
Katana Hiromi: A My Hero Academia Story

Katana Hiromi is at the USJ incident. She doesn’t remember what happened when she wakes up. Will she be able to gain the trust of everyone at UA Highschool

Onelastscout · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


The league watched Tsui carefully. She was sitting at the end of the bar farthest away from the captive with a whiskey and her head in her hand. They thought she'd be pissed but in actuality she was just thinking. Something wasn't adding up. She saw Kat get taken. But when compress undid his quick she wasn't in the ball. It didn't make sense. Shigaraki was talking to Bakugo trying to convince him to join. Tsui thought of something. She got up and started walking toward Bakugo. Shigaraki put his hand out. She stopped and stood next to him.

"Don't touch him."

Tsui just kept her smirk and reached into her boot. Before Shigaraki could register it she threw the two knives straight for Bakugo. Bakugo closed his eyes and waited for a sharp pain. After he couldn't feel anything he opened his eyes. He saw the back of a thigh. Kat's thigh.

"Awe, the lioness came out of hiding to protect her cub. How adorable."

Kat winced. Her leg was bleeding a lot and she couldn't heal it since she hadn't seen recovery girl in a while. Tsui was smiling even more. She was glad she was right about her sister being there.

(After they tie Kat up and take care of the wound.)

Kat's restraints were a bit more than Bakugos since they didn't know what quirk she had. Both her hands were in a metal box (like Bakugos) but she had a blindfold over her eye. Her feet were tied together and she was tied to a chair. She had a gag in her mouth too.

"Ugh. Katttt, this is the second time you've gotten hurt for that blond bimbo."


"I wasn't talking to you, brat. You know… you remind me of mosquitoes. You're both small, weak, and a pest!"



"Oh let me take that out for u Kat."

Tsui went over to take out Kats gag. Kat let out a breath and spoke.

"Why were we kidnapped?"

Tsui walked back to where she was seated before and let Shigaraki explain. When he was done he looked at the restraints and said

"Let him go."

The league started to argue on who would let Bakugo go. Kat chuckled to herself and just waited. She wasn't going to fight them head on. That would be too much work. Twice was the unlucky person who had to unlock it. As he did, Bakugo activated his quirk. Kat was hoping he would go along with them so they could find out more.

"Dammit. If you just went along with them we might've been able to find out about their plan."

Kat said as she activated different quirks to get out the restraints. For the cuffs she froze it on one side and burned it on the other. Once her hands were free she used Minas quirk to melt through the restraints on her feet. She removed the blind and walked next to Bakugo. She smacked him on the back of the head.


"You and your damn temper. Next time just follow my lead."


"Ouu also, this is the second time I saved your ass. Pay me back."


"Hmm. I'll figure that out. For now, just let me call you Katsuki."

The league watched the back and forth speechless. They were having a hard time processing that they weren't really scared. Tsui looked super confused and watched them. She then had a look of like figuring something out.

"OH. There's only one reason why Kat would get stabbed for you twice AND you both are arguing like this. You guys are dating, right?"

Bakugo looked annoyed while Kat looked at her sister with a look of confusion.


"OLD HAG? Just because I'm way stronger than you doesn't mean I'm old you brat."

Shigaraki finally put an end to their bickering. He asked for someone to lend their power to him. But the wording he used. It made Kat feel an emptiness in her stomach. It can't be who she thought it was. Could it?

"Come on, Kat. Can you fight with your leg like that?"

Kat snapped out of the trance she was in. She was freaking out for nothing. She didn't know for sure. There was no way it was him. He was dead.

"Yea. The real question is...can you keep up with me?"

They both got into fighting position when there was a knock on the door for a pizza delivery. Kat felt something was off so she took off her eyepatch and put a barrier around her and Bakugo. Right on cue, All Might came through the wall right next to Kat. If she hadn't protected herself and Bakugo, they could've gotten injured.


Not long after, there were three more heroes who helped restrain the league. All Might was talking to Bakugo and Kat looked over to Shigaraki. He looked mad. She then looked over to Tsui and noticed she looked genuinely amused. Her hair was covering her eyes and she had a sinister smile on her face.


Everyone looked at Tsui in fear. They were caught. Why was she laughing so hard? As she kept laughing Shigaraki said.


Just then portals made out of a stinky substance started to form. Kat looked up and saw it and tried to run. It was too late and she was transported to a destroyed warehouse. She tried to think of a quirk that would work in this situation and started activating the quirks she had copied the last time she was in public. One told her who was around and it told her about Midoriya, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and Iida.

"Why the hell are they here? Idiots!"

Kat whispered to herself. Then she noticed a man. It was like her stomach dropped to her shoes. The man held out a hand to Shigaraki and Kat went to punch the man in the face. She landed the hit and the man took a couple of steps back. The man smiled and Kat stood panting. Her leg wobbled because of the pain from the stab wound Tsui gave her earlier. Tsui stepped between them and moved her curly pink hair out her eyes.

"Now now, that's no way to treat dad Kat."

"Shut the hell up Tsui."

Tsui laughed and All for one put his hand on her shoulder.

"Tsutsui. I thought I sent you to help Shigaraki. Not terrorize your sister. Hello Katana."

"Dad, I thought you were dead. That's what All Might told me."

"Speaking of All Might. Here he comes."

As he said that All Might came and tried to punch him, All for one stopped him with one hand and most people were blown away. Kat was able to stand her ground and Tsui looked unbothered.

"Crap. Bakugo and the others are still here. All Might can't go all out with them here. I need to think. Ignore my feelings and think dammit!"

Kats' mind was racing but she got an idea. She told Izuku her idea using one of the pussy cats quirks from the camp. She couldn't tell what he was thinking back but she didn't care. She just needed to wait for the right moment. Tsui watched as the league fought to try and knock out Bakugo. She was wondering why her sister wasn't helping. She shrugged. Tsui knew there was a small chance they'd be able to get Kat and Bakugo back.

"Not helping him Kat?"

She was trying to provoke her. Kat knew this and still waited. All for one threw All Might and dusk was kicked up. Kat went up and started to fight All for one. Her leg slowed her down but she was still able to land some hits. Then All Might came back and punched All for one in the face again. Then a piece of ice shot into the air and Iida, Kirishima, and Midoriya were going up on it. Kirishima called out to Bakugo and Bakugo used his quirk to grab a hold of his hand. The villains tried to catch them but Kat was able to block them. But something was off. In order to block her father Kat had to jump in the air and was impaled. In place of the blood however was mud. It was a clone.

"Smart girl. She must've used the fight as cover."

Tsui looked back at the kids as Kat was deactivating the invisibility quirk. Kat was on Bakugos back with her arms wrapped around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist and her eyes were closed as they flew through the sky. The clone walked over to All for one. It put its head on AFO's chest. The clone was basically Kat. It had all her feelings and emotions. Since it was about to die it figured it might as well let out some of the emotions Kat always bottled up.

"Daddy… I missed you. You left me six years ago and never returned. When All Might came to the house and told me you were dead I didn't know how to feel. I know you're evil but please tell me that I wasn't nothing to you."

"I missed you too, Katana."

Kat's clone backed up and smiled at her father. She walked to All Might.

"Please. End this."

The clone disappeared as All Might nodded. Tsui shouted to her father before leaving through the portal behind Shigaraki.

"BYE DAD. Make sure you follow my plan."

She walked through and All for One turned to All Might.

" You brainwashed my daughter. Not very hero like All Might."

All Might scowled and they began to fight. On the rooftop as everyone caught their breath, Kat was still on Bakugos' back. She couldn't walk anymore and she was about to pass out because of the blood loss. Her eyes were still closed but she was awake..

"Put me down. I'm fine."

"Shut up eyepatch. I owe you remember."

Kat was too tired to try to argue and everything went black. She woke up again to a screen or All Might. Her father was beaten and All Might pointed to the screen and said "You're next." She could tell he was talking to Izuku. She passed out again and woke up in the hospital. Next to her was Color Wheel.

"Ah, you're awake. I'm glad you're ok."

Aizawa walked in and bowed.

"I am sorry we weren't able to protect you. Please forgive me, Katana."

Kat looked at the ceiling and chuckled.

"It's ok Mr. Aizawa. Was anyone else injured?"

"No, they are all fine."

"Then I am perfectly ok. I'm glad I was the only one hurt."

They both walked out and Kat sighed. She made another eyepatch with Momos quirk. She changed it up a little. Instead of her usual fully black eyepatch she made it fully black with two red stripes. She put it on as she heard two voices.


"Oh hey Kaachan. I came to visit Kat. She helped us save you so I came to thank her. Why are you here?"

Bakugo just scoffed as they both walked into the room. She looked over at the boys and gave a small smile.

"Hey guys. Why are u here?"

"Well Kat, I wanted to ask you a question."

"Sure Izuku, what is it?"

"Are you really All for one's daughter? If so… is that what your second quirk is? All for One?"

Kat sighed and tried to sit up. Midoriya tried to stop her and Katsuki just watched. He hadn't said anything to Kat yet. When Kat was sitting up on her bed she motioned for the boys to close the door and take a seat. Once they did she explained everything.

"Yes. All for One is my father. When All Might fought him the first time I was around 10. I was at home and I was isolated from the outside world. All Might and the police were checking his previous associations and they found me. He saved me and I now live with my adoptive mom since they couldn't find my biological one. My sister, Tsui, wasn't home that day. If she was… maybe All Might could've saved her too."

Kat gripped her gown. It was obvious she blamed herself. The boys kept silent as she moved on.

"My quirks are copycat and all for one. As you know with my right I can copy quirks. Now with my left eye I can take quirks and enhance them. It's exactly like my dads. I almost never use my left eye, there would be no point. "

As Kat finished she kept her head down. She couldn't look him in the eyes. She knew he'd be scared. She hated that. She's only told heroes and they all treat her like a monster. She's not her father. She's not a monster.

"Hey eyepatch, I could care less who your father is or what your damned quirk is. I'll beat you. Got it?"

"Right! We won't let you beat us."

Kats head snapped up and she searched the boy's eyes and couldn't see a hint of fear. They didn't think of her as a monster. Tears started falling down the right side of her face. She couldn't cry out her left eye. It had been like that since she was born. Kat continued to look at the boys and cry.

"Thank you."

"Nononono did we do something, I'm sorry. Please don't cry Hi- Kat."

They talked for a little bit more. Well, it was more like Izuku asking questions, Kat answering and Bakugo listening. It was getting late so the boys left. Kat left the hospital the next day and talked to the police. She went home and as usual no one was there.

"Mom must be at work."

Kat's house was pretty big. It might've been bigger than Momos. She checked all the rooms to make sure that no one was home. Her sister wasn't home either. She was probably with her boyfriend. Kat went to her room and looked through her things. She grabbed her old bear that her dad bought her. She went and sat on her bed and fell asleep.

This chapter is really long! I just wanted to say that If you would like to see pictures of the girls and some of my own drawings of the oc's it's on my Insta. @onelastscout

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