
Guard's Duty

After seeing the secret plan of the village chief and his brother it took me half a day to set down. I only was able to calm at lunchtime, likely the hunger helps me relax a little. For the first time, I undertook how limited my skill was, not able to tell anyone or do any action that could expose it. The only way I can think of is to stop them myself, but for that I need power.

During this time Odon has not been with me, unlike his usual self, he has been talking to everyone. Despise I say, everyone, he didn't talk to the noble. It was mostly some butler, one car driver, and two guards. Since there are only 3 cars, 4 guards, and 4 butlers, plus the noble. 2 cars are full of items for sale or trade, the other is for the noble transportation. I got curious about Odon behavior and ask him about it. Is obvious that he has more year of experience. The reason was simple since we have never been in the capital is best to get some information beforehand. Stuff like the price of food, local storage, good places to visit or simple stories about their daily life. Anything can help us with problems that may show up in the future.

I decide to do the same. Since I'm still a little unsettled about this morning dream I decide to get close to one of the guards. It was not random that I pick this guard but because of his secret. He is someone that extort money at the city market few times. But it was not for himself but for his family that he needs the money. Also, compare to the other 3 guards his secret is not that bad. He was a middle age man on his 40 named Alvar. I start talking about my family and my big brother and mention that he has a similar aura. After that, I didn't have to talk to mush, Alvar start talking about everything. I learn that his wife died giving birth to his son. His sin is now 11 years old, just a little older than me. Also, he talks about his older daughter and how lonely he feels after she got married. She was the one that helps raise her brother an sisters.

By the time the sun starts setting, I got an excuse to stop the conversation. Man, I got the feeling that I know everything about him and his family, from their names, what they eat and where they eat. I find it weird, is he not scare about peoples using that information against him? At one point he almost revealed the fact that he extorts money, wasn't that his biggest secret? I will ask Odon after dinner when we are alone. Either way, I'm very thankful to him I learn a lot about the capital and how is life there. Now I'm kind of worry that we don't have enough money.

Dinner was peaceful, I could see the noble's attendants taking delicious food in his car. He has never been out all day. Two of the guards when to sleep right away, while talking to Alvar I learn that they do shift while guarding at night, he is on the second one. Odon looks little airheaded. After having a silent dinner we set our bed sheets close to where the guards were sleeping. I didn't find a chance to ask about why the guard talk so much since I don't want others to know about this question.

"if someone asks you, we have about 30 silvers" Odon say this in a low voice. I could understand why he says this, after all even someone as nice as Alvar has taken money by force.

With all that happens today I really tired, I fell asleep in seconds. I was awakened by someone hitting me, it feels that I only got to bed. Surprisingly it was Alvar.

"You sure sleep like a trunk, not even a goblin attack can awake you."

I look at him with a confused face, but soon my face was a little white thinking that maybe he is here to rob us. I didn't talk about money, I was thinking since we are been taking for another ability test in the capital we were safe. I let my guard down, I start feeling regret.

Alvar smile and say "Looks like you need to learn to be more alert, especially outside. If we haven't noticed the goblins and ambush then first, or if it was a stronger monster you would have died. Anyway, I didn't wake you up to scold you. I learn you are short on money after talking with my shift partner. Goblin doesn't usually travel far away from their home, but we have to stay guarding the commodities. If you or your partner find it you can take a quarter of it, we will take a quarter for letting you a sword and an iron glove and the rest is for the noble. Get ready fast we are living on sunrise."

Odon has been silence hearing our conversation. When I look at him he nodded. So we took the weapons to start the search. But before we leave Alvar took us to look at the dead goblins, he cut the rib cage of one of the goblins and took a small rock.

"This is a monster stone, it cost 10 silvers if you can get any." With that explanation, we were sent to search for more monsters. Isn't this too sudden? I'm only a little more than 10. I have killed few chickens for cooking and one time a porn but it was tied.

After walking some distance from the camp Odon say "Looks like we need to start thinking on a way to earn money soon or we won't be able to survive."

I nod in agreement. We really are too poor. Even Alvar that is just a regular guard win 1 gold a month but can't survive with that.