

Every person dreams of going to another world, right. Well, that is what happens to antisocial seventeen-year-old Alex Enderson. A young boy that is extremely gifted but hates people is forced to deal with others to survive and fight for his and the lives of the people that care about him.

Enderstried · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Crystal's Vengeful Hart

Time has passed since it met the summoned. Today is the day that I will kill him in the match. As I walk in the halls of this school, people will stop me to encourage me. "Hay, Ice blade. keep our traditional winning streak going, ok." "Hay, the witches, and warlocks can't handle up close targets so it is guaranteed." How clueless. He knows my brother and lives, so the only possibility is that he killed him. They don't know how strong he is. I had people keep an eye on him. Hopefully, Shi has some information about him. "Ms. Ice Blade." Oh, it's him. "So what did you find out Shi and call me Cristal" "I am sorry. Not only do you need to get ready in one hour but I very little on him." Thankfully I am already prep for the battle so I can spend all of my time talking. "What do you mean that you have very little on him?" ShI started to avoid eye contact. "Just that, I am sorry but for a summoned, he has some connections that gits him some cash periodically and he has connections to a blacksmith named Grendal but the important information is when he is gone. every day, there is a period of time where he can't be found as if he was wiped out of Asseral." How can he just disappear? "No matter, the rules say that we can have one person use a communication spell during the battle. I want you to be that person." Shi was shocked. "Me?" "Yes, you have that unique skill that allows you to read a person and predict what they are about to do something. Seeing how the summoned is close to a human, it will be useful." Shi bowed down. "As you wish. But I don't understand how a human can be a summoned" I didn't know myself. "Who knows, it is ancient magic from the grimoire that no one could understand, just stay on my back." The time for the battle came with the ticket of revenge.

I walked out of the tunnel and into the arena hearing crowds yelling from both the heroes and the wizards. Looks like the wizards think they are going to win, but that has not happened in fifty years. That and I am not going to let him live "OOK, it is time for the one, the only, the clash of both halves of this school! We have the on the heroes half, the one known as the Ice Blade princess, CRISTAL!" Well, that announcer is doing his job, all the students in my half of the school are starting to overpower all the voices of the wizards. "And on the wizarding half, we have the summoned of a new witch that no one knows much about named Sarra! Her summoned seemed to be human that can read the Black grimoire and for a summoned, he prefers to go by two names!" Two names, what is he think he is, royalty? Why would he have two names? "He is, ALEX ENDERSON!" I heard some strange noise and there he is. "you weren't there a second ago." How did he get there? He seems fixated on the announcer that is on top of us. "So there are magic brooms in this world." What does he mean by this world.? Wait, Enderson, why does that ring a bell? He started to stare at me with a puzzled face. "Ok, is that Dress slash armor really practical to be in? certain areas that should be covered is not and it looks like it will get in the way?" I started to panic. "W-what is it to you?" He exhales deeply as if he was disappointed in the answer he got. "Because it is illogical and serves no functional purpose." "Oh, said the one who is wherein a leather jacket with only two plates of metal on your arms and nowhere else." He started to stretch his neck and then stared into my eyes. "Ok, first walking in heels is going to hurt. Second, you never answered my question about Jacob. And third, let's get this battle over with." I am going to kill you. You have no right to say my brother's name. "OK, LET'S BEGIN!" I grab my sword unsheathed it and focused my magic on my blade. "My my ice be pure to eliminate my enemy for my name is cristal, and I shall not fail." I started to swing my sword and then a noise in my ear came. "Cristal, something is not right!" I ignored him and continued my slash. A mist covered the fealed. "What's wrong?" "As soon as you pulled out your sword, he became harder to predict." Shi has always been known to be able to predict what a person is going to do. He is able to see what is happening in every person's mind. "I don't get this, none of this makes sense." "Why are you panicking? Just do what you normally do. And besides, he's dead anyway." "That was close." I spoke too soon. "So you can throw glaciers of ice with that Katona." Hold on, Shi came up with this blade, how does he have the nerve of giving it a name. "Shi, what kind of blade is this?" He sounded confused. "The Katona, why." This doesn't make sense. "Ok, why can't you read him." "Ok, I can read the electrical energy in the brain." Electrical energy? "But the energy in his brain is thousands of times over that of the normal brain. There is so much extra energy, I can't properly read him." "Just do what you can." I start to keep him as far away as possible. Sending Ice slash after Ice slash. He is starting to get tired barely breathing. "Crap, if I continue to do this, I will run out of magic. I can't let her kill me." Good, If he is low on magic, I can kill him in one swoop. I started to freeze the arena while he gets up barely maintaining balance. "This is for my brother!" I send one final Ice slash at him. There is no way for him to service. I will have my revenge for my brother. My opponent started to brace himself. "Crap, I am not going to let this happen!"