
Katsuki's older sister has many identities! [Up for Adoption]

A Mercenary from the 21st century reincarnates as Katsuki Bakugo's older sister who is a Villain/Hero/Vigilante/Civilian all at once! She has many identities working all at once through forbidden technology known as cloning combined with Sith Alchemy! She is in the same year as the big three of UA so it's three years before canon! Rhongomyniad x Fuyumi Todoroki!

Crimson1997 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Saving the world and Royalty

"MALTHAEL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Best Jeanist and some other top heroes see one of the most powerful villains devouring the souls of civilians.

"The souls swirl and writhe. I now know the truth of mortals! All paths lead to death. Humans cannot be trusted. The souls of man show their potential for greatness. They can stand for good like any angel in heaven or they can exact evil worthy of the lowest demon of hell.

The power of such a choice should not rest in the hearts of beings who are here for an instant... Then flare and die. Humans are corrupt and are not worthy of the choice between good and evil. Humans must be eliminated before they grow too strong." Mathael's voice echoes across the entirety of Japan causing mass hysteria and utter fear.

"That is why the law exists! You don't have the right to judge an entire race a race that you belong to might I add!" Eraserhead snarls.

"Irrelevant. Were it not for Revan I would consume every single soul on the planet! Revan is my leader and showed me a better way for the salvation of humanity. Were it not for her none of you would be here." Malthael says in an ethereal voice that echoes.

"It always leads back to her... Who is Revan!? Revan is merely her villain name but what is her true identity!" Eraserhead yells over the sound of the scream of despairing souls being pulled into Malthael.

"I do not know. What I do know is that she is related to Rhongomyniad by blood. Revan's identity is a mystery and cannot be found in any government database. If I did not find out their blood relation with my [Death Sight] I would not know of this." Malthael sighs.

"Does Revan know!?" Eraserhead yells over the ghastly wails of despairing souls.

"No. I did not tell my leader that she has family. If I told Revan of this she would no longer go through with her plans. And I cannot have my leader be distracted by familial love which is the only thing she truly desires and is the secondary reason why she will use her technique so that she may enter a dreamland of her own making. Farewell 'Heroes'" Malthael mocks the word Heroes and flies away.

"...This is bad." Eraserhead looks at the buildings that are full of ghastly corpses and the obvious decay of the structures. The streets are filled with decaying corpses sapped of all life.

/// Eraserhead's class after the bell for lunch rang.

"No..." Rhongomyniad vomits all over the floor and starts to 'look' dizzy.

Rhongomyniad was playing the news channel on her phone and then passed out falling to the ground. Eraserhead comes over and sees the images on the news channel and has a solemn look since there are so many decaying corpses and buildings that were 'aged' He picks up his student in a princess carry and heads to the nurse's office.

'I'm sorry that you had to see that. I know that you watch the news every time homeroom closes for lunch. Children shouldn't see such things. Malthael... What was your purpose in doing that to innocent civilians?' Aizawa sighs.

/// Hosu...

"REVAN!" All Might didn't have to look all that hard since Revan was on a tall building and besides no one would miss the Iconic armor and mask of Darth Revan. She just stands out that much.

"Oh hello, All Might. I recently resurrected a hero from a bygone age... She is... Well, difficult right now." Revan doesn't even bother to look at All Might and has her back to him... Some would say this is a terrible idea but to Revan, this shows her dominance.

Eraserhead and some other heroes arrive as well.

"Good god, why is it that you are always one of the first people to arrive on the scene when I and my subordinates are out and about Eraserhead? Oh dear she's about to go ballistic on this poor man..." Revan sighs.

"For me... The reason I fought was to bring some semblance of Happiness to the unloved children of the world! My efforts were flawed but I still felt like I had accomplished something! Imagine my horror when I came to this era! Only to find that children continue to suffer! I didn't put my life on the line for things to end up like this! And you're guilty of killing children like that! You averted your eyes from their sorrow! You ignored their suffering! They could have been saved!" Alter Atalanta roars.

"Calm down ma'am!" All Might is trying to placate the 'resurrected' Hero from long ago. When All Might heard that she was someone from the past and obviously a Hero of her time and was unjustly raised from the dead he couldn't help but give a scathing glare to Revan for playing with the forces of nature.

"Tauropolos Skia Thermokrasia!" Alter Atalanta's attack was devastating. Eraserhead looked around and saw that children were spared from her wrath but their parents and all adults were dead.

"Revan... You are going against the laws of nature by resurrecting someone from the past... Is this really how far you are willing to go to achieve your goals?" All Might's head is lowered as he speaks.

"Hmph, you don't understand a thing about my goals. You only know the end result, not the stages before it. Heroes cannot save the world. Heroes call certain methods of fighting good and evil. Acting as if they were some sacred nobility to the battlefield... What a joke! It's hell itself! Such illusions, created by heroes throughout history, have led countless young men to their bloody deaths all for the sake of this honor and glory." Revan growls.

"You're wrong!" Eraserhead yells.

"I am not wrong. Fighting for others but not yourself is nothing but hypocrisy. However, there is something that all humans know but instinctively deny in this society of heroes and villains... Blood calls for blood, While hatred begets hatred and the energy that comes forth begins to take root in this earth and engraves a crest of blood. Humans never learn, no matter how many times history is repeated. Humans are such foolish, sorrowful creatures. This is the truth about humanity and what they have forgotten at the dawn of quirks. My state of being allows me to see things that humans are unaware of... Or more likely that they don't want to be aware of" Revan shakes her head.

"There is some truth to what you say but it's far too twisted... There are nuances that you are forgetting... Humanity is so much more than what you portray them as. I know that you are a walking corpse Revan 'You' should be in the afterlife and not here dwelling among the living. What will it take for you to let go and finally be at peace?" Eraserhead gives a sorrowful sigh.

"I will let go and finally rest in peace once my plan is achieved. Once I complete all of my plans and bring salvation to humanity, only then will I let go." Revan walks away with an air of indifference.

"Atalanta... Will you join me or go on your own way?" Revan stops in front of the 'raging' Atalanta.

"I will never join you. But I am thankful that you brought me back to life! If it weren't for you, I may have been completely ignorant of the suffering of the children of this era. I will follow my own path, not yours." Atalanta runs away.

"You were correct, Eraserhead... Not everyone will bend to my will... Just now was a prime example. Farewell heroes" Revan disappears into thin air like a ghost.

"Did I just help a villain grow as a person?" Eraserhead has twitching lips.

/// On top of the highest building in Tokyo.

Revan sings Battle Cry by Beth Crowley 'oblivious' to Hawkes and Eraserhead, who are behind her. She goes on to sing Hard to Kill by Beth Crowley.

"An audience how lovely. So Eraserhead Hawkes, did you enjoy the music?" Revan turns around and her face is white as snow, her eyes bloodshot, glowing a menacing yellow.

"You... You're wicked... A monster denied even human flesh... That's all you truly are, Isn't it?" Hawkes recoils when he sees the obvious walking corpse. Every organic part can't even be called organic anymore. It's as if something hallowed her out and is nothing but a shell. No... Not even a shell. It's like she is a ghost.

(A.N: Basically it's Shadow of Revan from SWTOR. Later on there will be a light side 'Revan' all of the top heroes from across the whole world will unite together to fight Revan once all of her 'Subordinates' are defeated and imprisoned. Eraserhead as you can see has a significant role in this story so does Hawkes as he is Rhongomyniad's adopted older brother by law. So if none of you have played SWTOR up till Shadow of Revan this will be very confusing to you.)

A part of Hawkes quirk affects his eyes so he can see that Revan is just a specter given physical form.

"What do you plan to do to my little sister!?" Hawkes sharpens his feathers and holds them like swords. His motives for confronting Revan are selfish... He is here for his adopted little sister not to be a hero.

"Foolish utterly foolish... I just want her to help me create a perfect world. I never lied to her and never forced her to do anything. It is not in my nature to force people to work with me. When words fail I will continue to try to get Rhongomyniad on my side." Revan sighs.

"But clearly it's in your nature to force people bend to your will... You don't allow people to have free will! You just decided to create your so-called perfect world without anyone's consent! What you are saying is contradictory!" Eraserhead snarls.

"... Humans are contradictory creatures and I am no exception. Eraserhead, I know of your past and can foretell your future... It is the same as our history. Humanity will continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Human beings will never understand each other. I can create a world for you where your friends who you lost are back and will never die again. I can rewrite the laws of reality! I can make a world where you will find happiness. Join me Eraserhead." Revan holds her hand out to Eraserhead, who snarls.

"Never! Rhongomyniad was right! You aren't bringing true peace! Your peace is nothing but an illusion! You... You are taking the easy way out because you are a coward! I will never join you, Revan!" Eraserhead turns off her quirk, buying time for Hawkes to end it.

"Naïve!" Revan displays god-like martial arts and dispatches Hawkes within those so-called precious three seconds Eraserhead bought.

"Hawkes, will you join me?" Revan holds her hand out to Hawke's.

"A-AH-COUGH- AHAHAHA! So since you can't convince my little sister you're trying to convince me so that I can convince her... You really stoop too low, Revan." Hawkes, who tried to get up, falls onto his back again.

"I will do anything to achieve my goals. There is no line I won't cross to achieve them. Even if the whole world is against me. I will not quit and will not give up." Revan grabs Hawkes by the shirt and pulls him up and they stare into each other's eyes.

"...We will stop you. I don't know how I don't know when but we will!" Hawkes coughs up blood.

"You cannot stop... Death. Observe... Always the same and now all this... No more stones... No more spears... No more Slings... No more SWORDS... No more WEAPONS... No more SYSTEMS... NO MORE... No more superpowers... So much faith in their tools in their machines. YOU CAN FIRE YOUR ARROWS FROM THE TOWER OF BABEL! BUT YOU CAN NEVER STRIKE GOD!" Eraserhead and Hawkes were horrified when they saw nukes from every world power fly into space, disabling all the top powers. She destroyed every weapon in Japan and most likely the planet the President and all the politicians across the world died. The power grids across the world were destroyed, which means they no longer have electricity or machines that will work. The tools like hammers and screwdrivers and many more tools were destroyed. This was an Apocalypse.

"What... Have... You... Done... Revan..." Eraserhead felt like an ant and has never felt such fear before.

"What needed to be done? Now everyone will beg for my plan to come to fruition." Revan tilted her head and asked herself a question. What needed to be done indeed? She walks away and disappears into thin air.

Revan has effectively forced humanity back into the dark ages. Humans will have to create tools the hard way... With stones. It's almost like a forced restart.

/// Weeks later... It's chaos across the world.

Rhongomyniad is on top of the highest building in France known as the Eiffel Tower.

Golden Light spreads across the entire world restoring everything. News channels were back online and the News Channel in France showed Rhongomyniad. Everyone across the world sees her now and what she is doing causing cheers from everyone. Once she restored everything, she 'passed' out and falls off the tallest tower in France. Everyone was horrified that their hero was about to die.

A French Hero uses her Quirk called Gravity Manipulation and slows down the fall of the Hero of the World. The French Hero catches Rhongomyniad and notices that she is just a little girl that couldn't be any older than her own little sister.

Hawkes flies faster than ever before, now that he knows where his little sister is. Air Planes that are now restored are full of Heroes from all over the world that are rushing toward France. Eraserhead uses all his savings to hire the fastest Jet that Japan has and goes to France with haste. Say what you want about Eraserhead, but he cares about his students just that much, especially Rhongomyniad.

/// Months later.

The Hero of the World hasn't 'woken' up. Eraserhead took time off and used the last of his savings to stay with his student. Heroes from all over the world bought the little hero gifts and flowers.

"That's my daughter! And I will be taking her!" the British King snarls at Eraserhead.

"Never! She is my student and a legal citizen of Japan! Now that you know what she is capable of you decide that you want her!? I've seen the report! You abandoned her at the age of three!"

Hawkes arrives with a can of coffee and hears the whole argument and widens his eyes menacingly.

"Your Highness do you not understand how much you hurt your 'daughter' when you left her behind? When you ran away from your responsibilities as a father, that poor girl saw hell! When I first met her, having feelings was a luxury she couldn't afford! Rhongomyniad had been abandoned by you, betrayed by the only person she could rely on! You have lost the right to demand anything of her or act like a father! That's... The reason why I've been trying to show her all the finest things life has to offer! You don't deserve Rhongomyniad! It took months for her to finally open up to me... I will never betray that trust." At the end of Hawkes rant, he caresses his little sister's hair lovingly.

The Queen of England has a sorrowful face and casts a very disappointed look toward her grandson, the current King.

"Let's go. Let the boy take care of his Sister." The Queen smiles in contentment that her blood... her own great granddaughter, is in good hands.

"But Grandmother-" The King was cut off.

"Enough! You disappoint me! I don't care what kind of quirk she has! She is my granddaughter! And her happiness and wellbeing are my first concern! You will stay away from her. The boy is right... You don't deserve her! I can't believe what you have done to my Great granddaughter." The Queen walks away with the help of her cane.

The Queen stops and turns around. "I'll visit when I have the time. I'd like to spoil her. I love her already." The Queen smiles at Hawkes and casts a grateful look toward the boy.

To Be Continued.