

Every person dreams of going to another world, right. Well, that is what happens to antisocial seventeen-year-old Alex Enderson. A young boy that is extremely gifted but hates people is forced to deal with others to survive and fight for his and the lives of the people that care about him.

Enderstried · Fantasy
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20 Chs

God like Power

Cristal's eyes are full of so much hate. I should really stop toying with her because I am really low on magic. I probably have enough for one big burst. Cristal puts herself in a stance and sent on more Iceglacier at me. I wanted to teleport but for some reason, I couldn't. I could not think of a single place to go to as if my mind was almost blank. Out of pure frustration and what seemed to be instinct, I move my body bracing myself. "Crap, I am not going to let this happen!" My mind finally grasped something cling to hooked on to the sword that saved my life in the mountains. Fixated at the Ice herling towards me I blinked for a split second and the ice stopped moving. "What is going on?" I looked around me and found that everything stopped moving as if time forgot that they existed. "So you are the air of the blonde line." I turned around to find a little girl behind me with a delighted face. "And you are?" I have no understanding of what is going on, and why only this girl and I are the only things moving. The girls started to smile. "I am a God silly." I looked at her very closely and then looked at everything else. "Not a chance you are a so-called god." It didn't make any sense. The girl's face frowned. "Yes I am, how else do you explain what is going on and the fact that I am older than your race has existed and everything that I made happen?" I feel like I'm babysitting a little sibling. "Oh, what a pain. First of all, A god is supposed to have all knowledge and power and it makes sense that a god would not act like a child." The little girl sighed. "You didn't answer the question dummy." come on, that is easy. "The reason everyone stopped moving and why you are as old as you are if you are really that age, Is all because you have the ability to make it so time focuses on any subject you want. As for right now, You are currently making it so time is focused on us and you are also making it so it will not touch your aging process." The little girl started to stare at me and after a bit, she started to laugh. "Oh dear, I haven't heard something that funny in all of my years. Most people would say that I just froze time or that I was cursed but you think you thought of such a complicated way despite the fact that you described it in the most simple way I have ever heard. Oh but I am a god. Not a religious god, more like an overpowered being." Oh, great. she is starting to analyze me. Now she is getting on my nerves. The little girl smiled at me. "Boy, you are quite interesting. Not just you but your entire race, ever cense the dawn of their existence." I just remembered what I went through. "So I am an enderfulk?" The girl started to relax back and put on a straight face. "I don't know why you constantly fight the idea after seeing all the proof, even though it would only be natural to try to avoid the subject of no longer being human." I am no longer human. That seems to repeat in my mind over and over. "Wate, I was never human. My body has always been the same and my mind has never changed. No, my mind still expresses the same emotions and ideas as a normal human, so in a way, I am not human fiscally but I still have my humanity and that is enough to call myself humane." The little girl laughed again. "My, My, even though you are not human, you still keep your grasp of humanity.... look, I witnessed the beginning of your race and seeing that you are the last of your kind. It is your responsibility to make certain that there is a future for your kind again and you should know that you have enemies just for the fact that you are what you are. They tried to deal with you in the deserts through manipulation. I would not be surprised they would try to deal with you in person next time." Grate, someone is pissed off at me and this time I didn't do anything. wait, the sand manipulation said that he was told by a woman that I was a monster with no sense of friend or enemy. Who are they? The girl continued talking. "Now I think I will revert that ice a bit so you can prepare for it." "Please don't, I would rather fight cristal as fair as possible. Even though this is really not fair." The girl gave me a big sigh as if she was trying to show off. "Verry well. Oh and before I forget. You Alex have done things no other enderfullk has ever done. like the ability to take in energy and turn it into magic. Your abilities come to you because of what you know about the subject you have in control. In other words, you have given a new meaning to the saying knowledge is power." So there are certain things that I have done that no other enderfulk has done interesting. "Oh and one other thing." does she plan on keeping me in this temporal state forever? "You should learn to look at the world in a different set of eyes, and I mean literally not figuratively." what is that supposed to mean? Time started to revert back to normal and the girl started to fade away. "I look forward to seeing how you will surprise me next Alex Enderson." She disappeared and time started to speed up. I went back to where I was at the same pose and as I waited, my mind wondered realizing that my fire or plasma is just highly energized matter. I could use it to cut the ice but there is the problem of motion. I remembered a picture in my engineering class of a jet engine. If I can copy that and make it smaller as well as divert air around my body and my sword. As time reverted back even more I can taste the air. It tasted like it was dry. Cristal must be using the water in the air to make her ice. Good thing water is a good conductor. I remember a little since experiment that can help me win this match. "Let's do this."