
episode 8

(The episode opens with a woman wearing a black trench coat, white shirt, black pants and shoes is running up the stairs)

(The woman heads to the roof and is holding a bag)

(A helicopter appears)

The woman (thought): I tricked those cops, I'm home free (laughs)

(Once the helicopter gets close, Kanisha is revealed on top of it)

Kanisha: Or so you thought

The woman (shocked): It's you, but how did you find me, I was so careful

Melanie: But, not careful enough (flips the woman over on the ground) (grabs the bag)

The woman (struggling): Darn it

(Melanie handcuffs the woman)

Melanie: Kanisha, if you please

(Kanisha snaps her fingers and the woman disappears)

(The woman appears in the back of the police's car)

(A policeman and policewoman is in the car)

The policeman: That was easy

The policewoman: That Kanisha always does a good job

(A flashback shows Kanisha talking to the policewoman)

Kanisha: I can't help tomorrow, you see one day I take a break

The policewoman: Really! Isn't that dangerous, what if the world is in danger

Kanisha: It won't be, Melanie still has power along with my friends

The policewoman: Fair, thank you for your work

Kanisha: You are welcome

(The flashback ends)

The policewoman (thought): Guess we all need a break

(The screen switches to Kanisha riding a bike from a big hill)

Kanisha (while riding): Woohoo!

(The bike is made from Kanisha's tail)

(Kanisha is wearing a red shirt with a target on it, red earrings that are shaped like diamonds, blue jeans, and white shoes)

(Kanisha stops by a bush)

Kanisha: What a rush, I want to do that again

A voice: Wait for me

(Daphne comes down from the hill along with Yari, Aurora, and John)

Daphne: Awesome

Yari: Woo!

John: I think I'm going to (throws up in the bush)

Aurora: I'm so glad to be apart of your group

Kanisha: Of course, you are married to Daphne, which means you are apart of our group

Daphne: See I told you that it wouldn't be a big deal

Yari: No, it's a very big deal

(Everybody looks shocked)

Yari (holding her phone): Because we haven't taken a picture of all of us

Kanisha: I got it

Yari: No, you stay right there

(Yari touches a yellow button that makes her phone fly)

(John walks up to his friends by his bike)

(The phone takes a picture of all of them by their bikes)

Yari (looking at the photo): Brilliant

John: Thanks for the quick makeover, Kanisha

Daphne: You are supposed to be taking a break

Kanisha: I was using my tail no powers, I swear

Daphne: If you say so

John: Aurora, your quiet

Aurora: Oh, It's just, I don't know what to say I mean I don't much about Kanisha's powers

Kanisha: Oh, I can fix (walks to Aurora) hold still

Aurora (looking a little bit scared): What are you going to do?

Kanisha: Don't be so scared (puts her hand on Aurora's head)

(Aurora's eyes glow red)

Daphne: Memory implant

Kanisha: Yup (takes her hand off Aurora's head)

Aurora: You actually went through that

Kanisha: Oh yeah

(Aurora hugs Kanisha)

Aurora (while hugging Kanisha): I am so sorry, it's just

Kanisha: I know

(The screen shows Daphne, Aurora, Kanisha, John, and Yari are in Egypt)

Kanisha: Everybody alright

Aurora (sweating): I hate heat

Daphne: Really, you don't have a problem at home

Aurora: Home isn't as hot

John: Kanisha, tail umbrella

(Kanisha's tail turns into an umbrella and puts it above Aurora)

Aurora: You are an Angel

Kanisha: It is no problem

A voice: Is that the mutant from the news

Another voice: It must be a mirage

Yari: Should we go?

Kanisha (sparkly eyes): Aima Daffy

John: No way, we have to get an autograph

(Kanisha and John runs off)

(A woman who has long red hair, brown skin, wearing a blue sundress and heels is revealed along with a woman who has platinum hair in two ponytails, white skin, wearing a gray sundress and heels)

(The first woman is Aima Daffy and the second woman is Amanda Bumblee)

Kanisha: Excuse me

Aima (shocked): You are that mutant

Kanisha: Am I?

John (holding a notebook and paper): Can we get your autograph please?

Amanda: Even the mutant likes your acting skills

Aima: Thank you, and of course I will give you an autograph

Aima (writes on the autograph): Your name

John: I'm John

Kanisha: And you probably already know, but I'm Kanisha

Aima (writes the autograph): Kanisha, what a cute name

Kanisha: (giggles nervously) Thank you

(Aima gives the notebook to John and gives the pencil to Kanisha)

Aima (looks at Daphne and Yari): Hey, I saw you two at my last autograph signing

Yari: Yeah

Daphne: Nice to meet you again

Aurora: You are all fans, I thought I was the only one

Kanisha: Nope, we all had watch a marathon of the movies she is in

Aima: I am honored

Amanda: Alright, we have to go or we will be late for the buffet at the palace

Aima: Of course, bye

Everybody: Bye

(The screen shows everybody at the palace)

The prince: It's good to see you again, Kanisha, I owe you my life

Kanisha: It was nothing, I love to help

The prince (looks at Kanisha's ring): So, are you finally going to tell me who's the lucky person to be married to you

Kanisha: I told you it's the other way around

The prince: Just tell me

Kanisha: Well? Her name is Melanie, she is a detective and a vampire

The prince: You never stop surprising me

Daphne: Can you believe Kanisha knows a prince?

Yari: Ironically yes

John: Isn't he just close to her?

The prince: It must be hard that you never age

Kanisha: It was, but having them as friends is easier

(John, Daphne, and Yari are smiling)

(Aurora is looking at the the ancient writings)

A voice: Find it interesting

Aurora: Yeah (looks at Kanisha)

(Kanisha is smiling, while talking to the prince)

(The screen shows Kanisha, Daphne, Aurora, John, and Yari walk out of the palace, waving goodbye)

John: Kanisha, that prince was a bit close

Yari: I agree

Kanisha: You guys are worrying too much, he just likes my superhero life

(Daphne, Yari, and John look unconvinced)

Aurora (walks up to Kanisha): Hey, Kanisha, can I talk to you later alone

Kanisha: Sure, just name the time and the place

Aurora: Alright

Daphne: Wow, that was fast

John: Kanisha, has a way of connecting to people

Yari: True

(Episode ends)