
Katana Hiromi: A My Hero Academia Story

Katana Hiromi is at the USJ incident. She doesn’t remember what happened when she wakes up. Will she be able to gain the trust of everyone at UA Highschool

Onelastscout · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


Kat was a pretty light sleeper. It was a skill she picked up as a child. It came in handy when she was left alone for long periods. Her room was a bit farther from the front door so the doorbell was hard to hear but because she was always on alert the minute it rang she was up. If it was a normal person the door would be a two-minute run from Kat's room. Luckily, Kat wasn't normal. She rushed to the door before the bell rang a second time and opened the door. She was met by Aizawa and All Might. Aizawa was the first to speak.

"Hiromi, is any adult home?"

"No, I think I'm home alone. If this is about the dorms here are the forms filled out. "

She grabbed the forms from the side table and handed them to the teachers.

" There are a few conditions. Mom outlined them in here though."

Kat invited her teachers in for a snack. She figured they probably went to a few houses and were most likely hungry. She made some crackers and gave them to the teacher. She sat on the couch in front of them as they ate.

"Thank you, by the way. You were able to defeat father. Will this be enough for you to stop investigating me?"

All Might and Aizawa looked at their student. Aizawa knew Kat was talking about the traitor. Nezu wanted all the teachers to keep a closer eye on Kat since she was the daughter of a villain. Aizawa treated her the same but the other teachers kept her arm's length away. All Might had no idea what Kat was going through because of her father. He was able to figure it out pretty quickly though.

" Don't worry Hiromi, we are not only investigating you."

"That might be true… but I'm the only one treated like a monster. Since I was a child all people did was look at me sideways. I've never done anything wrong, so why do they not trust me?"

The teachers didn't know how to answer, so they sat in silence. They soon left without answering her question and Kat just went back to her room. She didn't know why she expected them to be different. They were all the same. Her leg wasn't fully healed so it was still very painful. She grabbed her teddy bear and went back to sleep.

Kat's dorm

The kids were finally back in school and everyone was getting settled into their rooms. She first had to go to the hospital for a checkup and then she had a checkup with recovery girl. So Kat set up her room and went to meet her. When she came back her classmates bombarded her. They were all pretty much asking the same question.

"Kat, where's your room? Kat is your dad for real a villain? Does that mean you have his quirk? Are you all right?"

"Well, first of all, yes. All for One is my father. Second of all, I am fine. And third of all, my room is in a different area due to my mom's request. If you want to see it, please follow me"

Kat led them to the elevator and pushed the last button. As the elevator went lower and lower everyone got more excited. It was their chance to have a peek at Kat's more personal likes and interests.

"So your room is in the basement?"

Mina spoke up. Everyone was sitting in silence and waited for Kat's response.

"Yes, technically. I have the whole floor to myself. It kind of reminds me of my room from my home. Sadly, it is much smaller."

They all started talking among themselves. They didn't know Kat was rich. They thought she might've been richer than Momo. Not that Kat cared. It didn't matter. It was just her mom's money. Nothing more. Once they got to Kat's room and the elevator doors opened, everyone's jaw dropped. Kat's room was full of pictures of students, heroes, and some teachers. Her bed was big and sat on the opposite side of the elevator.

"Uh, Kat. Why are there pictures of us on your wall?"-Denki

"I need to memorize all your quirks, weaknesses, and assets to be able to use it against you. Seeing these papers every day helps."

The class sort of winced at her bluntness.

"Why doesn't Midoriya, Bakugo, Momo, Uraraka, Hagaukre, and Iida have one."

"Those are the quirks I've already memorized. "

Mineta was trying to be sneaky and go through Kats drawer.

"Mineta, open that drawer and I promise you won't be able to open anything ever again."

Mineta took Kats' threat and left the drawer alone. Once they were done looking around most of the class went upstairs while some stayed and hung out. Kat didn't know why they were staying in her room but she kinda liked the company. Midoriya, Todoroki, Momo, Jiro, Denki, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima. They were asking Kat questions and she was having fun answering.

"So like with your left eye, you can steal quirks, right? What about mutation quirks?"- Jiro

" Actually, yes. I can also copy them. It's just a pain in the ass to do. That's how I go invisible. Using Hagakure's quirk. Takes a lot of focus. So I try not to."

"Who's your favorite hero?"- Kirishima

"Honestly, All Might and Hawks are my all-time favorite. I'm a huge fan of both."

"Why are there quirk nullifying handcuffs here?"- Uraraka

"In case I lose control in my sleep. It most likely won't happen but I don't want another brainwashing situation."

They kept asking questions and Kat kept answering.

" What does your left eye look like? Is it cool?" - Denki

"I'm not sure I'd call it cool… but ok."

Kat pulled up her eyepatch and it revealed her eye. The cornea was red and the part that was supposed to be white was completely black. Kat let them look at it for a couple more seconds and put her eyepatch back on. Izuku had been exploring her room and reading her analysis on everyone's quirk. He was reading about someone from general studies when he bumped into something and two things fell. One was a teddy bear and the other was a very exclusive All Might plush that almost no one in the world had. It had been made by All Might himself.


"Oh well, All Might gave it to me. After he saved me when I was a kid."

She walked over to Izuku and gently took the plush out of his hands. She also picked up the teddy bear and put it back where it was. She smiled at Izuku and motioned to the plush.

"You can borrow it whenever you want."

Izuku blushed and smiled at Kat as she went to sit back down on her bed. They continued talking and everyone soon left. Kat looked at the time and it was almost 7 am. She grabbed her teddy bear, put on the handcuffs, and cuddled up in bed.