
Keeper of mana (HP SI)

Nicolaus always wished for an adventure and dreamed of being reborn in a different world, of being able to use magic. Now he had it all, but was it too much for him to handle? Let's find out as we follow his path to become the "keeper of mana" - a person who collects, preserves, and spreads the knowledge of magic. (#AU) This is a fanfiction, and I do not earn anything from it. All the rights belong to Warner Bros and J.K. Rowling. The cover art is not created by me. If the artist wants me to take it down, please let me know.

Strongi · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Back to School

As Klaus and his parents were hugging, Marcus knocked on the door. Noticing him, Aurelius called out, "Come in."

Marcus walked in, gave a respectful bow, and spoke, "Sir, your colleagues are here to see you."

"I see. Well, let them in." Turning towards his wife and son, he said, "I currently work for a government organization that ensures the supernatural remains hidden and does not endanger the lives of normal people."

Klaus nodded; he could have guessed after everything he found out today.

They moved into the entrance hall of the mansion and found a group of people dressed in immaculate suits waiting for them.

A woman who looked to be the leader of the group spoke first. She had brown hair and blue eyes, and when she spoke, her voice sounded authoritative, like she was used to being obeyed.

"Agent 004, report."

Klaus's dad went on to explain what happened, and when he got to the sword, the woman gestured to one of the people behind her to take it.

A young blond man walked towards my father and carefully picked up the box. He was holding it like it was about to explode, and Klaus couldn't help himself; he cast an enchantment that created a glow around the box.

In the next moment, the man screamed like a little girl, and Klaus was rolling on the floor, laughing.

His father gave him a deadpan look, while surprisingly, the woman who looked serious until now chuckled.

"You must be Klaus; it is nice to meet you. I am Amanda." After Klaus had stood up and received a small talking-to from his mother, the woman introduced herself.

Klaus turned to her with a serious look and answered, "It is nice to meet you as well." Then he turned to his father.

"You mentioned before that we might have to move?"

Aurelius started thinking about how to answer when Amanda spoke up. "You should first call your brother Aurelius and see if he knew about the attack."

Nodding in agreement, Aurelius took out his phone and walked some ways away to talk.

While he was talking, Klaus, his mother Katarina, and Amanda moved to a different room and sat down to have some tea.

Not a lot of time passed before Aurelius returned and sat next to his wife and son.

"My brother didn't know about the attack. He said he will make sure that it doesn't happen again.

He wasn't happy about losing a sword but said it might be a good lesson about attacking our family."

Amanda nodded in understanding, and Katarina asked, "Does that mean we aren't moving?"

Aurelius shook his head, "No, we will still move to be safer. There is that new house I had built in a modern style; we will move there for the time being."


The rest of the winter break for Klaus went more or less in a blur. First, there was packing and moving everything they wanted to their new home. Then getting used to said home, as well as all the Christmas parties he had to attend with his parents.

The only fun part was when he created his familiar.


Klaus had just settled into his new room when his assistant spoke.

"[You should get materials, and make yourself a familiar. It can be another layer of protection.]"

"What do you mean? Make a familiar? Aren't I supposed to find it?" Klaus asked as he sat in his rocking chair and enchanted it to rock back and forth.

"[You can find a familiar, but a better option is to create a body out of clay and summon an elemental to inhabit it.]"

Klaus stopped rocking and asked, "How does that work, and why would an elemental listen to me?"

"[Elementals form in areas with an abundance of one element and a man, but they don't develop a personality for a long time. You would summon a young elemental and put it in a vessel you created. The summoning ritual will create a connection between you and the elemental, and based on the shape you give it, it will behave like a smart animal. Just don't shape it like a human; it won't become as intelligent as a human, and I gather it would be extremely creepy.]"

"What do I use to make this vessel?"

"[Natural clay.]"

"Great, I need to learn to mould clay."


Learning to mould clay turned out easier than he thought, mostly because he needed to learn to make just one animal. His parents were happy to pay someone to teach him.

He decided that a cat would be a good shape. Cats are allowed in Hogwarts, and even if he made a bird, an elemental couldn't deliver letters. So it was that Klaus found himself in his grandmother's house, specifically the ritual room, inscribing runes into a clay figure of a cat.

Rune: [ᚲᛟᚾᛟᚲᚨᚾ] (Pronounced: KONOKAN)

Meaning: This powerful rune embodies strength, courage, and protection. It will infuse the fire elemental familiar with unwavering loyalty, standing by its master's side, ready to guard with its life through every trial and tribulation.

Rune: [ᚺᚨᛏᛖᛋᛏᛖᚾ] (Pronounced: HATESTEN)

Meaning: In the mystical bond between the mage and their familiar, Hatesten forges a connection unlike any other. It enhances communication and understanding, allowing the fire elemental to grasp its master's needs, feelings, and desires, forming an unbreakable partnership.

Rune: [ᚹᛟᛚᚾᚨᛏᚨ] (Pronounced: WOLNATA)

Meaning: Wisdom and adaptability converge in this intricate rune, instilling the familiar with profound intelligence. As the mage faces the enigmatic challenges ahead, Wolnata empowers the fire elemental to make astute decisions and gracefully adapt to any situation that arises.

Rune: [ᚠᛁᚠᚨᛚᚨ] (Pronounced: FIFALA)

Meaning: The essence of fire, passion, and boundless energy emanates from Fifala. Infusing the familiar with this rune allows it to draw strength and power from the blazing fires of the elemental realm, growing stronger in resonance with its master's journey.

Rune: [ᛋᛏᛖᚠᚨᚱᛚᚨ] (Pronounced: STEFARLA)

Meaning: Stefarla epitomizes loyalty and unyielding companionship, characteristics that define your fire elemental familiar. Through this rune, the familiar becomes an inseparable companion, steadfastly supporting and protecting the mage throughout their adventures.

After he was done with inscriptions, Klaus started gathering his mana, ready to inject it into a pentagram he placed the clay figure in.


A few days after that ritual, Klaus was again on the Hogwarts Express, making his way back to school. This time, he had a black cat with eyes that reminded anyone who looked at them of fire.

With him were Hermione and Neville, chatting about their experiences during the semester and what they were looking forward to learning in their classes. They were also excited to study enchantments, curious to see how far Ron and Harry had progressed with it.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, they heard Harry's story about the clock he received and the mirror he had found.

Klaus was more curious about the cloak than the mirror, so when Harry allowed him to examine it, he was disappointed to feel nothing from it. It was strange, as if the cloak didn't even exist. Not being able to sense anything from it made it useless for Klaus at the moment.


Things quickly returned to a routine. Klaus attended classes, practiced his magic, and from time to time, helped his friends with their mana manipulation studies. He also met with Daphne, who told him about her father's request to meet him. He had been expecting this, but it still made him nervous. Nonetheless, he agreed to meet him at the beginning of the summer vacation, with his parents present as well.


Time passed quickly, and it was time for another Quidditch match. This time, the lions were playing against the badgers. What made this game special wasn't the teams, but the fact that Snape was the referee. This made everyone worried that he wouldn't be impartial, and Hermione and Ron were concerned that he might try to harm Harry.

Luckily, Harry caught the snitch in just five minutes. Unfortunately, Ron and Neville got into a fight with Malfoy and his goons during that time. Klaus managed to avoid a fight by enchanting one of the goon's shoes to trip him. It was easy since the boy didn't seem particularly powerful and had no defense against it. Surprisingly, Neville came out on top in his fight with the goon. But all of that became unimportant when the game ended.


AN: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I wanted to give you an updated schedule.

I plan to have at least one chapter a week, maybe two if I have time. I can't say the exact day or time, but there should be at least one chapter every week.