
Keep Out Dangers Coming!

Luna Raven Tempest is the lucky charm of the family. The sweetest little angel of the Tempest Clan who always captivates the eyes of the citizens by her angel smile. But at the age of 13, she lost her parents to a murderer who was been paid by the government to erase her entire family. Luckily, Luna survives and met an infamous playboy in the city who's actually a demon living in the human world. He swears to protect the lady at any cost and never ever leave her side. But Luna must act as his younger brother in exchange. Agreeing to his conditions, they became the center-of-the-city and plan to destroy the entire government and make Luna as the young president of the entire country.

Yujiro · Teen
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6 Chs


Remember that the justice is unfair when you don't fight for it.

"Master Raven, the car is ready." When people fucks your personality better give back, but in this time, it should be ten times of the pain you received.

"Master Raven, Master Myst is waiting for you in the hall." Stand with confidence even if you lose all of your treasures in life.

"Nice, you seems ready Raven." I'm not born to be ready pero dahil sa karanasan ko ay natutunan ko nang maging mapagmasid sa paligid.

"Your room is over here." Pagkapasok ko ay ang simula na tinatanggal ko na ang pangalang Luna Raven Tempest. From now on, I'm the Young Master of Contalejo manor.

"Greetings. I'm Lucifer Raven Contalejo." And now, my story will start. The old me will be buried in the ground and the new me will rise.

"You may now sit in front." I'll make sure ya'll will kneel and beg me for your own lives. I'll wait for the right time. Hinding-hindi ko kayo mapapatawad. I'll make sure ya'll will rot in hell.

I'm not the Luna weakling from before. I'm reborn because of a mission. A mission to kill all forces of government and to become the president of the entire country.

Such a high ambition isn't it? But with the help of Myst Aiver Contalejo, I will finally get the right justice for my dead parents.

Just wait until I take back of my own throne... You worthless GOVERNMENT.

This story focuses on plots and plans. However, I'm also planning to add some romance for the better results. Have Fun Reading!

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