
episode 9

(The episode opens with Kanisha and Aurora in the gym)

Kanisha: So, what's going on?

Aurora: Can we go somewhere more private?

(Kanisha opens a portal that sucks Kanisha and Aurora in)

(The screen shows Aurora and Kanisha in the desert)

Aurora: Are you sure nobody will interrupt us

Kanisha: Yeah, nobody comes here

Aurora: Why?

Kanisha: Wait for it

(A giant sand worm appears and licks Kanisha face)

(Kanisha giggles, as the sand worm licks her)

Aurora: Oh, I see

Kanisha: So, what's going on?

Aurora: I saw it

Kanisha: Don't worry it was in the past and I'm alive now

Aurora: It wasn't just my past I saw, it was dark, many buildings destroyed

Kanisha (not turning around) (shocked): I didn't

Aurora (worried): Kanisha?

Kanisha: I'm so sorry, that was supposed to be for my eyes only

Aurora: You mean you haven't told my wife, your wife, your aunt, any of your friends?

Kanisha (not turning around): How could I, it's a future I never change, just accept and besides they, I can't tell you anymore or it would reshape the earth and you all might never exist or might not remember me

Aurora: But you didn't tell me, you showed me, does that count?

Kanisha (eyes glow): Actually no, ironically

Aurora: Then, you can use me as a therapist because obviously you can't go to an actual therapist. Tell me how you feel, I won't tell anybody I swear, just turn around

Kanisha (turns around): I am terrified of what I will become

Aurora: Okay

(Kanisha snaps her fingers, a red couch appears with a notebook and pencil)

Aurora: Fair, where's the glasses?

(Kanisha gives glasses to Aurora)

(Aurora sits on the couch, holding the pencil, notebook and wearing glasses)

Aurora: So, what else?

Kanisha: What's worse is how it's going to happen?

Aurora: Not all humans can be saved

Kanisha: I know, but I still want to try

Aurora: I know, which is what all those people love about you is your kind heart

Kanisha: I know (tears coming down)

(Rain starts to fall)

Aurora (confused): Huh?

Kanisha: I mean I know being Afraid isn't going to help it

(Lightning is shown and thunder is heard)

Kanisha: Sorry about the rain, thunder, and lightning

Aurora: It's okay

Kanisha: You are too understanding

Aurora: Well as a wife, I have to be understanding, you should understand you have a wife too

Kanisha: Do you always joke about these kind of things, I mean I could kill people if I ever lose control, people will hate forever

(Wind blows hard)

Aurora: True, but that's in the future and what you should be worried about is enemies that try to kill you or your family or friends; saving people and being yourself

Kanisha (tears coming down): What if I can't, what if it's too hard

(Lightning starts to hit the sand)

Aurora: Then, you will make everyone worry, then you have to tell them or I should say show them, they won't think any less of you as I don't and I barely know you not like my wife or their friends

Kanisha: I don't want to know and I definitely don't want to tell them

Aurora (hugs Kanisha): It's okay, calm down, breathe in and out

(Kanisha breathes in and out)

(The rain, lightning and thunder stops)

Aurora: I'll stick to you like glue, you need me just call

Kanisha: You are a Saint

Aurora (winks): Thanks

Kanisha: So, do you think we could go out with smoothies?

Aurora: Sure

(The screen shows Kanisha and Aurora are drinking smoothies)

Kanisha: I am so much more relaxed

Aurora: I'm glad

Kanisha: So, what are you going to tell Daphne?

Aurora: Simple, I was asking about your powers and wanted to see demonstrations

Kanisha: Oh, you are good

Aurora: Thank you very much

Kanisha: I'm not a good liar

Aurora: I know, by the sound of you, you are brutally honest

Kanisha: Why thank you, I take pride in that

Aurora: As you should, it's who you are

Kanisha: Alright

(Episode ends)