died. Later on, I was given the name Shi, later knowing that in the family the name means cunning warrior. But I Hate my name, all it does is remind me of everything I lost. In the Japanese language, Shi means death. I hate this life. Even though I have been reborn with extraordinary abilities, I am not that good of a fighter, and the best I can do is help Cristal by predicting movement. but it looks like I am not needed for this fight. I can't seem to read this boy and even if I could, Cristal is already handling him without needing me. It looks like she got it in the bag. I can hear footsteps getting louder and it seems like it is about to pass me. "Oh, so my little sis is fighting him. She is going to have some problems." I turned around and I could see a man that looked like cristal. "You sis, him? What are you talking about?" the man looked at me. "Oh, so you are Cristal's partner? Sorry, my name is Jacob." Okay? Her brother? The man started to look at the battlefield. "This is not good, if he is just teleporting around it, he probably has something to use." Wait, teleport? I looked out at the battlefield and noticed that the boy was exhausted. Cristal braced herself for one more attack. "This is for my brother!" Wait she thought he did something to her brother? I am still monitoring the electrical signals that the boy's brain is sending. Without any explanation, about ten percent of his brain signals alined together. "Cristal, something is wrong." Cristal sent an ice attack at the boy. "Crap, I am not going to let this happen!" A split second before it was supposed to hit him, his bring waves sped up insanely. Color of red formed in a line. The next thing I know, I ice was shattered into pieces. "Hay Shi, what just happened?" I don't know. I can see the boy covered in steam. The man behind me starts laughing. "Oh man, I am impressed that you have grown in such a short time. The ice crystal makes is about as hard as diamonds. I never thought there would be a person that cut through it all." Cut? I looked at the boy and noticed that there was a sword that was not there at the beginning. "How could that be? There is a barrier preventing anything from entering or exiting." The man sat down. "That is Enderall, a blake make of a material even harder than diamonds." That can't be right, nothing should be denser than diamonds, carbon is the most structurally solid atom. The boy walked out of the stem and revealed what is under his jacket. It looked like two belts going in a closed pattern over his torso covered with some odd orbs. "Wait thoughts are grenades, Cristal keep your distance from him!" The boy reached for some cords and yanked them off. Cristal does not know what they can do. The grenades stayed silent for about three seconds and instead of an explosion that I was expecting. Frames burst out instead, engulfing him. "Is he trying to die?" The boy didn't move or flinch. The boy opened his mouth and then the flames started to dissipate. I can hear Cristal panic. "Can he eat fire?" Well, that is what it looked like. There was still some fire left and I can hear a strange sound. I started to think about my past life and remembered the sound and thought of a jet engine. "What is he doing?" he braced himself like he was about to run. "Cristal, he is going to increase his speed! You need to move!" Cristal instantly froze the ground. "looked like she is going to use her ice slipstream ability." Jacob stood up to get a better view. "That ability is not going to help her as much as she thinks it is." What does that mean? the field was completely covered with ice. The boy started charging at full speed making a streak of water melted from the ice and it seemed that the flames were in the shape of a jet engine. Cristal disappeared and then the boy stopped where he was. "Attacking from behind will not connect. he will know you are there as soon as you swing your blade." I wish Jacob would just shut up. The sword, the boy was holding moved from his hand to right behind him where he can't reach. is that blade teleporting? CLANG. "what, he knew she was there? But how?" They started to continuously clash blades. The longer the battle the more water there was on the ground. "Wait a minute. Why are his flames not touching the water?" when a person uses a spell or most types of magic hear, they don't really care about the collateral damage. but for some reason, his films will not touch the water. Fire doesn't just disappear before touching water so it means he is intentionally doing it but for what reason. They continue on fighting. I can't even see Cristal but for some reason, that boy is blocking every attack and is constantly moving on the field melting the ice. "How can he block every attack?" He shouldn't even be able to block one of them. "It's because this is not the first time he has seen this attack." I looked at Cristal's brother and stared. "What do you mean this is not the first time he has seen this attack?" As far as I know, only Cristal can do this. Her brother smiled. "He has even seen me use that and I was trying to kill him at that time." I get it, so he was able to survive his attacks before too. "So he just remembered the patterns of the attack?" Crystal's brother sighed pressing his hand onto his face. "No. There is no pattern in it. The first time he survived this, he analyzed the situation and found out how everything works down to what was making the user disappear. But something is wrong." What is wrong. "About Cristal?" Her brother pointed to the field. "It's the water. Her powers should be turning the water into ice but it is not doing it." I looked at the field. there were snowflakes on the water appearing everywhere but for some reason, they keep on melting, and more and more ice is turning into water. "it's Jacob right. What other abilities does he have." The boy sped up and before I know it, almost all the ice was melted. Cristal started to panic. "I can't make any more ice. this doesn't make any sense. I still have the magic to do so but it won't change." Jacob started to scratch his head. "Let me remember. I do remember there being some lightning coming out of his hands." Oh no. Electricity. He is trying to make the field explode. "Cristal! Get out of there, that is not water! It's hydrogen!" Cristal broke from her attack and made a thin pillar up. "Why should I get away and what is hydrogen" The boy started to speed and climbed up the pillar. "You need to make yourself a shell as hard as you can and as cold as you can! Cristal started to use as much ice around her and gathered as much Ice she can get around her. "Good, let's hope she survives. HAY WHOEVER IS SUSTAINING THE DOME. YOU NEED TO MAKE IT INTO A FUNNEL SAPE POINTING UPWARDS!" No one is listening. The boy climbed up to the top of the pillar and juped high in the are. "Why is he up so high?" He puts his hand in his jacket again and grabs a revolver. "Who is this guy?" could he be from my previous world. Fire started to go inside through the back. The boy starts muttering something. BANG. There was a flash of light going to the edge of the field and flying to the other side on top of the hydrogen igniting it all. The dome filled up with fire to the point where I could not see. later on, all the fire dispersed into the boy's mouth. I can see cristal and it looks like she got singed a bit with some holes in her clothing but nothing important got burnt. "How she survived that I have no idea." Cristal charged at the boy out of desperation. The boy engulfed his sword with fire again and swung it hard enough to knock her sword out of her hands. "Cristal." She collapsed onto her knees and was going to slam her fist onto the ground. Before she hits the ground the battle was announced to be the wizards win with a crowd screaming while the boy grabbed her arm. He knelt down and started talking to Cristal. The gates opened and it looked like the king of Leon was walking through to congratulate the boy. "Who is he. He knows about engines, atomic structure and has a revolver of all things. And by the looks of things, he knows King Lionhart. Cristal came back from the field and ran for her brother. "I thought that you were dead seeing how he knows who you are." Jacob laughed. "You do remember the reason I am always in that cave. He is the one that is to take the memory glacier." Memory glacier, cave. "Ok, Cristal, Who is that boy?" Cristal started to turn red as if she was blushing and then smiled. "He Is Alex Enderson. The prince of the End world being the last of his kind. This boy will be known as the Keeper of the Multiverse."

I am sorry that it has been taking me this long to publish chapters. I have been finding it harder and harder to continue than I thought. Please place your comments and ideas to help me continue the story.

Thank you

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