

Miyatari is a village on an small island, serene and safe. Who would know that Tanikawa Michiko would be there, the first to notice that a leviathan was attacking the peaceful dock of the island, terrorizing people and wreaking havoc? Who would know that she was one too? Who would know that that was her family? Between her family and her home, which will she choose?

MelonBreadX · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

My World?

What was Michio saying? Supposedly he had been kind to her... he must have had an ulterior motive!

But of course, nobody would be kind to one another unless they had something to gain.

She was so naive.

After all, they are humans.

Michiko focused on the conversation between Michio and the other guard. The guard had paused for a second after Michio's words, then laughed.

"Why, of course, Michio! You're so clever! All this time..!" he said.

"Heh... Well uh, I think we need Michiko's necklace. They say it has some sort of rune... Problem is, she always wears it." he replied sheepishly, flattered.

Michiko turned away, feeling the tentacles of the jellyfish on her necklace. She would never part with this necklace, no way, no how.

She sighed, watching Michio and the other guard walk off, plotting how to steal or cleverly retrieve her necklace. She went close to the water, though it was not advised, and stared into the water, searching for the leviathan.

This monster was the cause of having people on her tail, trying to take the last ties of her family. She kicked a rock into the water, thinking just why was she so unlucky.

She sighed yet again and turned away, not noticing the way the water churned, and the bright glow of the unknown runes on her necklace.

The Reaper Leviathan arose behind her, with its slick, wet skin shining in the sun. Noticing the sudden shade, Michiko's eyes widened as she turned around. Terrified, backing up, she turned around quickly and fled. The monster, when she had been facing towards him, eyed her necklace.

"...It's her." he thought.

And his tail arose from the sea, grabbing Michiko and dragging her into the water. Michiko had never swum with her necklace before, beacuse she was scared of losing it.

Now she was wearing it as she was rapidly being pulled to the water, and when she finally hit the surface of the water, dunking under, the necklace, flashing brightly disappeared, and she turned into a leviathan, like the one beside her.

"No... this must be a dream."

The other leviathan looked at her, pleased. Michiko swam towards him, beacuse she thought he was saying something.

"...me. Follow me... Follow me, Michiko."


"No way!" she cried.

"Trust me... they want to see you. They haven't seen you for so long after you disappeared. That's why they sent me. Now, follow me..."

"Who wants to see me?" she said, but he was already swimming east quickly.

She had no choice but to follow.

Out of breath, but finally next to the other leviathan, she asked him a question.

"How come I should trust you? You killed our island's men."

"You're trusting me right now, aren't you? And you're fine." he replied.

"You know what I mean."

"You had a choice to follow me, Michiko. And I will personally say, those humans who dared to doubt you are banished, hidden away forever, they will never see the light of day again!"

Michiko shivered. She had forgot that these leviathans could be dangerous. Why did she even follow him, she didn't know a lie or truth, was he even trustworthy?

"But there was blood."

"That wasn't their blood." he said, indicating to numerous scars. "They are hidden away on the bottom of the ocean, but they do have air, food, and water."

"...At least they're okay."

She paused to catch up to him, wishing to ask more questions.

"Why can I do this? Who am I? Can I go back home? Where are we going?" she exclaimed.

"Enough. No more questions. Eventually, you'll learn."

"Okay, but please, just one more. What's your name?"

"... I'm Mori Shirosama, and I'm 45 years old."

"Okay, Senior. I'm willing to hear and listen to anything you tell me, so please..."

'Poor child, ripped from her home.' Shirosama thought, pitying her.

"...Alright. But I won't answer all of them." he said.

"Why did you come to our village, Senior?"

"I needed to get you."

"What happened to my necklace, what did you do to me?"

"...You're a leviathan. Your powers were in that necklace."

"Mm. But you have your powers." she said, refusing to believe this madness.

"...That's a statement."

"Oh come on! Can you tell me why they were trapped in there?"

"Sixteen years ago, you were born with such high magical powers that a flood raged, a tsunami struck, and catastrophes rained down on all. A man from the village with unique leviathan powers ran to the spire in which you were hidden, and contained your powers and threw you to sea to protect the town. He fell off the top of the spire, and with no water to cushion his fall, due to the rapid receding, he was instantly killed."

"I-In saying, Senior?" she said, although she already knew what it meant.

The peaceful town was not her home. She was born a monster, not a miracle.

Reaper Levaithan from Subnatucia.

Hope you enjoyed this second chapter!

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